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Basler.Pylon Class List#

Provides classes and interfaces to find cameras, to parametrize cameras, and to acquire images.


Public classActionCommandResult Contains detailed results of calling Issue or Schedule methods.
Public classActionCommandTrigger Provides simplified access to GigE action commands. It can be used to automatically or manually configure the DeviceKey, GroupKey, and GroupMask features for cameras. It can also configure the camera's trigger and set the trigger source to action command. In addition, there are some static methods for issuing and scheduling an action command.
Public classAdvancedParameterAccessKey Provides advanced parameter information
Public classArrayBufferFactory(T) A basic buffer factory that allocates arrays of a given type provided by the generic parameter.
Public classAviVideoWriter Provides a convenient way to save AVI video files using Video for Windows (VfW).
Public classCamera Provides convenient access to a camera device.
Public classCameraFinder The camera finder can be used to query information about camera devices connected to the system.
Public classCameraInfoKey Provides standard camera info key names.
Public classConfiguration Provides standard camera configurations.
Public classDataContainerFactory Provides a factory for data container.
Public classDeviceType Lists common device types.
Public classGrabStopEventArgs Provides data for the GrabStopping & GrabStopped events.
Public classImageDecompressor Provides convenient access to cameras that support image compression and helps with decompressing these images.
Public classImageGrabbedEventArgs Provides data for the ImageGrabbed event
Public classImagePersistence Contains static methods that support saving of images.
Public classImageWindow Displays an IImage or IGrabResult on screen.
Public classInterface Provides convenient access to an interface.
Public classInterfaceFinder The interface finder can be used to query information about interfaces in the system.
Public classInterfaceInfoKey Provides standard interface info key names.
Public classIpConfigurator This class provides helper functions to work with IP based camera devices.
Public classLibrary Library provides some basic information on the PylonNET library, such as its version and the available transport layers.
Public classParameterChangedEventArgs Event arguments used when a parameter change event is raised from interface class IParameter.
Public classParameterListEnum Advanced: This class is used to create parameter lists.
Public classParameterPath Lists common objects.
Public classParameterValueChangedEventArgs Event arguments used when a parameter value change event is raised from interface class IParameter.
Public classPixelDataConverter Creates new images by converting a source image to another format.
Public classPLCamera List of all parameter names available for Basler camera devices
Public classPLCamera.BslDemosaicingMethodEnum

Sets the demosaicing method.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslDemosaicingModeEnum

Sets the demosaicing mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslDualROIRowSelectorEnum

Sets which row can be configured.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslDualROIRowOffset, BslDualROIRowSize

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslEnableFanEnum

Enables the external fan if one is connected.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

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Public classPLCamera.BslFlatFieldCorrectionModeEnum

Sets the flat-field correction mode.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLCamera.BslImageStampEnum

Enables image stamping. If enabled, the first pixels of the image will contain metadata (e.g., an image counter) instead of visual information.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslLightControlErrorSummaryEnum

Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLCamera.BslLightControlTriggerActivationEnum

Sets the type of signal transition that will trigger connected light devices.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLCamera.BslLightControlTriggerSourceEnum

Sets which signal is used to trigger connected light devices.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLCamera.BslLightDeviceControlModeEnum

Sets how the light device is controlled.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslLightDeviceErrorStatusEnum

Error status indicating whether the current light device is experiencing problems.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslLightDeviceNewIDEnum

Sets which ID should be assigned to the current light device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatusEnum

Returns the file status of the defect pixel correction file.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionModeEnum

Sets the static defect pixel correction mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestModeEnum

Enables or disables the static defect pixel correction test mode. In test mode, all corrected pixels are set to completely white. This helps to find pixels that are being corrected in your images.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLCamera.BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelectorEnum

Sets which x coordinate entry can be configured.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXCoordinate

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCamera.BslTransferBitDepthEnum

Sets the bit depth used for internal image processing. Lowering the transfer bit depth increases the frame rate, but image quality may degrade.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLCamera.BslTransferBitDepthModeEnum

Sets the transfer bit depth mode.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLCamera.BslUSBPowerSourceEnum

Indicates how power is supplied to the device.

Applies to: ace 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Guru

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Public classPLCamera.ExposureTimeSelectorEnum

Sets which component the Exposure Time parameter value applies to.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: ExposureTime

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLCameraInstance List of all parameter names available for CameraInstance
Public classPLCameraInstance.BufferHandlingModeEnum

Determines whether the number of available buffers is limited and when they are allocated.

