Name | |
class | Basler_UniversalCameraParams::CUniversalCameraParams_Params A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for Basler camera devices. |
class | Basler_UniversalCameraParams::CUniversalCameraParams_Params_v8_0_0 A parameter class containing all parameters as members that are available for Basler camera devices. |
Name | |
enum | AcquisitionFrameRateEnumEnums { AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate24, AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate25, AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate30, AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate50, AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate60} Valid values for AcquisitionFrameRateEnum. |
enum | AcquisitionModeEnums { AcquisitionMode_Continuous, AcquisitionMode_MultiFrame, AcquisitionMode_SingleFrame} Valid values for AcquisitionMode. |
enum | AcquisitionStatusSelectorEnums { AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionActive, AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionIdle, AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionTransfer, AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionTriggerWait, AcquisitionStatusSelector_ExposureActive, AcquisitionStatusSelector_ExposureTriggerWait, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FlashWindow, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameActive, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstActive, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstTriggerActive, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstTriggerTransfer, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstTriggerWait, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameTransfer, AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameTriggerWait, AcquisitionStatusSelector_LineTriggerWait} Valid values for AcquisitionStatusSelector. |
enum | AutoFunctionAOISelectorEnums { AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI1, AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI2, AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI3, AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI4, AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI5, AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI6, AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI7, AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI8} Valid values for AutoFunctionAOISelector. |
enum | AutoFunctionProfileEnums { AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlicker50Hz, AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlicker60Hz, AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlickerAuto, AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlickerOff, AutoFunctionProfile_ExposureMinimum, AutoFunctionProfile_ExposureMinimumQuick, AutoFunctionProfile_GainMinimum, AutoFunctionProfile_GainMinimumQuick, AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeExposureTime, AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeExposureTimeQuick, AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeGain, AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeGainQuick, AutoFunctionProfile_Smart} Valid values for AutoFunctionProfile. |
enum | AutoFunctionROISelectorEnums { AutoFunctionROISelector_ROI1, AutoFunctionROISelector_ROI2} Valid values for AutoFunctionROISelector. |
enum | AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelectorEnums { AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector_Bright, AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector_Dark, AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector_DarkAndBright} Valid values for AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector. |
enum | AutoTonalRangeModeSelectorEnums { AutoTonalRangeModeSelector_Color, AutoTonalRangeModeSelector_ColorAndContrast, AutoTonalRangeModeSelector_Contrast} Valid values for AutoTonalRangeModeSelector. |
enum | BLCSerialPortBaudRateEnums { BLCSerialPortBaudRate_Baud115200} Valid values for BLCSerialPortBaudRate. |
enum | BLCSerialPortParityEnums { BLCSerialPortParity_Even, BLCSerialPortParity_Odd, BLCSerialPortParity_Off} Valid values for BLCSerialPortParity. |
enum | BLCSerialPortSourceEnums { BLCSerialPortSource_Line3, BLCSerialPortSource_Line4, BLCSerialPortSource_Off} Valid values for BLCSerialPortSource. |
enum | BLCSerialPortStopBitsEnums { BLCSerialPortStopBits_StopBits0, BLCSerialPortStopBits_StopBits1} Valid values for BLCSerialPortStopBits. |
enum | BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatusEnums { BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus_Empty, BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus_Filled, BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus_Full} Valid values for BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus. |
enum | BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatusEnums { BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus_Empty, BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus_Filled, BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus_Full} Valid values for BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus. |
enum | BalanceRatioSelectorEnums { BalanceRatioSelector_Blue, BalanceRatioSelector_Green, BalanceRatioSelector_Red} Valid values for BalanceRatioSelector. |
enum | BalanceWhiteAutoEnums { BalanceWhiteAuto_Continuous, BalanceWhiteAuto_Off, BalanceWhiteAuto_Once} Valid values for BalanceWhiteAuto. |
enum | BandwidthReserveModeEnums { BandwidthReserveMode_Manual, BandwidthReserveMode_Performance, BandwidthReserveMode_Standard} Valid values for BandwidthReserveMode. |
enum | BinningHorizontalModeEnums { BinningHorizontalMode_Average, BinningHorizontalMode_Sum} Valid values for BinningHorizontalMode. |
enum | BinningModeHorizontalEnums { BinningModeHorizontal_Averaging, BinningModeHorizontal_Summing} Valid values for BinningModeHorizontal. |
enum | BinningModeVerticalEnums { BinningModeVertical_Averaging, BinningModeVertical_Summing} Valid values for BinningModeVertical. |
enum | BinningSelectorEnums { BinningSelector_Region1, BinningSelector_Sensor} Valid values for BinningSelector. |
enum | BinningVerticalModeEnums { BinningVerticalMode_Average, BinningVerticalMode_Sum} Valid values for BinningVerticalMode. |
enum | BlackLevelSelectorEnums { BlackLevelSelector_All, BlackLevelSelector_AnalogAll, BlackLevelSelector_Blue, BlackLevelSelector_DigitalAll, BlackLevelSelector_Green, BlackLevelSelector_Red, BlackLevelSelector_Tap1, BlackLevelSelector_Tap2, BlackLevelSelector_Tap3, BlackLevelSelector_Tap4} Valid values for BlackLevelSelector. |
enum | BslAcquisitionBurstModeEnums { BslAcquisitionBurstMode_HighSpeed, BslAcquisitionBurstMode_Standard} Valid values for BslAcquisitionBurstMode. |
enum | BslAcquisitionStopModeEnums { BslAcquisitionStopMode_AbortExposure, BslAcquisitionStopMode_CompleteExposure} Valid values for BslAcquisitionStopMode. |
enum | BslAdaptiveToneMappingModeEnums { BslAdaptiveToneMappingMode_Auto, BslAdaptiveToneMappingMode_Off} Valid values for BslAdaptiveToneMappingMode. |
enum | BslBlackLevelCompensationModeEnums { BslBlackLevelCompensationMode_Off, BslBlackLevelCompensationMode_Sensor} Valid values for BslBlackLevelCompensationMode. |
enum | BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatusEnums { BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus_Disabled, BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus_TargetNotReached, BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus_TargetReached} Valid values for BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus. |
enum | BslChunkTimestampSelectorEnums { BslChunkTimestampSelector_ExposureEnd, BslChunkTimestampSelector_ExposureStart, BslChunkTimestampSelector_FrameStart} Valid values for BslChunkTimestampSelector. |
enum | BslColorAdjustmentSelectorEnums { BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Blue, BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Cyan, BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Green, BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Magenta, BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Red, BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Yellow} Valid values for BslColorAdjustmentSelector. |
enum | BslColorSpaceEnums { BslColorSpace_Off, BslColorSpace_sRgb} Valid values for BslColorSpace. |
enum | BslColorSpaceModeEnums { BslColorSpaceMode_RGB, BslColorSpaceMode_sRGB} Valid values for BslColorSpaceMode. |
enum | BslContrastModeEnums { BslContrastMode_Linear, BslContrastMode_SCurve} Valid values for BslContrastMode. |
enum | BslDefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums { BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode_Off, BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode_On, BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode_StaticOnly} Valid values for BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode. |
enum | BslDemosaicingMethodEnums { BslDemosaicingMethod_AverageGreen, BslDemosaicingMethod_BaslerPGI, BslDemosaicingMethod_NearestNeighbor, BslDemosaicingMethod_Unilinear} Valid values for BslDemosaicingMethod. |
enum | BslDemosaicingModeEnums { BslDemosaicingMode_Auto, BslDemosaicingMode_Manual} Valid values for BslDemosaicingMode. |
enum | BslDualROIRowSelectorEnums { BslDualROIRowSelector_Row1, BslDualROIRowSelector_Row2} Valid values for BslDualROIRowSelector. |
enum | BslEnableFanEnums { BslEnableFan_Off, BslEnableFan_On} Valid values for BslEnableFan. |
enum | BslExposureTimeModeEnums { BslExposureTimeMode_Short, BslExposureTimeMode_Standard, BslExposureTimeMode_UltraShort} Valid values for BslExposureTimeMode. |
enum | BslFlareRemovalAutoEnums { BslFlareRemovalAuto_Continuous, BslFlareRemovalAuto_Off} Valid values for BslFlareRemovalAuto. |
enum | BslFlatFieldCorrectionModeEnums { BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode_DSNUOnly, BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode_Off, BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode_On} Valid values for BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode. |
enum | BslFocusAutoROIModeEnums { BslFocusAutoROIMode_Auto, BslFocusAutoROIMode_Manual} Valid values for BslFocusAutoROIMode. |
enum | BslImageStampEnums { BslImageStamp_Off, BslImageStamp_On} Valid values for BslImageStamp. |
enum | BslImmediateTriggerModeEnums { BslImmediateTriggerMode_Off, BslImmediateTriggerMode_On} Valid values for BslImmediateTriggerMode. |
