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pylon GigE Configurator (CLI Version)#

This topic gives you an overview of the command-line version of the pylon GigE Configurator.

Using the Configurator#

The tool offers three configuration modes. Depending on your requirements, choose whether you want to use the tool to configure your entire system or just parts of it:

In addition, there is a dry-run mode that allows you to check the changes the tool would make before actually running the tool. Any changes can be logged if required.

Running the Configurator#

To run the command-line version of the pylon GigE Configurator:

  1. Make sure pylon version 7.1 or higher is installed.
  2. Open a command line.
  3. On the command line, navigate to your pylon installation directory, e.g., %programfiles%\Basler\pylon x\Runtime\x64 (Windows) or /opt/pylon x/bin (Linux).
  4. Run PylonGigEConfigurator from the command line.


  • To configure network adapters, the configurator needs to be started with admin or sudo rights.
  • To avoid network conflicts, make sure only cameras are connected to your network adapter or switch.

Available Commands#

The tool accepts the following commands and options:

Command Explanation
list Displays a list of active network adapters and their current configuration.
auto-ip Configures the IP addresses and subnet masks of network adapters and attached cameras.
auto-opt Optimizes network adapters and system settings (e.g., Jumbo Frames, Interrupt Moderation Rate, Receive Descriptors) for best streaming performance.
auto-all Runs both auto-opt and auto-ip.
Option Explanation
-h or --help Shows help.
-l or --log <filename> Logs to the file specified. Defaults to <TEMP>/<appname>_<timestamp>.log.
-n or --dry-run Enables the dry-run mode. This allows you to check the proposed changes before setting any parameters.
-a or --adaptername <name> Enforces assigning an IP address and/or optimizing the settings of the specified adapter.
--class <A, B, C> When setting IP addresses, uses private addresses from the specified network class. Valid network classes are A, B, or C. Defaults to C.


PylonGigEConfigurator list

PylonGigEConfigurator auto-all -h

PylonGigEConfigurator auto-ip -a "Ethernet 2" --class C

Optimizing the System#

The auto-all command optimizes your GigE network and camera setup in one single step.

Command Syntax
PylonGigEConfigurator auto-all [-a <name> ...] [--class <A | B | C>] [-n] [-h] [-l <filename>]

How It Works#

Executing the auto-all command does the following:

  1. Runs the auto-ip command to configure the IP addresses and subnet masks of network adapters and attached cameras.
  2. Runs the auto-opt command to configure your network adapters and your system settings for best streaming performance.

For more information, see the documentation for both commands.

Configuring IP Addresses#

The auto-ip command configures the IP addresses and subnet masks of network adapters and attached cameras.

Command Syntax
PylonGigEConfigurator auto-ip [-a <name> ...] [--class <A | B | C>] [-n] [-h] [-l <filename>]

The auto-ip command scans all local GigE network adapters and checks for connected cameras. If no camera has been detected, the given adapter is skipped and won't be configured.

Then, the tool configures the IP addresses of all GigE network adapters and their connected cameras in ascending order.

You can force the IP configuration of a network adapter by using the -a option, followed by the adapter's name. In this case, the adapter will always be configured, regardless of whether a camera is connected or not.

Also, you can configure a network adapter within the address ranges of other network classes, e.g., class A or class B. To do so, use the the --class option followed by the class type, e.g., --class B.

If you omit the --class option, the tool automatically uses the address range from network class C, e.g.,


PylonGigEConfigurator auto-ip
PylonGigEConfigurator auto-ip -a "Ethernet 2" -a "Ethernet 3"
PylonGigEConfigurator auto-ip -a "Ethernet 2" --class C

Configuring Network Settings#

The auto-opt command optimizes your network adapters and your system settings for best streaming performance.

Command Syntax
PylonGigEConfigurator auto-opt [-a <name> ...] [-n] [-h] [-l <filename>]

The auto-opt command scans all local GigE network adapters and checks for connected cameras. If no camera has been detected, the given adapter is skipped and won't be configured.

Then, the tool optimizes all GigE network adapters with connected cameras in ascending order.

You can force the optimization of a network adapter by using the -a option, followed by the adapter's name. In this case, the adapter will always be configured, regardless of whether a camera is connected or not.

To find out which parameters will be optimized, read the Affected Network Parameters topic.


PylonGigEConfigurator auto-opt

PylonGigEConfigurator auto-opt -a "Ethernet 2"

Dry-run Mode#

The dry-run mode allows you check the changes to your system before applying them.

In dry-run mode, the configurator shows you all configuration and optimization steps that will be performed when you execute the tool.

You can enable the dry-run mode by using the -n or --dry-run option with any command.


PylonGigEConfigurator auto-all -n

PylonGigEConfigurator auto-ip -n

PylonGigEConfigurator auto-opt -n

Logging Changes#

The configurator allows you to create log files for diagnostic purposes.

Command Syntax
PylonGigEConfigurator auto-opt [-a <name> ...] [-n] [-h] [-l <filename>]

You can log all changes made by the configurator with the -l or --log option. If you want to log the changes to a user-defined file and directory, append the file name, e.g., -l log.txt.

By default, the configurator logs all changes into a log file in the following temp folders:

  • Windows : %TEMP%\PylonGigEConfigurator_<timestamp>.log
  • Linux : ~/.local/temp/PylonGigEConfigurator_<timestamp>.log


PylonGigEConfigurator auto-all -l log.txt