Visibility: Expert

Public classPLChunkData List of all parameter names available for chunk data of Basler camera devices
Public classPLEventGrabber List of all parameter names available for pylon event grabbers
Public classPLInterface List of all parameter names available for pylon interfaces
Public classPLInterface.DiscoveryMethodEnum

Discovery Method to look for remote devices. One can switch it to discover only real cameras, emulated cameras or both. The maximum number of emulated cameras is the maximum number of acquisition channels, which is applet dependent.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLPixelDataConverter List of all parameter names available for the Pixel Data Converter
Public classPLStream List of all parameter names available for pylon stream grabbers
Public classPLTransportLayer List of all parameter names available for pylon device transport layers
Public classPLTransportLayer.CustomSignalEvent0PolarityEnum

Select the signal polarity for the custom signal event 0

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CustomSignalEvent0SourceEnum

Select the signal source for the custom signal event 0.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CustomSignalEvent1PolarityEnum

Select the signal polarity for the custom signal event 1

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CustomSignalEvent1SourceEnum

Select the signal source for the custom signal event 1

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger0SourceEdgeEnum

Selects the signal edge of the output signal on CXPLinkTrigger0.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger0SourceEnum

Sets the output source for CXP LinkTrigger0.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger1SourceEdgeEnum

Selects the signal edge of the output signal on CXP LinkTrigger1.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger1SourceEnum

Sets the output source for CXP LinkTrigger1.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger2SourceEdgeEnum

Selects the signal edge of the output signal on CXP LinkTrigger2.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger2SourceEnum

Sets the output source for CXP LinkTrigger2.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger3SourceEdgeEnum

Selects the signal edge of the output signal on CXP LinkTrigger3.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.CxpLinkTrigger3SourceEnum

Sets the output source CXP LinkTrigger3.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ExSyncOnEnum

Enables or disables the ExSync output to the camera. Make sure that the camera is expecting this signal and interprets it in the expected way. The polarity of this signal is relevant for proper functionality.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ExSyncPolarityEnum

Sets the polarity of the ExSync output signal. Adjusts the polarity of the Exsync signal genarator to the polarity accepted by the connected camera. Use LowActive, if the camera starts exposure on a falling edge, otherwise use HighActive.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.FlashOnEnum

Switches the flash signal on or off. The pulse width of the flash signal is equal to one line period. The flash gives a signal between the first and second Exsync rising edge. A single trigger is sent for a full frame.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.FlashPolarityEnum

Sets the generated flash signal polarity.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ImageTriggerInputPolarityEnum

Sets the polarity of the image trigger input.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ImageTriggerInputSourceEnum

Sets the image trigger input signal source, which is used to trigger the image acquisition. This is only relevant if the Image Trigger Mode is set to Extern/Gate.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ImageTriggerIsBusyEnum

With this read-only value it is possible to check whether the image trigger is busy, i.e. whether an image is currently being acquired. During this time an additional image trigger is ignored.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ImageTriggerModeEnum

Sets the trigger mode for the image generation. An image trigger can define the start and length of an image. FreeRun: All incoming lines received from the camera are accepted. Image size is defined by the ROI. ASync_External_Trigger: At the rising edge of an accepted image trigger input signal, a new frame is started and incoming lines are appended to an image up to ROI-Height. A new rising edge of the image trigger is only accepted after the current frame is finished. Gated_External_Trigger: In gated mode, the input signal active state Sets the height of the resulting frame. ROI-Height is the maximum height. _Multibuffer modes can handle a certain number of lines for multiple frames of ROI size.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ImageTriggerOnEnum

Enables or disables the image trigger module. The OFF state corresponds to FreeRun.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.LineTriggerInPolarityEnum

Sets the polarity of the external input trigger signal encoder source A and source B. When set to LowActive, the Exsync generator starts on a falling edge of the signal specified as frame trigger. Otherwise, the Exsync generation starts on a rising edge. This is only relevant if the TriggerMode is set to Extern_Trigger.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.LineTriggerInSourceEnum

Sets the trigger input signal source for the ExSync generation. This signal is also interpreted as source A when using a shaft encoder. This is only relevant, if the TriggerMode is set to ASync_Trigger.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLTransportLayer.LineTriggerModeEnum