enum | BslLightControlErrorStatusEnums { BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device1, BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device2, BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device3, BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device4, BslLightControlErrorStatus_MultipleDevices, BslLightControlErrorStatus_NoError} Valid values for BslLightControlErrorStatus. |
enum | BslLightControlErrorSummaryEnums { BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device1, BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device2, BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device3, BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device4, BslLightControlErrorSummary_MultipleDevices, BslLightControlErrorSummary_NoDevice, BslLightControlErrorSummary_NoError} Valid values for BslLightControlErrorSummary. |
enum | BslLightControlModeEnums { BslLightControlMode_Off, BslLightControlMode_On} Valid values for BslLightControlMode. |
enum | BslLightControlSourceEnums { BslLightControlSource_Line3, BslLightControlSource_Line4, BslLightControlSource_Off} Valid values for BslLightControlSource. |
enum | BslLightControlStatusEnums { BslLightControlStatus_Idle, BslLightControlStatus_Off, BslLightControlStatus_Ready, BslLightControlStatus_Searching, BslLightControlStatus_Updating} Valid values for BslLightControlStatus. |
enum | BslLightControlTriggerActivationEnums { BslLightControlTriggerActivation_AnyEdge, BslLightControlTriggerActivation_FallingEdge, BslLightControlTriggerActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for BslLightControlTriggerActivation. |
enum | BslLightControlTriggerSourceEnums { BslLightControlTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Action1, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Action2, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter1Active, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter1End, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter1Start, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter2Active, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter2End, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter2Start, BslLightControlTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0, BslLightControlTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1, BslLightControlTriggerSource_ExposureActive, BslLightControlTriggerSource_ExposureStart, BslLightControlTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait, BslLightControlTriggerSource_FlashWindow, BslLightControlTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive, BslLightControlTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait, BslLightControlTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Line1, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Line2, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Line3, BslLightControlTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1, BslLightControlTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1, BslLightControlTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2, BslLightControlTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer1Active, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer1End, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer2Active, BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer2End} Valid values for BslLightControlTriggerSource. |
enum | BslLightDeviceChangeIDEnums { BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device1, BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device2, BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device3, BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device4} Valid values for BslLightDeviceChangeID. |
enum | BslLightDeviceControlModeEnums { BslLightDeviceControlMode_Current, BslLightDeviceControlMode_Voltage12V, BslLightDeviceControlMode_Voltage24V} Valid values for BslLightDeviceControlMode. |
enum | BslLightDeviceErrorStatusEnums { BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_CommunicationError, BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_ConnectionLost, BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_HardwareError, BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_LightDeviceError, BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_NoError, BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_NotConnected, BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_UnsupportedDeviceVersion} Valid values for BslLightDeviceErrorStatus. |
enum | BslLightDeviceLastErrorEnums { BslLightDeviceLastError_Communication, BslLightDeviceLastError_Connection, BslLightDeviceLastError_Hardware, BslLightDeviceLastError_InsufficientCurrent, BslLightDeviceLastError_NoError, BslLightDeviceLastError_ShortCircuit} Valid values for BslLightDeviceLastError. |
enum | BslLightDeviceNewIDEnums { BslLightDeviceNewID_Device1, BslLightDeviceNewID_Device2, BslLightDeviceNewID_Device3, BslLightDeviceNewID_Device4} Valid values for BslLightDeviceNewID. |
enum | BslLightDeviceOperationModeEnums { BslLightDeviceOperationMode_Off, BslLightDeviceOperationMode_On, BslLightDeviceOperationMode_Strobe} Valid values for BslLightDeviceOperationMode. |
enum | BslLightDeviceSelectorEnums { BslLightDeviceSelector_Device1, BslLightDeviceSelector_Device2, BslLightDeviceSelector_Device3, BslLightDeviceSelector_Device4} Valid values for BslLightDeviceSelector. |
enum | BslLightDeviceStrobeModeEnums { BslLightDeviceStrobeMode_Automatic, BslLightDeviceStrobeMode_Manual} Valid values for BslLightDeviceStrobeMode. |
enum | BslLightSourcePresetEnums { BslLightSourcePreset_Auto, BslLightSourcePreset_CoolWhiteFluorescent4250K, BslLightSourcePreset_Daylight5000K, BslLightSourcePreset_Daylight6500K, BslLightSourcePreset_Daylight7500K, BslLightSourcePreset_FactoryLED6000K, BslLightSourcePreset_Horizon2500K, BslLightSourcePreset_Led, BslLightSourcePreset_Manual, BslLightSourcePreset_Off, BslLightSourcePreset_Tungsten, BslLightSourcePreset_Tungsten2800K} Valid values for BslLightSourcePreset. |
enum | BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelectorEnums { BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector_ColorAdjustment, BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector_ColorTransformation, BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector_WhiteBalance} Valid values for BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector. |
enum | BslLineConnectionEnums { BslLineConnection_ConnectionOff, BslLineConnection_LightControl, BslLineConnection_TwiScl, BslLineConnection_TwiSda} Valid values for BslLineConnection. |
enum | BslMultipleROIColumnSelectorEnums { BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column1, BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column2, BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column3, BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column4, BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column5, BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column6, BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column7, BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column8} Valid values for BslMultipleROIColumnSelector. |
enum | BslMultipleROIRowSelectorEnums { BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row1, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row10, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row11, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row12, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row13, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row14, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row15, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row16, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row2, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row3, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row4, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row5, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row6, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row7, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row8, BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row9} Valid values for BslMultipleROIRowSelector. |
enum | BslPeriodicSignalActivationEnums { BslPeriodicSignalActivation_AnyEdge, BslPeriodicSignalActivation_FallingEdge, BslPeriodicSignalActivation_LevelHigh, BslPeriodicSignalActivation_LevelLow, BslPeriodicSignalActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for BslPeriodicSignalActivation. |
enum | BslPeriodicSignalSelectorEnums { BslPeriodicSignalSelector_PeriodicSignal1} Valid values for BslPeriodicSignalSelector. |
enum | BslPeriodicSignalSourceEnums { BslPeriodicSignalSource_DeviceClock, BslPeriodicSignalSource_Line1, BslPeriodicSignalSource_PtpClock} Valid values for BslPeriodicSignalSource. |
enum | BslPtpDelayMechanismEnums { BslPtpDelayMechanism_E2E, BslPtpDelayMechanism_P2P} Valid values for BslPtpDelayMechanism. |
enum | BslPtpNetworkModeEnums { BslPtpNetworkMode_Hybrid, BslPtpNetworkMode_Multicast, BslPtpNetworkMode_Unicast} Valid values for BslPtpNetworkMode. |
enum | BslPtpProfileEnums { BslPtpProfile_DelayRequestResponseDefaultProfile, BslPtpProfile_PeerToPeerDefaultProfile} Valid values for BslPtpProfile. |
enum | BslSensorBitDepthEnums { BslSensorBitDepth_Bpp10, BslSensorBitDepth_Bpp12, BslSensorBitDepth_Bpp8} Valid values for BslSensorBitDepth. |
enum | BslSensorBitDepthModeEnums { BslSensorBitDepthMode_Auto, BslSensorBitDepthMode_Manual} Valid values for BslSensorBitDepthMode. |
enum | BslSensorStateEnums { BslSensorState_Off, BslSensorState_On, BslSensorState_SensorOff, BslSensorState_SensorOn, BslSensorState_SensorStandby, BslSensorState_Standby} Valid values for BslSensorState. |
enum | BslSerialBaudRateEnums { BslSerialBaudRate_Baud115200, BslSerialBaudRate_Baud1200, BslSerialBaudRate_Baud19200, BslSerialBaudRate_Baud2400, BslSerialBaudRate_Baud38400, BslSerialBaudRate_Baud4800, BslSerialBaudRate_Baud57600, BslSerialBaudRate_Baud9600} Valid values for BslSerialBaudRate. |
enum | BslSerialNumberOfDataBitsEnums { BslSerialNumberOfDataBits_Bits7, BslSerialNumberOfDataBits_Bits8} Valid values for BslSerialNumberOfDataBits. |
enum | BslSerialNumberOfStopBitsEnums { BslSerialNumberOfStopBits_Bits1, BslSerialNumberOfStopBits_Bits2} Valid values for BslSerialNumberOfStopBits. |
