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Temperature State (blaze)#

The Temperature State feature available on blaze cameras indicates whether the camera's internal temperature is normal or too high.

Use the Device Temperature (blaze) feature to determine the camera's current temperature.

Using the Feature#

How It Works#

Information about the internal temperature is provided by the following parameters:

  • The DeviceTemperature parameter value shows the current temperature of the location specified by the DeviceTemperatureSelector. For more information, see the Device Temperature (blaze) topic.
  • The TemperatureState parameter value tells you the camera's current internal temperature state:
    • Ok: The device temperature is within the normal operating temperature range.
    • Critical: The device temperature is close to or at the allowed maximum. Provide cooling.
    • Error: The device temperature is above the allowed maximum. Provide cooling.

When the TemperatureState parameter value is Critical or Error, the camera provides a set of mechanisms that alert the user and help to protect the camera.

The mechanisms take effect at different device temperatures, depending on the alert level and on whether the camera is heating up or cooling down.


Normal camera operation requires that the temperature state stays at Ok and the housing temperature stays within the allowed range. To ensure this, follow the guidelines set out in the Providing Heat Dissipation (blaze) topic.

At elevated temperatures, the camera's lifetime is shortened and image quality may degrade.

Heating Path and Cooling Path

Heating Path#

Critical Temperature Threshold#

When the device temperature reaches the critical temperature threshold, the camera is close to becoming too hot.

In this situation, the following happens:

  • The TemperatureState parameter value changes to Critical.
Over Temperature Threshold#

When the device temperature reaches the over temperature threshold, the camera is too hot. Image acquisition will stop automatically to protect the camera from getting damaged.

In this situation, the following happens:

  • The TemperatureState parameter value changes to Error.
  • Image acquisition stops and can't be started until the device has cooled down (see below).
  • The Error Code (blaze) feature reports an over temperature error code.


Another Over Temperature event can only be sent after the device temperature has fallen to at least 4 °C below the over temperature threshold.

Cooling Path#

Over Temperature Threshold#

When the device temperature falls below the over temperature threshold, the following happens:

  • The TemperatureState parameter value changes from Error to Critical.

When the device temperature falls to 4 °C below the over temperature threshold, image acquisition can be started again.

Critical Temperature Threshold#

When the device temperature falls below the critical temperature threshold, the TemperatureState parameter value changes to Ok.

The camera's temperature state and internal temperature are normal and therefore allow normal camera operation.

Temperature Thresholds#

Temperature Sensor Critical Temperature Threshold Over Temperature Threshold
CPU 81 °C 85 °C
Sensor Board 71 °C 75 °C
Illumination Board 81 °C 85 °C

As soon as the temperature at one of the sensors has exceeded the threshold, the temperature state changes.

Determining the Temperature State#

  1. Get the TemperatureState parameter value.
  2. If the parameter value is Critical or Error, you must cool the camera until the parameter value is Ok.

To make full use of the Temperature State feature:

  • Use the Device Temperature feature to determine the exact temperature at various locations of the camera.
  • Check the LastError parameter value to determine whether the camera was too hot.