Sets the operation mode for the Exsync signal generation. The source for the external trigger input can be selected via the parameters SourceA and SourceB. Grabber_Controlled: Exsync is generated periodically by the internal signal generator. ASync_Trigger: Each external trigger signal from a peripheral device is used to generate an ExSync based on the defined exposure time. Grabber_Controlled_Gated: Exsync is generated periodically by the internal signal generator during the acquisition of a frame. Extern_Trigger_Gated: An external trigger signal from a peripheral device is used to generate the ExSync during the acquisition of a frame only.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLTransportLayer.OverflowEventSelectEnum

An overflow event can be generated on each incomplete, lost or correct frame. With this enumeration, you can select which permutation of these three events is reported via overflow event.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.SetSoftwareTriggerEnum

Turns software trigger signal on or off. With this parameter a software gate can be produced in case of an externally gated image trigger mode.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum

Enables or disables the shaft encoder rollback compensation. This parameter is relevant in case of a shaft encoder AB configuration. If switched to ON, in case of shaft encoder backward movement, the operator counts how many shaft encoder steps the shaft encoder moves backwards. When the shaft encoder moves forwards again, this number of shaft encoder steps (now forward direction) is not transmitted as external trigger signals. Only after the transportation belt is back to the place where the backward movement started, the shaft encoder steps (forward direction) are transmitted as external trigger signals again. If switched to OFF, the operator simply doesn't transmit any trigger signals as long as the transportation belt moves backwards. As soon as the transport belt starts to move forwards again, the operator transmits the shaft encoder steps (forward direction) as trigger signals.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderInputSourceEnum

Sets the trigger input signal source for the ExSync generation. This signal is also interpreted as source B when using a shaft encoder. This is only relevant if the TriggerMode is set to ASync_Trigger.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderLeadingEnum

Sets the leading signal / direction for the shaft encoder. A foreward movement is defined by a rising edge of signal A before signal B, if the parameter is set to Signal_AB. Source_A: Forward is defined by A before B. Source_B: Forward is defined by B before A.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderModeEnum

Sets the shaft encoder mode. Filter_x1: Exsync is generated for a forward rotation of the shaft encoder in single resolution, i.e., a trigger pulse for a rising edge of LineTrgInSourceA. Filter_x2: Exsync is generated for a forward rotation of the shaft encoder in double resolution, i.e., a trigger pulse for a rising edge of LineTrgInSourceA and a rising edge of LineTrgInSourceB. Filter_x4: Exsync is generated for a forward rotation of the shaft encoder in quad resolution, i.e., a trigger pulse for a rising and a falling edge of LineTrgInSourceA and a rising and a falling edge of LineTrgInSourceB.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderOnEnum

Enables or disbales the shaft encoder. Sets whether a single trigger input (off = A only) is used for the Exsync generation, or the signals A and B (on).

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.SignalAnalyzer0PolarityEnum

Sets the signal analyzer 0 polarity.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.SignalAnalyzer0SourceEnum

Sets the signal source analyzer module 0.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.SignalAnalyzer1PolarityEnum

Sets the signal analyzer module 0 polarity.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.SignalAnalyzer1SourceEnum

Sets the signal source analyzer module 0.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TapGeometryEnum

Select the tap geometry according to the GenICam SFNC.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerFrontOutGPO0PolarityEnum

Sets the front GPO 0 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerFrontOutGPO1PolarityEnum

Sets the front GPO 1 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutFrontGPO0SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for the front GPO 0 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutFrontGPO1SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for the front GPO 1 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO0PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 0 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO0SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 0 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO1PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 1 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO1SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 1 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO2PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 2 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO2SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 2 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO3PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 3 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO3SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 3 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO4PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 4 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO4SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 4 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO5PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 5 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO5SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 5 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO6PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 6 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO6SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 6 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO7PolarityEnum

Sets the GPO 7 signal polarity. This parameter is ignored if the source is VCC or GND.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutGPO7SourceEnum

Sets the signal source for GPO 7 output.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.TriggerOutputEventSelectEnum

Select the pulse form generator for event monitoring.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public classPLTransportLayer.VantagePointEnum

Vantage point. Use for mirroring. If VantagePoint is set to TopRight or BottomRight Width + XOffset must be smaller than SensorWidth. If VantagePoint is set to BottomLeft or BottomRight, the Height + YOffset must be smaller than SensorHeight.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public classPLVideoWriter List of all parameter names available for the Video Writer
Public classTLType Provides the names of the transport layer types.
Public classTransportLayerInfoKey Provides standard transport layer info key names.
Public classVideoWriter Provides a convenient way to save video files using the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4.