enum | BslSerialParityEnums { BslSerialParity_Even, BslSerialParity_None, BslSerialParity_Odd} Valid values for BslSerialParity. |
enum | BslSerialRxSourceEnums { BslSerialRxSource_Line1, BslSerialRxSource_Line2, BslSerialRxSource_Line3, BslSerialRxSource_Off, BslSerialRxSource_SerialTx} Valid values for BslSerialRxSource. |
enum | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatusEnums { BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileEmpty, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileNotFound, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileOk, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileStatusUnknown, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidClustering, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidFileEntry, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidHeader, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidSize, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidSorting} Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus. |
enum | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums { BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode_Factory, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode_Off, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode_User} Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode. |
enum | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestModeEnums { BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode_Off, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode_On} Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode. |
enum | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelectorEnums { BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X0, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X1, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X2, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X3, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X4, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X5, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X6, BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X7} Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector. |
enum | BslTemperatureStatusEnums { BslTemperatureStatus_Critical, BslTemperatureStatus_Error, BslTemperatureStatus_Ok} Valid values for BslTemperatureStatus. |
enum | BslTransferBitDepthEnums { BslTransferBitDepth_Bpp10, BslTransferBitDepth_Bpp12, BslTransferBitDepth_Bpp8} Valid values for BslTransferBitDepth. |
enum | BslTransferBitDepthModeEnums { BslTransferBitDepthMode_Auto, BslTransferBitDepthMode_Manual} Valid values for BslTransferBitDepthMode. |
enum | BslTwiBitrateEnums { BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate100kbps, BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate10kbps, BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate200kbps, BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate20kbps, BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate400kbps, BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate50kbps} Valid values for BslTwiBitrate. |
enum | BslTwiTransferStatusEnums { BslTwiTransferStatus_NakAddress, BslTwiTransferStatus_NakData, BslTwiTransferStatus_Pending, BslTwiTransferStatus_Success} Valid values for BslTwiTransferStatus. |
enum | BslUSBPowerSourceEnums { BslUSBPowerSource_Aux, BslUSBPowerSource_Bus} Valid values for BslUSBPowerSource. |
enum | BslUSBSpeedModeEnums { BslUSBSpeedMode_FullSpeed, BslUSBSpeedMode_HighSpeed, BslUSBSpeedMode_LowSpeed, BslUSBSpeedMode_SuperSpeed} Valid values for BslUSBSpeedMode. |
enum | BslVignettingCorrectionModeEnums { BslVignettingCorrectionMode_Off, BslVignettingCorrectionMode_On} Valid values for BslVignettingCorrectionMode. |
enum | CameraOperationModeEnums { CameraOperationMode_LongExposure, CameraOperationMode_Standard} Valid values for CameraOperationMode. |
enum | ChunkCounterSelectorEnums { ChunkCounterSelector_Counter1, ChunkCounterSelector_Counter2} Valid values for ChunkCounterSelector. |
enum | ChunkGainSelectorEnums { ChunkGainSelector_All} Valid values for ChunkGainSelector. |
enum | ChunkPixelFormatEnums { ChunkPixelFormat_BGR10Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BGR12Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BGR8, ChunkPixelFormat_BGR8Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BGRA8Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG10, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG10p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG12, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG12Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG12p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG16, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG8, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB10, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB10p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB12, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB12Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB12p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB16, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB8, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR10, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR10p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR12, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR12Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR12p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR16, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR8, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG10, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG10p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG12, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG12Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG12p, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG16, ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG8, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono10, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono10Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono10p, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono12, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono12Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono12p, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono16, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono8, ChunkPixelFormat_Mono8Signed, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10Planar, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10V1Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10V2Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB12Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB12Planar, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB12V1Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB16Planar, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB8, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB8Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_RGB8Planar, ChunkPixelFormat_RGBA8Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_YCbCr422_8, ChunkPixelFormat_YUV411Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_YUV422Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_YUV422_8, ChunkPixelFormat_YUV422_YUYV_Packed, ChunkPixelFormat_YUV444Packed} Valid values for ChunkPixelFormat. |
enum | ChunkSelectorEnums { ChunkSelector_AutoBrightnessStatus, ChunkSelector_BrightPixel, ChunkSelector_CounterValue, ChunkSelector_DynamicRangeMax, ChunkSelector_DynamicRangeMin, ChunkSelector_ExposureTime, ChunkSelector_FrameID, ChunkSelector_FrameTriggerCounter, ChunkSelector_FrameTriggerIgnoredCounter, ChunkSelector_Framecounter, ChunkSelector_FramesPerTriggerCounter, ChunkSelector_Gain, ChunkSelector_GainAll, ChunkSelector_Height, ChunkSelector_Image, ChunkSelector_InputStatusAtLineTrigger, ChunkSelector_LineStatusAll, ChunkSelector_LineTriggerCounter, ChunkSelector_LineTriggerEndToEndCounter, ChunkSelector_LineTriggerIgnoredCounter, ChunkSelector_OffsetX, ChunkSelector_OffsetY, ChunkSelector_PayloadCRC16, ChunkSelector_PixelFormat, ChunkSelector_SequenceSetIndex, ChunkSelector_SequencerSetActive, ChunkSelector_ShaftEncoderCounter, ChunkSelector_Stride, ChunkSelector_Timestamp, ChunkSelector_Triggerinputcounter, ChunkSelector_VirtLineStatusAll, ChunkSelector_Width} Valid values for ChunkSelector. |
enum | ClConfigurationEnums { ClConfiguration_Base, ClConfiguration_Deca, ClConfiguration_DualBase, ClConfiguration_Full, ClConfiguration_Medium} Valid values for ClConfiguration. |
enum | ClPixelClockEnums { ClPixelClock_PixelClock20, ClPixelClock_PixelClock32_5, ClPixelClock_PixelClock40, ClPixelClock_PixelClock48, ClPixelClock_PixelClock65, ClPixelClock_PixelClock82, ClPixelClock_PixelClock82_5, ClPixelClock_PixelClock83, ClPixelClock_PixelClock83_5} Valid values for ClPixelClock. |
enum | ClSerialPortBaudRateEnums { ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud115200, ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud19200, ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud230400, ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud38400, ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud460800, ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud57600, ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud921600, ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud9600} Valid values for ClSerialPortBaudRate. |
enum | ClTapGeometryEnums { ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X10, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X10_1Y, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X2, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X2_1Y, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X3, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X3_1Y, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X4, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X4_1Y, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X6, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X6_1Y, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X8, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X8_1Y, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X_1Y, ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X_2YE} Valid values for ClTapGeometry. |
enum | ClTimeSlotsEnums { ClTimeSlots_TimeSlots1} Valid values for ClTimeSlots. |
