gRPC image stream interface¶
The gRPC image streaming interface can be used as an alternative to the GigE Vision / GenICam interface for getting camera images and synchronized sets of images (e.g. left camera image and corresponding disparity image). gRPC is a remote procedure call system that also supports streaming. It uses Protocol Buffers (see as interface description language and data serialization. For a gRPC introduction and more details please see the official website (
The advantages of the gRPC interface in comparison to GigE Vision are:
- It is simpler to use in own programs than GigE Vision.
- There is gRPC support for a lot of programming languages (see
- The communication is based on TCP instead of UDP and therefore it also works over less stable networks, e.g. WLAN.
The disadvantages of the gRPC interface in comparison to GigE Vision are:
- It does not support changing parameters, but the REST-API interface can be used for changing parameters.
- It is not a standard vision interface like GigE Vision.
The rc_cube provides synchronized image sets via gRPC server side streams on a separate port for each pipeline. The port is 50051 + pipeline number, so 50051 for pipeline 0, 50052 for pipeline 1, etc.
The communication is started by sending an ImageSetRequest
message to the server. The message contains the information about requested
images, i.e. left, right, disparity, confidence and disparity_error images can
be enabled separately.
After getting the request, the server starts continuously sending ImageSet
messages that contain all requested images with all parameters necessary for
interpreting the images. The images that are contained in an ImageSet
message are synchronized, i.e. they are all captured at the same time. The only
exception to this rule is if the
is set to AlternateExposureActive
. In this case, the camera and disparity
images are taken 40 ms apart, so that the GPIO Out1 is LOW when the
left and right images are taken, and HIGH for the disparity, confidence and
error images. This mode is useful when a random dot projector is used,
because the projector would be off for capturing the left and
right image, and on for the disparity image, which results in undisturbed camera
images and a much denser and more accurate disparity image.
Streaming of images is done until the client closes the connection.
gRPC service definition¶
syntax = "proto3";
message Time
int32 sec = 1; ///< Seconds
int32 nsec = 2; ///< Nanoseconds
message Gpios
uint32 inputs = 1; ///< bitmask of available inputs
uint32 outputs = 2; ///< bitmask of available outputs
uint32 values = 3; ///< bitmask of GPIO values
message Image
Time timestamp = 1; ///< Acquisition timestamp of the image
uint32 height = 2; ///< image height (number of rows)
uint32 width = 3; ///< image width (number of columns)
float focal_length = 4; ///< focal length in pixels
float principal_point_u = 5; ///< horizontal position of the principal point
float principal_point_v = 6; ///< vertical position of the principal point
string encoding = 7; ///< Encoding of pixels ["mono8", "mono16", "rgb8"]
bool is_bigendian = 8; ///< is data bigendian, (in our case false)
uint32 step = 9; ///< full row length in bytes
bytes data = 10; ///< actual matrix data, size is (step * height)
Gpios gpios = 11; ///< GPIOs as of acquisition timestamp
float exposure_time = 12; ///< exposure time in seconds
float gain = 13; ///< gain factor in decibel
float noise = 14; ///< noise
float out1_reduction = 16; ///< Fraction of reduction (0.0 - 1.0) of exposure time for images with GPIO Out1=Low in exp_auto_mode=AdaptiveOut1
float brightness = 17; ///< Current brightness of the image as value between 0 and 1
message DisparityImage
Time timestamp = 1; ///< Acquisition timestamp of the image
float scale = 2; ///< scale factor
float offset = 3; ///< offset in pixels (in our case 0)
float invalid_data_value = 4; ///< value used to mark pixels as invalid (in our case 0)
float baseline = 5; ///< baseline in meters
float delta_d = 6; ///< Smallest allowed disparity increment. The smallest achievable depth range resolution is delta_Z = (Z^2/image.focal_length*baseline)*delta_d.
Image image = 7; ///< disparity image
message Mesh
Time timestamp = 1; ///< Acquisition timestamp of disparity image from which the mesh is computed
string format = 2; ///< currently only "ply" is supported
bytes data = 3; ///< actual mesh data
message ImageSet
Time timestamp = 1;
Image left = 2;
Image right = 3;
DisparityImage disparity = 4;
Image disparity_error = 5;
Image confidence = 6;
Mesh mesh = 7;
message MeshOptions
uint32 max_points = 1; ///< limit maximum number of points, zero means default (up to 3.1MP), minimum is 1000
enum BinningMethod {
AVERAGE = 0; ///< average over all points in bin
MIN_DEPTH = 1; ///< use point with minimum depth (i.e. closest to camera) in bin
BinningMethod binning_method = 2; ///< method used for binning if limited by max_points
bool watertight = 3; ///< connect all edges and fill all holes, e.g. for collision checking
bool textured = 4; ///< add texture information to mesh
message ImageSetRequest
bool left_enabled = 1;
bool right_enabled = 2;
bool disparity_enabled = 3;
bool disparity_error_enabled = 4;
bool confidence_enabled = 5;
bool mesh_enabled = 6;
MeshOptions mesh_options = 7;
bool color = 8; ///< send left/right image as color (rgb8) images
service ImageInterface
// A server-to-client streaming RPC.
rpc StreamImageSets(ImageSetRequest) returns (stream ImageSet) {}
Image stream conversions¶
The conversion of disparity images into a point cloud can be done as described in the GigE Vision / GenICam interface.