Public structureArrayName Defines an array parameter name by combining the parameter name string and the parameter type information.
Public structureBooleanName Defines a boolean parameter name by combining the parameter name string and the parameter type information.
Public structureCommandName Defines a command parameter name by combining the parameter name string and the parameter type information.
Public structureCompressionInfo The struct containing information about a grab buffer/result.
Public structureEnumName Defines an enum parameter name by combining the parameter name string and the parameter type information.
Public structureFloatName Defines a float parameter name by combining the parameter name string and the parameter type information.
Public structureIntegerName Defines an integer parameter name by combining the parameter name string and the parameter type information.
Public structureStringName Defines a string parameter name by combining the parameter name string and the parameter type information.


Public interfaceIAdvancedParameterAccess Provides advanced parameter services.
Public interfaceIArrayParameter Interface class for array parameter access.
Public interfaceIBooleanParameter Interface class for boolean parameters.
Public interfaceIBufferFactory Implement this interface to provide custom memory allocation.
Public interfaceICamera Provides convenient access to a camera device.
Public interfaceICameraInfo Provides access to the properties of a camera device.
Public interfaceICommandParameter Interface class for command parameters.
Public interfaceIDataComponent Provides methods for accessing a single data component.
Public interfaceCode exampleIDataContainer Provides methods for accessing grab results consisting of multiple components
Public interfaceIEnumParameter Interface class for enumeration parameters. An enumeration parameter is enumerable. The enumerator lists all currently settable values.
Public interfaceIFloatParameter Interface class for float parameters.
Public interfaceIGrabResult Interface of the grab result data.
Public interfaceIImage Provides access to image properties and image buffer.
Public interfaceIInfo Provides access to the properties of an info object.
Public interfaceIIntegerParameter Interface class for integer parameters.
Public interfaceIInterface Provides convenient access to an interface.
Public interfaceIInterfaceInfo Provides access to the properties of an interface.
Public interfaceIParameter Interface base class of all parameters.
Public interfaceIParameterCollection Represents a collection of parameters that are identified by a path, a name, and a type.
Public interfaceIRawParameter Interface class for raw parameter access.
Public interfaceIStreamGrabber Provides convenient access to the StreamGrabber.
Public interfaceIStringParameter Interface class for string parameters.
Public interfaceITransportLayerInfo Provides access to the properties of a transport layer.
Public interfaceIVideoWriter Provides a convenient way to save video files.


Public enumerationActionCommandStatus Lists possible status codes returned by Basler.Pylon.ActionCommandTrigger.Issue or Basler.Pylon.ActionCommandTrigger.Schedule.
Public enumerationCameraSelectionStrategy Lists possible strategies for selecting a camera device.
Public enumerationComponentType Provides standard component types.
Public enumerationCompressionMode Mode used for transferring images.
Public enumerationCompressionStatus Status of a grab buffer/result with compressed data.
Public enumerationDeviceAccessibilityInfo Describes the accessibility state of a camera device.
Public enumerationEndianness Endianness for parsing the grab buffer/result as defined for the camera technology used.
Public enumerationFloatValueCorrection Lists possible float value correction strategies.
Public enumerationGrabLoop Defines the use of an additional grab loop thread.
Public enumerationGrabStopReason States the reason why a GrabStopping or GrabStopped event occurred.
Public enumerationGrabStrategy Lists the possible grab strategies.
Public enumerationImageFileFormat List of available file formats for ImagePersistence.
Public enumerationImageOrientation Defines the vertical orientation of an image in memory.
Public enumerationIntegerValueCorrection Lists possible integer value corrections.
Public enumerationIpConfigurationMethod Lists the possible IP address configuration methods.
Public enumerationParameterRelation Lists possible relationships between parameters.
Public enumerationPayloadType The list of possible payload types.
Public enumerationPixelColorFilter Lists the Bayer color filter types.
Public enumerationPixelType The PixelType specifies the pixel format and layout of a grab result or an image.
Public enumerationShowMode Defines the way an image window is shown. These constants follow the ShowWindow API.
Public enumerationTimeoutHandling Defines how a timeout is handled by a method.