enum | ColorAdjustmentSelectorEnums { ColorAdjustmentSelector_Blue, ColorAdjustmentSelector_Cyan, ColorAdjustmentSelector_Green, ColorAdjustmentSelector_Magenta, ColorAdjustmentSelector_Red, ColorAdjustmentSelector_Yellow} Valid values for ColorAdjustmentSelector. |
enum | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelectorEnums { ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector_AOI1} Valid values for ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector. |
enum | ColorSpaceEnums { ColorSpace_RGB, ColorSpace_sRGB} Valid values for ColorSpace. |
enum | ColorTransformationSelectorEnums { ColorTransformationSelector_RGBtoRGB, ColorTransformationSelector_RGBtoYUV, ColorTransformationSelector_YUVtoRGB} Valid values for ColorTransformationSelector. |
enum | ColorTransformationValueSelectorEnums { ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain00, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain01, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain02, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain10, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain11, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain12, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain20, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain21, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain22, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Offset0, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Offset1, ColorTransformationValueSelector_Offset2} Valid values for ColorTransformationValueSelector. |
enum | ComponentSelectorEnums { ComponentSelector_Confidence, ComponentSelector_Intensity, ComponentSelector_Range} Valid values for ComponentSelector. |
enum | CounterEventActivationEnums { CounterEventActivation_AnyEdge, CounterEventActivation_FallingEdge, CounterEventActivation_LevelHigh, CounterEventActivation_LevelLow, CounterEventActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for CounterEventActivation. |
enum | CounterEventSourceEnums { CounterEventSource_AcquisitionActive, CounterEventSource_AcquisitionEnd, CounterEventSource_AcquisitionStart, CounterEventSource_AcquisitionTrigger, CounterEventSource_Action1, CounterEventSource_Action2, CounterEventSource_Counter1Active, CounterEventSource_Counter1End, CounterEventSource_Counter1Start, CounterEventSource_Counter2Active, CounterEventSource_Counter2End, CounterEventSource_Counter2Start, CounterEventSource_Counter3End, CounterEventSource_CxpTrigger0, CounterEventSource_CxpTrigger1, CounterEventSource_ExposureActive, CounterEventSource_ExposureEnd, CounterEventSource_ExposureStart, CounterEventSource_ExposureTriggerWait, CounterEventSource_FlashWindow, CounterEventSource_FrameBurstActive, CounterEventSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait, CounterEventSource_FrameEnd, CounterEventSource_FrameStart, CounterEventSource_FrameTrigger, CounterEventSource_FrameTriggerWait, CounterEventSource_Line1, CounterEventSource_Line2, CounterEventSource_Line3, CounterEventSource_Line4, CounterEventSource_LineEnd, CounterEventSource_LineStart, CounterEventSource_LineTrigger, CounterEventSource_Off, CounterEventSource_PeriodicSignal1, CounterEventSource_SoftwareSignal1, CounterEventSource_SoftwareSignal2, CounterEventSource_SoftwareSignal3, CounterEventSource_Timer1Active, CounterEventSource_Timer1End, CounterEventSource_Timer2Active, CounterEventSource_Timer2End} Valid values for CounterEventSource. |
enum | CounterResetActivationEnums { CounterResetActivation_AnyEdge, CounterResetActivation_FallingEdge, CounterResetActivation_LevelHigh, CounterResetActivation_LevelLow, CounterResetActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for CounterResetActivation. |
enum | CounterResetSourceEnums { CounterResetSource_AcquisitionActive, CounterResetSource_Action1, CounterResetSource_Action2, CounterResetSource_CC1, CounterResetSource_CC2, CounterResetSource_CC3, CounterResetSource_CC4, CounterResetSource_Counter1Active, CounterResetSource_Counter1End, CounterResetSource_Counter1Start, CounterResetSource_Counter2Active, CounterResetSource_Counter2End, CounterResetSource_Counter2Start, CounterResetSource_Counter3End, CounterResetSource_Counter4End, CounterResetSource_CxpTrigger0, CounterResetSource_CxpTrigger1, CounterResetSource_ExposureActive, CounterResetSource_ExposureStart, CounterResetSource_ExposureTriggerWait, CounterResetSource_FlashWindow, CounterResetSource_FrameBurstActive, CounterResetSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait, CounterResetSource_FrameTriggerWait, CounterResetSource_Line1, CounterResetSource_Line2, CounterResetSource_Line3, CounterResetSource_Line4, CounterResetSource_Line5, CounterResetSource_Line6, CounterResetSource_Line7, CounterResetSource_Line8, CounterResetSource_Off, CounterResetSource_PeriodicSignal1, CounterResetSource_Software, CounterResetSource_SoftwareSignal1, CounterResetSource_SoftwareSignal2, CounterResetSource_SoftwareSignal3, CounterResetSource_Timer1Active, CounterResetSource_Timer1End, CounterResetSource_Timer2Active, CounterResetSource_Timer2End, CounterResetSource_VInput1, CounterResetSource_VInput2, CounterResetSource_VInput3, CounterResetSource_VInput4, CounterResetSource_VInputDecActive} Valid values for CounterResetSource. |
enum | CounterSelectorEnums { CounterSelector_Counter1, CounterSelector_Counter2, CounterSelector_Counter3, CounterSelector_Counter4} Valid values for CounterSelector. |
enum | CounterStatusEnums { CounterStatus_CounterActive, CounterStatus_CounterCompleted, CounterStatus_CounterTriggerWait} Valid values for CounterStatus. |
enum | CounterTriggerActivationEnums { CounterTriggerActivation_AnyEdge, CounterTriggerActivation_FallingEdge, CounterTriggerActivation_LevelHigh, CounterTriggerActivation_LevelLow, CounterTriggerActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for CounterTriggerActivation. |
enum | CounterTriggerSourceEnums { CounterTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive, CounterTriggerSource_Action1, CounterTriggerSource_Action2, CounterTriggerSource_Counter1Active, CounterTriggerSource_Counter1End, CounterTriggerSource_Counter1Start, CounterTriggerSource_Counter2Active, CounterTriggerSource_Counter2End, CounterTriggerSource_Counter2Start, CounterTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0, CounterTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1, CounterTriggerSource_ExposureActive, CounterTriggerSource_ExposureStart, CounterTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait, CounterTriggerSource_FlashWindow, CounterTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive, CounterTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait, CounterTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait, CounterTriggerSource_Line1, CounterTriggerSource_Line2, CounterTriggerSource_Line3, CounterTriggerSource_Line4, CounterTriggerSource_Off, CounterTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1, CounterTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1, CounterTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2, CounterTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3, CounterTriggerSource_Timer1Active, CounterTriggerSource_Timer1End, CounterTriggerSource_Timer2Active, CounterTriggerSource_Timer2End} Valid values for CounterTriggerSource. |
enum | CxpConnectionTestModeEnums { CxpConnectionTestMode_Mode1, CxpConnectionTestMode_Off} Valid values for CxpConnectionTestMode. |
enum | CxpErrorCounterSelectorEnums { CxpErrorCounterSelector_ConnectionLockLoss, CxpErrorCounterSelector_ControlPacketCrc, CxpErrorCounterSelector_DuplicatedCharactersUncorrected} Valid values for CxpErrorCounterSelector. |
enum | CxpErrorCounterStatusEnums { CxpErrorCounterStatus_CounterActive} Valid values for CxpErrorCounterStatus. |
enum | CxpLinkConfigurationEnums { CxpLinkConfiguration_Auto, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP10_X1, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP10_X2, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP12_X1, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP12_X2, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP12_X4, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP2_X1, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP2_X2, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP3_X1, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP3_X2, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP5_X1, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP5_X2, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP6_X1, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP6_X2, CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP6_X4} Valid values for CxpLinkConfiguration. |
enum | CxpLinkConfigurationPreferredEnums { CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_Auto, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP10_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP10_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP12_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP12_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP12_X4, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP2_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP2_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP3_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP3_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP5_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP5_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP6_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP6_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP6_X4} Valid values for CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred. |
enum | CxpLinkConfigurationStatusEnums { CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_Auto, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP10_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP10_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP12_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP12_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP2_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP2_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP3_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP3_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP5_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP5_X2, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP6_X1, CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP6_X2} Valid values for CxpLinkConfigurationStatus. |
enum | CxpSendReceiveSelectorEnums { CxpSendReceiveSelector_Receive, CxpSendReceiveSelector_Send} Valid values for CxpSendReceiveSelector. |
enum | DefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums { DefectPixelCorrectionMode_Off, DefectPixelCorrectionMode_On, DefectPixelCorrectionMode_StaticOnly} Valid values for DefectPixelCorrectionMode. |
enum | DemosaicingModeEnums { DemosaicingMode_BaslerPGI, DemosaicingMode_Simple} Valid values for DemosaicingMode. |
enum | DeviceCharacterSetEnums { DeviceCharacterSet_UTF8} Valid values for DeviceCharacterSet. |
enum | DeviceIndicatorModeEnums { DeviceIndicatorMode_Active, DeviceIndicatorMode_ErrorStatus, DeviceIndicatorMode_Inactive} Valid values for DeviceIndicatorMode. |
enum | DeviceLinkThroughputLimitModeEnums { DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode_Off, DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode_On} Valid values for DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode. |
enum | DeviceRegistersEndiannessEnums { DeviceRegistersEndianness_Big, DeviceRegistersEndianness_Little} Valid values for DeviceRegistersEndianness. |
enum | DeviceScanTypeEnums { DeviceScanType_Areascan, DeviceScanType_Areascan3D, DeviceScanType_Linescan, DeviceScanType_Linescan3D} Valid values for DeviceScanType. |
enum | DeviceTLTypeEnums { DeviceTLType_CoaXPress, DeviceTLType_Custom, DeviceTLType_GigEVision, DeviceTLType_USB3Vision} Valid values for DeviceTLType. |
enum | DeviceTapGeometryEnums { DeviceTapGeometry_Geometry_1X_1Y, DeviceTapGeometry_Geometry_1X_2YE} Valid values for DeviceTapGeometry. |
enum | DeviceTemperatureSelectorEnums { DeviceTemperatureSelector_CPU, DeviceTemperatureSelector_Camera, DeviceTemperatureSelector_Coreboard, DeviceTemperatureSelector_FpgaCore, DeviceTemperatureSelector_Framegrabberboard, DeviceTemperatureSelector_Illumination, DeviceTemperatureSelector_Sensor, DeviceTemperatureSelector_Sensorboard} Valid values for DeviceTemperatureSelector. |
enum | DeviceTypeEnums { DeviceType_Peripheral, DeviceType_Receiver, DeviceType_Transceiver, DeviceType_Transmitter} Valid values for DeviceType. |
enum | EventNotificationEnums { EventNotification_GenICamEvent, EventNotification_Off, EventNotification_On, EventNotification_Once} Valid values for EventNotification. |
enum | EventSelectorEnums { EventSelector_AcquisitionStart, EventSelector_AcquisitionStartOvertrigger, EventSelector_AcquisitionStartWait, EventSelector_AcquisitionWait, EventSelector_ActionLate, EventSelector_CriticalTemperature, EventSelector_EventOverrun, EventSelector_ExposureEnd, EventSelector_FrameBufferOverrun, EventSelector_FrameBurstStart, EventSelector_FrameBurstStartOvertrigger, EventSelector_FrameBurstStartWait, EventSelector_FrameStart, EventSelector_FrameStartOvertrigger, EventSelector_FrameStartWait, EventSelector_FrameTimeout, EventSelector_FrameTriggerMissed, EventSelector_FrameWait, EventSelector_Line1RisingEdge, EventSelector_Line2RisingEdge, EventSelector_Line3RisingEdge, EventSelector_Line4RisingEdge, EventSelector_LineStartOvertrigger, EventSelector_OverTemperature, EventSelector_Overrun, EventSelector_TemperatureStatusChanged, EventSelector_Test, EventSelector_VirtualLine1RisingEdge, EventSelector_VirtualLine2RisingEdge, EventSelector_VirtualLine3RisingEdge, EventSelector_VirtualLine4RisingEdge} Valid values for EventSelector. |
enum | EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatusEnums { EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus_Critical, EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus_Error, EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus_Ok} Valid values for EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus. |
enum | ExpertFeatureAccessSelectorEnums { ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature1, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature10, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature11, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature1_Legacy, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature2, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature3, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature4, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature5, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature6, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature7, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature8, ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature9} Valid values for ExpertFeatureAccessSelector. |
enum | ExposureAutoEnums { ExposureAuto_Continuous, ExposureAuto_Off, ExposureAuto_Once} Valid values for ExposureAuto. |
enum | ExposureModeEnums { ExposureMode_Off, ExposureMode_Timed, ExposureMode_TriggerControlled, ExposureMode_TriggerWidth} Valid values for ExposureMode. |
enum | ExposureOverlapTimeModeEnums { ExposureOverlapTimeMode_Automatic, ExposureOverlapTimeMode_Manual} Valid values for ExposureOverlapTimeMode. |
enum | ExposureTimeModeEnums { ExposureTimeMode_Standard, ExposureTimeMode_UltraShort} Valid values for ExposureTimeMode. |
enum | ExposureTimeSelectorEnums { ExposureTimeSelector_Common} Valid values for ExposureTimeSelector. |
enum | FeatureSetEnums { FeatureSet_Basic, FeatureSet_Full} Valid values for FeatureSet. |
enum | FieldOutputModeEnums { FieldOutputMode_ConcatenatedNewFields, FieldOutputMode_DeinterlacedNewFields, FieldOutputMode_Field0, FieldOutputMode_Field0First, FieldOutputMode_Field1} Valid values for FieldOutputMode. |
enum | FileOpenModeEnums { FileOpenMode_Read, FileOpenMode_Write} Valid values for FileOpenMode. |
enum | FileOperationSelectorEnums { FileOperationSelector_Close, FileOperationSelector_Open, FileOperationSelector_Read, FileOperationSelector_Write} Valid values for FileOperationSelector. |
enum | FileOperationStatusEnums { FileOperationStatus_Failure, FileOperationStatus_Success} Valid values for FileOperationStatus. |
enum | FileSelectorEnums { FileSelector_BootUpdate, FileSelector_BootUpdatePackage, FileSelector_ExpertFeature7File, FileSelector_FactoryDefectPixelCorrection, FileSelector_FirmwareUpdate, FileSelector_FirmwareUpdatePackage, FileSelector_None, FileSelector_UserData, FileSelector_UserDefectPixelCorrection, FileSelector_UserGainShading1, FileSelector_UserGainShading2, FileSelector_UserOffsetShading1, FileSelector_UserOffsetShading2, FileSelector_UserSet1, FileSelector_UserSet2, FileSelector_UserSet3, FileSelector_VignettingCorrection} Valid values for FileSelector. |
enum | FocusAutoEnums { FocusAuto_Continuous, FocusAuto_Off, FocusAuto_Once} Valid values for FocusAuto. |
enum | FocusStatusEnums { FocusStatus_Busy, FocusStatus_Ready} Valid values for FocusStatus. |
enum | FrequencyConverterInputSourceEnums { FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC1, FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC2, FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC3, FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC4, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line1, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line2, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line3, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line4, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line5, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line6, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line7, FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line8, FrequencyConverterInputSource_ShaftEncoderModuleOut} Valid values for FrequencyConverterInputSource. |
enum | FrequencyConverterSignalAlignmentEnums { FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment_FallingEdge, FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment_RisingEdge} Valid values for FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment. |
enum | GainAutoEnums { GainAuto_Continuous, GainAuto_Off, GainAuto_Once} Valid values for GainAuto. |
enum | GainSelectorEnums { GainSelector_All, GainSelector_AnalogAll, GainSelector_Blue, GainSelector_DigitalAll, GainSelector_Green, GainSelector_Red, GainSelector_Tap1, GainSelector_Tap2, GainSelector_Tap3, GainSelector_Tap4} Valid values for GainSelector. |
enum | GammaSelectorEnums { GammaSelector_User, GammaSelector_sRGB} Valid values for GammaSelector. |
enum | GenDCStreamingModeEnums { GenDCStreamingMode_Automatic, GenDCStreamingMode_Off, GenDCStreamingMode_On} Valid values for GenDCStreamingMode. |
enum | GenDCStreamingStatusEnums { GenDCStreamingStatus_Off, GenDCStreamingStatus_On} Valid values for GenDCStreamingStatus. |
enum | GevCCPEnums { GevCCP_Control, GevCCP_Exclusive, GevCCP_ExclusiveControl} Valid values for GevCCP. |
enum | GevGVSPExtendedIDModeEnums { GevGVSPExtendedIDMode_Off, GevGVSPExtendedIDMode_On} Valid values for GevGVSPExtendedIDMode. |
enum | GevIEEE1588StatusEnums { GevIEEE1588Status_Disabled, GevIEEE1588Status_Faulty, GevIEEE1588Status_Initializing, GevIEEE1588Status_Listening, GevIEEE1588Status_Master, GevIEEE1588Status_Passive, GevIEEE1588Status_PreMaster, GevIEEE1588Status_Slave, GevIEEE1588Status_Uncalibrated, GevIEEE1588Status_Undefined} Valid values for GevIEEE1588Status. |
enum | GevIEEE1588StatusLatchedEnums { GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Disabled, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Faulty, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Initializing, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Listening, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Master, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Passive, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_PreMaster, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Slave, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Uncalibrated, GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Undefined} Valid values for GevIEEE1588StatusLatched. |
enum | GevInterfaceSelectorEnums { GevInterfaceSelector_NetworkInterface0} Valid values for GevInterfaceSelector. |
enum | GevStreamChannelSelectorEnums { GevStreamChannelSelector_StreamChannel0} Valid values for GevStreamChannelSelector. |
enum | ImageCompressionModeEnums { ImageCompressionMode_BaslerCompressionBeyond, ImageCompressionMode_Off} Valid values for ImageCompressionMode. |
enum | ImageCompressionRateOptionEnums { ImageCompressionRateOption_FixRatio, ImageCompressionRateOption_Lossless} Valid values for ImageCompressionRateOption. |
enum | ImageFileModeEnums { ImageFileMode_Off, ImageFileMode_On} Valid values for ImageFileMode. |
enum | IntensityCalculationEnums { IntensityCalculation_Method1, IntensityCalculation_Method2} Valid values for IntensityCalculation. |
enum | InterlacedIntegrationModeEnums { InterlacedIntegrationMode_FieldIntegration, InterlacedIntegrationMode_FrameIntegration} Valid values for InterlacedIntegrationMode. |
enum | LUTSelectorEnums { LUTSelector_Luminance} Valid values for LUTSelector. |
enum | LastErrorEnums { LastError_Illumination, LastError_InsufficientTriggerWidth, LastError_InvalidParameter, LastError_NoError, LastError_OverTemperature, LastError_Overtrigger, LastError_PowerFailure, LastError_UserDefPixFailure, LastError_Userset} Valid values for LastError. |
enum | LegacyBinningVerticalEnums { LegacyBinningVertical_Off, LegacyBinningVertical_Two_Rows} Valid values for LegacyBinningVertical. |
enum | LightSourcePresetEnums { LightSourcePreset_Daylight5000K, LightSourcePreset_Daylight6500K, LightSourcePreset_MicroscopeLED4500K, LightSourcePreset_MicroscopeLED5500K, LightSourcePreset_MicroscopeLED6000K, LightSourcePreset_Off, LightSourcePreset_Tungsten2800K} Valid values for LightSourcePreset. |
enum | LightSourceSelectorEnums { LightSourceSelector_Custom, LightSourceSelector_Daylight, LightSourceSelector_Daylight6500K, LightSourceSelector_LightSource0, LightSourceSelector_LightSource1, LightSourceSelector_MicroscopeLED4500K, LightSourceSelector_MicroscopeLED5500K, LightSourceSelector_MicroscopeLED6000K, LightSourceSelector_Off, LightSourceSelector_Tungsten} Valid values for LightSourceSelector. |
enum | LineFormatEnums { LineFormat_LVDS, LineFormat_LVTTL, LineFormat_NoConnect, LineFormat_OpenDrain, LineFormat_OptoCoupled, LineFormat_RS422, LineFormat_TTL, LineFormat_TriState} Valid values for LineFormat. |
enum | LineLogicEnums { LineLogic_Negative, LineLogic_Positive} Valid values for LineLogic. |
enum | LineModeEnums { LineMode_InOut, LineMode_Input, LineMode_Output} Valid values for LineMode. |
enum | LineSelectorEnums { LineSelector_CC1, LineSelector_CC2, LineSelector_CC3, LineSelector_CC4, LineSelector_ClSpare, LineSelector_In1, LineSelector_In2, LineSelector_In3, LineSelector_In4, LineSelector_Line1, LineSelector_Line2, LineSelector_Line3, LineSelector_Line4, LineSelector_Line5, LineSelector_Line6, LineSelector_Line7, LineSelector_Line8, LineSelector_Out1, LineSelector_Out2, LineSelector_Out3, LineSelector_Out4} Valid values for LineSelector. |
enum | LineSourceEnums { LineSource_AcquisitionActive, LineSource_AcquisitionTriggerReady, LineSource_AcquisitionTriggerWait, LineSource_BslLightControl, LineSource_Counter1Active, LineSource_Counter2Active, LineSource_ExposureActive, LineSource_ExposureTriggerWait, LineSource_FlashWindow, LineSource_FrameBurstActive, LineSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait, LineSource_FrameCycle, LineSource_FrameTriggerWait, LineSource_FrequencyConverter, LineSource_LineTriggerWait, LineSource_Off, LineSource_PatternGenerator1, LineSource_PatternGenerator2, LineSource_PatternGenerator3, LineSource_PatternGenerator4, LineSource_SerialTx, LineSource_ShaftEncoderModuleOut, LineSource_SyncUserOutput, LineSource_SyncUserOutput0, LineSource_SyncUserOutput1, LineSource_SyncUserOutput2, LineSource_SyncUserOutput3, LineSource_Timer1Active, LineSource_Timer2Active, LineSource_Timer3Active, LineSource_Timer4Active, LineSource_TimerActive, LineSource_TriggerReady, LineSource_UserOutput, LineSource_UserOutput0, LineSource_UserOutput1, LineSource_UserOutput2, LineSource_UserOutput3, LineSource_UserOutput4} Valid values for LineSource. |
enum | OperatingModeEnums { OperatingMode_LongRange, OperatingMode_ShortRange} Valid values for OperatingMode. |
enum | OpticControllerSelectorEnums { OpticControllerSelector_OpticController1} Valid values for OpticControllerSelector. |
enum | OverlapModeEnums { OverlapMode_Off, OverlapMode_On} Valid values for OverlapMode. |
enum | ParameterSelectorEnums { ParameterSelector_AutoTargetValue, ParameterSelector_BlackLevel, ParameterSelector_Brightness, ParameterSelector_ExposureOverhead, ParameterSelector_ExposureOverlapMax, ParameterSelector_ExposureTime, ParameterSelector_Framerate, ParameterSelector_Gain} Valid values for ParameterSelector. |
enum | PgiModeEnums { PgiMode_Off, PgiMode_On} Valid values for PgiMode. |
enum | PixelCodingEnums { PixelCoding_BGR16, PixelCoding_BGR8, PixelCoding_BGRA8, PixelCoding_BayerBG10p, PixelCoding_BayerGB10p, PixelCoding_BayerGR10p, PixelCoding_BayerRG10p, PixelCoding_Mono10Packed, PixelCoding_Mono12Packed, PixelCoding_Mono16, PixelCoding_Mono8, PixelCoding_Mono8Signed, PixelCoding_RGB10V1Packed, PixelCoding_RGB10V2Packed, PixelCoding_RGB16, PixelCoding_RGB16Planar, PixelCoding_RGB8, PixelCoding_RGB8Planar, PixelCoding_RGBA8, PixelCoding_Raw16, PixelCoding_Raw8, PixelCoding_YUV411, PixelCoding_YUV422, PixelCoding_YUV444} Valid values for PixelCoding. |
enum | PixelColorFilterEnums { PixelColorFilter_BayerBG, PixelColorFilter_BayerGB, PixelColorFilter_BayerGR, PixelColorFilter_BayerRG, PixelColorFilter_Bayer_BG, PixelColorFilter_Bayer_GB, PixelColorFilter_Bayer_GR, PixelColorFilter_Bayer_RG, PixelColorFilter_None} Valid values for PixelColorFilter. |
enum | PixelFormatEnums { PixelFormat_BGR10Packed, PixelFormat_BGR12Packed, PixelFormat_BGR8, PixelFormat_BGR8Packed, PixelFormat_BGRA8Packed, PixelFormat_BayerBG10, PixelFormat_BayerBG10p, PixelFormat_BayerBG12, PixelFormat_BayerBG12Packed, PixelFormat_BayerBG12p, PixelFormat_BayerBG16, PixelFormat_BayerBG8, PixelFormat_BayerGB10, PixelFormat_BayerGB10p, PixelFormat_BayerGB12, PixelFormat_BayerGB12Packed, PixelFormat_BayerGB12p, PixelFormat_BayerGB16, PixelFormat_BayerGB8, PixelFormat_BayerGR10, PixelFormat_BayerGR10p, PixelFormat_BayerGR12, PixelFormat_BayerGR12Packed, PixelFormat_BayerGR12p, PixelFormat_BayerGR16, PixelFormat_BayerGR8, PixelFormat_BayerRG10, PixelFormat_BayerRG10p, PixelFormat_BayerRG12, PixelFormat_BayerRG12Packed, PixelFormat_BayerRG12p, PixelFormat_BayerRG16, PixelFormat_BayerRG8, PixelFormat_Confidence16, PixelFormat_Confidence8, PixelFormat_Coord3D_ABC32f, PixelFormat_Coord3D_C16, PixelFormat_Mono10, PixelFormat_Mono10Packed, PixelFormat_Mono10p, PixelFormat_Mono12, PixelFormat_Mono12Packed, PixelFormat_Mono12p, PixelFormat_Mono16, PixelFormat_Mono8, PixelFormat_Mono8Signed, PixelFormat_RGB10Packed, PixelFormat_RGB10Planar, PixelFormat_RGB10V1Packed, PixelFormat_RGB10V2Packed, PixelFormat_RGB12Packed, PixelFormat_RGB12Planar, PixelFormat_RGB12V1Packed, PixelFormat_RGB16Packed, PixelFormat_RGB16Planar, PixelFormat_RGB8, PixelFormat_RGB8Packed, PixelFormat_RGB8Planar, PixelFormat_RGBA8Packed, PixelFormat_YCbCr420_8_YY_CbCr_Semiplanar, PixelFormat_YCbCr422_8, PixelFormat_YUV411Packed, PixelFormat_YUV422Packed, PixelFormat_YUV422_8, PixelFormat_YUV422_8_UYVY, PixelFormat_YUV422_YUYV_Packed, PixelFormat_YUV444Packed} Valid values for PixelFormat. |
enum | PixelSizeEnums { PixelSize_Bpp1, PixelSize_Bpp10, PixelSize_Bpp12, PixelSize_Bpp14, PixelSize_Bpp16, PixelSize_Bpp2, PixelSize_Bpp24, PixelSize_Bpp32, PixelSize_Bpp36, PixelSize_Bpp4, PixelSize_Bpp48, PixelSize_Bpp64, PixelSize_Bpp8} Valid values for PixelSize. |
enum | PtpClockAccuracyEnums { PtpClockAccuracy_GreaterThan10s, PtpClockAccuracy_Unknown, PtpClockAccuracy_Within100ms, PtpClockAccuracy_Within100ns, PtpClockAccuracy_Within100us, PtpClockAccuracy_Within10ms, PtpClockAccuracy_Within10s, PtpClockAccuracy_Within10us, PtpClockAccuracy_Within1ms, PtpClockAccuracy_Within1s, PtpClockAccuracy_Within1us, PtpClockAccuracy_Within250ms, PtpClockAccuracy_Within250ns, PtpClockAccuracy_Within250us, PtpClockAccuracy_Within25ms, PtpClockAccuracy_Within25ns, PtpClockAccuracy_Within25us, PtpClockAccuracy_Within2p5ms, PtpClockAccuracy_Within2p5us} Valid values for PtpClockAccuracy. |
enum | PtpServoStatusEnums { PtpServoStatus_Locked, PtpServoStatus_Unknown} Valid values for PtpServoStatus. |
enum | PtpStatusEnums { PtpStatus_Disabled, PtpStatus_Faulty, PtpStatus_Initializing, PtpStatus_Listening, PtpStatus_Master, PtpStatus_Passive, PtpStatus_PreMaster, PtpStatus_Slave, PtpStatus_Uncalibrated} Valid values for PtpStatus. |
enum | ROIZoneModeEnums { ROIZoneMode_Off, ROIZoneMode_On} Valid values for ROIZoneMode. |
enum | ROIZoneSelectorEnums { ROIZoneSelector_Zone0, ROIZoneSelector_Zone1, ROIZoneSelector_Zone2, ROIZoneSelector_Zone3, ROIZoneSelector_Zone4, ROIZoneSelector_Zone5, ROIZoneSelector_Zone6, ROIZoneSelector_Zone7} Valid values for ROIZoneSelector. |
enum | RemoveParameterLimitSelectorEnums { RemoveParameterLimitSelector_AutoTargetValue, RemoveParameterLimitSelector_BlackLevel, RemoveParameterLimitSelector_ExposureOverhead, RemoveParameterLimitSelector_ExposureTime, RemoveParameterLimitSelector_Gain} Valid values for RemoveParameterLimitSelector. |
enum | Scan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums { Scan3dCoordinateSelector_CoordinateA, Scan3dCoordinateSelector_CoordinateB, Scan3dCoordinateSelector_CoordinateC} Valid values for Scan3dCoordinateSelector. |
enum | Scan3dCoordinateSystemEnums { Scan3dCoordinateSystem_Cartesian} Valid values for Scan3dCoordinateSystem. |
enum | Scan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums { Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference_Anchor} Valid values for Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference. |
enum | Scan3dDistanceUnitEnums { Scan3dDistanceUnit_DeviceSpecific, Scan3dDistanceUnit_Millimeter} Valid values for Scan3dDistanceUnit. |
enum | Scan3dOutputModeEnums { Scan3dOutputMode_CalibratedABC_Grid, Scan3dOutputMode_CalibratedC, Scan3dOutputMode_UncalibratedC} Valid values for Scan3dOutputMode. |
enum | SensorBitDepthEnums { SensorBitDepth_BitDepth10, SensorBitDepth_BitDepth12, SensorBitDepth_BitDepth14, SensorBitDepth_BitDepth16, SensorBitDepth_BitDepth8} Valid values for SensorBitDepth. |
enum | SensorDigitizationTapsEnums { SensorDigitizationTaps_Four, SensorDigitizationTaps_One, SensorDigitizationTaps_Three, SensorDigitizationTaps_Two} Valid values for SensorDigitizationTaps. |
enum | SensorReadoutModeEnums { SensorReadoutMode_Fast, SensorReadoutMode_Normal} Valid values for SensorReadoutMode. |
enum | SensorShutterModeEnums { SensorShutterMode_Global, SensorShutterMode_GlobalReset, SensorShutterMode_Rolling} Valid values for SensorShutterMode. |
enum | SequenceAddressBitSelectorEnums { SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit0, SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit1, SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit2, SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit3} Valid values for SequenceAddressBitSelector. |
enum | SequenceAddressBitSourceEnums { SequenceAddressBitSource_CC1, SequenceAddressBitSource_CC2, SequenceAddressBitSource_CC3, SequenceAddressBitSource_CC4, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line1, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line2, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line3, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line4, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line5, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line6, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line7, SequenceAddressBitSource_Line8, SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput1, SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput2, SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput3, SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput4, SequenceAddressBitSource_VInputDecActive} Valid values for SequenceAddressBitSource. |
enum | SequenceAdvanceModeEnums { SequenceAdvanceMode_Auto, SequenceAdvanceMode_Controlled, SequenceAdvanceMode_FreeSelection} Valid values for SequenceAdvanceMode. |
enum | SequenceConfigurationModeEnums { SequenceConfigurationMode_Off, SequenceConfigurationMode_On} Valid values for SequenceConfigurationMode. |
enum | SequenceControlSelectorEnums { SequenceControlSelector_Advance, SequenceControlSelector_Restart} Valid values for SequenceControlSelector. |
enum | SequenceControlSourceEnums { SequenceControlSource_AlwaysActive, SequenceControlSource_CC1, SequenceControlSource_CC2, SequenceControlSource_CC3, SequenceControlSource_CC4, SequenceControlSource_Disabled, SequenceControlSource_Line1, SequenceControlSource_Line2, SequenceControlSource_Line3, SequenceControlSource_Line4, SequenceControlSource_Line5, SequenceControlSource_Line6, SequenceControlSource_Line7, SequenceControlSource_Line8, SequenceControlSource_VInput1, SequenceControlSource_VInput2, SequenceControlSource_VInput3, SequenceControlSource_VInput4, SequenceControlSource_VInputDecActive} Valid values for SequenceControlSource. |
enum | SequencerConfigurationModeEnums { SequencerConfigurationMode_Off, SequencerConfigurationMode_On} Valid values for SequencerConfigurationMode. |
enum | SequencerModeEnums { SequencerMode_Off, SequencerMode_On} Valid values for SequencerMode. |
enum | SequencerTriggerActivationEnums { SequencerTriggerActivation_AnyEdge, SequencerTriggerActivation_FallingEdge, SequencerTriggerActivation_LevelHigh, SequencerTriggerActivation_LevelLow, SequencerTriggerActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for SequencerTriggerActivation. |
enum | SequencerTriggerSourceEnums { SequencerTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive, SequencerTriggerSource_Action1, SequencerTriggerSource_Action2, SequencerTriggerSource_Counter1Active, SequencerTriggerSource_Counter1End, SequencerTriggerSource_Counter1Start, SequencerTriggerSource_Counter2Active, SequencerTriggerSource_Counter2End, SequencerTriggerSource_Counter2Start, SequencerTriggerSource_Counter3End, SequencerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0, SequencerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1, SequencerTriggerSource_ExposureActive, SequencerTriggerSource_ExposureStart, SequencerTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait, SequencerTriggerSource_FlashWindow, SequencerTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive, SequencerTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait, SequencerTriggerSource_FrameEnd, SequencerTriggerSource_FrameStart, SequencerTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait, SequencerTriggerSource_Line1, SequencerTriggerSource_Line2, SequencerTriggerSource_Line3, SequencerTriggerSource_Line4, SequencerTriggerSource_Off, SequencerTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1, SequencerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1, SequencerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2, SequencerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3, SequencerTriggerSource_Timer1Active, SequencerTriggerSource_Timer1End, SequencerTriggerSource_Timer2Active, SequencerTriggerSource_Timer2End} Valid values for SequencerTriggerSource. |
enum | ShadingSelectorEnums { ShadingSelector_GainShading, ShadingSelector_OffsetShading} Valid values for ShadingSelector. |
enum | ShadingSetCreateEnums { ShadingSetCreate_Off, ShadingSetCreate_Once} Valid values for ShadingSetCreate. |
enum | ShadingSetDefaultSelectorEnums { ShadingSetDefaultSelector_DefaultShadingSet, ShadingSetDefaultSelector_UserShadingSet1, ShadingSetDefaultSelector_UserShadingSet2} Valid values for ShadingSetDefaultSelector. |
enum | ShadingSetSelectorEnums { ShadingSetSelector_DefaultShadingSet, ShadingSetSelector_UserShadingSet1, ShadingSetSelector_UserShadingSet2} Valid values for ShadingSetSelector. |
enum | ShadingStatusEnums { ShadingStatus_ActivateError, ShadingStatus_CreateError, ShadingStatus_NoError, ShadingStatus_StartupSetError} Valid values for ShadingStatus. |
enum | ShaftEncoderModuleCounterModeEnums { ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMode_FollowDirection, ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMode_IgnoreDirection} Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMode. |
enum | ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelectorEnums { ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelector_PhaseA, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelector_PhaseB} Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelector. |
enum | ShaftEncoderModuleLineSourceEnums { ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC1, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC2, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC3, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC4, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line1, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line2, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line3, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line4, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line5, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line6, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line7, ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line8} Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource. |
enum | ShaftEncoderModuleModeEnums { ShaftEncoderModuleMode_AnyDirection, ShaftEncoderModuleMode_ForwardOnly} Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleMode. |
enum | ShutterModeEnums { ShutterMode_Global, ShutterMode_GlobalResetRelease, ShutterMode_Rolling} Valid values for ShutterMode. |
enum | SoftwareSignalSelectorEnums { SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal1, SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal2, SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal3, SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal4} Valid values for SoftwareSignalSelector. |
enum | SyncUserOutputSelectorEnums { SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput0, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput1, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput2, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput3, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput4, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput5, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput6, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput7, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput8, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC1, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC2, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC3, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC4, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputClSpare, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine1, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine2, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine3, SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine4} Valid values for SyncUserOutputSelector. |
enum | TemperatureSelectorEnums { TemperatureSelector_Case, TemperatureSelector_Coreboard, TemperatureSelector_Framegrabberboard, TemperatureSelector_Sensorboard} Valid values for TemperatureSelector. |
enum | TemperatureStateEnums { TemperatureState_Critical, TemperatureState_Error, TemperatureState_Ok} Valid values for TemperatureState. |
enum | TestImageSelectorEnums { TestImageSelector_Black, TestImageSelector_ColorBar, TestImageSelector_DeviceSpecific, TestImageSelector_FixedDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit, TestImageSelector_FrameCounter, TestImageSelector_GreyHorizontalRamp, TestImageSelector_GreyHorizontalRampMoving, TestImageSelector_GreyVerticalRamp, TestImageSelector_GreyVerticalRampMoving, TestImageSelector_HorzontalLineMoving, TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalColorGradient, TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_12Bit, TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_8Bit, TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradient_12Bit, TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit, TestImageSelector_Off, TestImageSelector_Testimage1, TestImageSelector_Testimage2, TestImageSelector_Testimage3, TestImageSelector_Testimage4, TestImageSelector_Testimage5, TestImageSelector_Testimage6, TestImageSelector_Testimage7, TestImageSelector_VerticalLineMoving, TestImageSelector_White} Valid values for TestImageSelector. |
enum | TestPatternEnums { TestPattern_Black, TestPattern_ColorDiagonalSawtooth8, TestPattern_GreyDiagonalSawtooth8, TestPattern_Off, TestPattern_Testimage1, TestPattern_Testimage2, TestPattern_Testimage3, TestPattern_Testimage6, TestPattern_White} Valid values for TestPattern. |
enum | TimerSelectorEnums { TimerSelector_Timer1, TimerSelector_Timer2, TimerSelector_Timer3, TimerSelector_Timer4} Valid values for TimerSelector. |
enum | TimerSequenceEntrySelectorEnums { TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry1, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry10, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry11, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry12, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry13, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry14, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry15, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry16, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry2, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry3, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry4, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry5, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry6, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry7, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry8, TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry9} Valid values for TimerSequenceEntrySelector. |
enum | TimerSequenceTimerSelectorEnums { TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer1, TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer2, TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer3, TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer4} Valid values for TimerSequenceTimerSelector. |
enum | TimerStatusEnums { TimerStatus_TimerActive, TimerStatus_TimerIdle, TimerStatus_TimerTriggerWait} Valid values for TimerStatus. |
enum | TimerTriggerActivationEnums { TimerTriggerActivation_AnyEdge, TimerTriggerActivation_FallingEdge, TimerTriggerActivation_LevelHigh, TimerTriggerActivation_LevelLow, TimerTriggerActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for TimerTriggerActivation. |
enum | TimerTriggerSourceEnums { TimerTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive, TimerTriggerSource_Action1, TimerTriggerSource_Action2, TimerTriggerSource_Counter1Active, TimerTriggerSource_Counter1End, TimerTriggerSource_Counter1Start, TimerTriggerSource_Counter2Active, TimerTriggerSource_Counter2End, TimerTriggerSource_Counter2Start, TimerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0, TimerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1, TimerTriggerSource_ExposureActive, TimerTriggerSource_ExposureStart, TimerTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait, TimerTriggerSource_FlashWindow, TimerTriggerSource_FlashWindowStart, TimerTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive, TimerTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait, TimerTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait, TimerTriggerSource_Line1, TimerTriggerSource_Line2, TimerTriggerSource_Line3, TimerTriggerSource_Line4, TimerTriggerSource_Off, TimerTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1, TimerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1, TimerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2, TimerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3, TimerTriggerSource_Timer1Active, TimerTriggerSource_Timer1End, TimerTriggerSource_Timer2Active, TimerTriggerSource_Timer2End} Valid values for TimerTriggerSource. |
enum | TonalRangeAutoEnums { TonalRangeAuto_Off, TonalRangeAuto_Once} Valid values for TonalRangeAuto. |
enum | TonalRangeEnableEnums { TonalRangeEnable_Off, TonalRangeEnable_On} Valid values for TonalRangeEnable. |
enum | TonalRangeSelectorEnums { TonalRangeSelector_Blue, TonalRangeSelector_Green, TonalRangeSelector_Red, TonalRangeSelector_Sum} Valid values for TonalRangeSelector. |
enum | TriggerActivationEnums { TriggerActivation_AnyEdge, TriggerActivation_FallingEdge, TriggerActivation_LevelHigh, TriggerActivation_LevelLow, TriggerActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for TriggerActivation. |
enum | TriggerControlImplementationEnums { TriggerControlImplementation_Legacy, TriggerControlImplementation_Standard} Valid values for TriggerControlImplementation. |
enum | TriggerDelaySourceEnums { TriggerDelaySource_LineTrigger, TriggerDelaySource_Time_us} Valid values for TriggerDelaySource. |
enum | TriggerModeEnums { TriggerMode_Off, TriggerMode_On} Valid values for TriggerMode. |
enum | TriggerSelectorEnums { TriggerSelector_AcquisitionActive, TriggerSelector_AcquisitionEnd, TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart, TriggerSelector_ExposureActive, TriggerSelector_ExposureEnd, TriggerSelector_ExposureStart, TriggerSelector_FrameActive, TriggerSelector_FrameBurstActive, TriggerSelector_FrameBurstEnd, TriggerSelector_FrameBurstStart, TriggerSelector_FrameEnd, TriggerSelector_FrameStart, TriggerSelector_LineStart} Valid values for TriggerSelector. |
enum | TriggerSourceEnums { TriggerSource_Action1, TriggerSource_Action2, TriggerSource_Action3, TriggerSource_Action4, TriggerSource_CC1, TriggerSource_CC2, TriggerSource_CC3, TriggerSource_CC4, TriggerSource_CXPTrigger0, TriggerSource_Counter1Active, TriggerSource_Counter1End, TriggerSource_Counter1Start, TriggerSource_Counter2Active, TriggerSource_Counter2End, TriggerSource_Counter2Start, TriggerSource_CxpTrigger0, TriggerSource_CxpTrigger1, TriggerSource_FrequencyConverter, TriggerSource_Line1, TriggerSource_Line2, TriggerSource_Line3, TriggerSource_Line4, TriggerSource_Line5, TriggerSource_Line6, TriggerSource_Line7, TriggerSource_Line8, TriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1, TriggerSource_ShaftEncoderModuleOut, TriggerSource_Software, TriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1, TriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2, TriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3, TriggerSource_Timer1Active, TriggerSource_Timer1End, TriggerSource_Timer1Start, TriggerSource_Timer2Active, TriggerSource_Timer2End, TriggerSource_UserOutput1, TriggerSource_UserOutput2, TriggerSource_VInput1, TriggerSource_VInput2, TriggerSource_VInput3, TriggerSource_VInput4, TriggerSource_VInputDecActive} Valid values for TriggerSource. |
enum | UserDefinedValueSelectorEnums { UserDefinedValueSelector_Value1, UserDefinedValueSelector_Value2, UserDefinedValueSelector_Value3, UserDefinedValueSelector_Value4, UserDefinedValueSelector_Value5} Valid values for UserDefinedValueSelector. |
enum | UserOutputSelectorEnums { UserOutputSelector_UserOutput0, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput1, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput2, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput3, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput4, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput5, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput6, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput7, UserOutputSelector_UserOutput8, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC1, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC2, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC3, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC4, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputClSpare, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine1, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine2, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine3, UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine4} Valid values for UserOutputSelector. |
enum | UserSetDefaultEnums { UserSetDefault_AutoFunctions, UserSetDefault_Color, UserSetDefault_ColorRaw, UserSetDefault_Default, UserSetDefault_HighGain, UserSetDefault_LightMicroscopy, UserSetDefault_UserSet1, UserSetDefault_UserSet2, UserSetDefault_UserSet3} Valid values for UserSetDefault. |
enum | UserSetDefaultSelectorEnums { UserSetDefaultSelector_AutoFunctions, UserSetDefaultSelector_Color, UserSetDefaultSelector_ColorRaw, UserSetDefaultSelector_Custom0, UserSetDefaultSelector_Custom1, UserSetDefaultSelector_Default, UserSetDefaultSelector_HighGain, UserSetDefaultSelector_LightMicroscopy, UserSetDefaultSelector_UserSet1, UserSetDefaultSelector_UserSet2, UserSetDefaultSelector_UserSet3} Valid values for UserSetDefaultSelector. |
enum | UserSetSelectorEnums { UserSetSelector_AutoFunctions, UserSetSelector_Color, UserSetSelector_ColorRaw, UserSetSelector_Custom0, UserSetSelector_Custom1, UserSetSelector_Default, UserSetSelector_HighGain, UserSetSelector_LightMicroscopy, UserSetSelector_UserSet1, UserSetSelector_UserSet2, UserSetSelector_UserSet3} Valid values for UserSetSelector. |
enum | VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnums { VInpSignalReadoutActivation_FallingEdge, VInpSignalReadoutActivation_RisingEdge} Valid values for VInpSignalReadoutActivation. |
enum | VInpSignalSourceEnums { VInpSignalSource_CC1, VInpSignalSource_CC2, VInpSignalSource_CC3, VInpSignalSource_CC4, VInpSignalSource_Line1, VInpSignalSource_Line2, VInpSignalSource_Line3, VInpSignalSource_Line4, VInpSignalSource_Line5, VInpSignalSource_Line6, VInpSignalSource_Line7, VInpSignalSource_Line8} Valid values for VInpSignalSource. |
enum | VignettingCorrectionModeEnums { VignettingCorrectionMode_Off, VignettingCorrectionMode_On} Valid values for VignettingCorrectionMode. |
Types Documentation#
enum AcquisitionFrameRateEnumEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate24 | Applies to: CameraLink. | |
AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate25 | Applies to: CameraLink. | |
AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate30 | Applies to: CameraLink. | |
AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate50 | Applies to: CameraLink. | |
AcquisitionFrameRateEnum_FrameRate60 | Applies to: CameraLink. |
enum AcquisitionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AcquisitionMode_Continuous | The acquisition mode is set to Continuous - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
AcquisitionMode_MultiFrame | The acquisition mode is set to Multi Frame - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AcquisitionMode_SingleFrame | The acquisition mode is set to Single Frame - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for AcquisitionMode.
enum AcquisitionStatusSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionActive | A check determines whether the camera is currently acquiring one or multiple frames - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionIdle | A check determines whether the camera is currently idle - Applies to: GigE. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionTransfer | A check determines whether the camera is currently transferring an acquisition of one or multiple frames - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_AcquisitionTriggerWait | A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a trigger to acquire one or multiple frames - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_ExposureActive | A check determines whether the camera is currently exposing a frame - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_ExposureTriggerWait | A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for an Exposure Start trigger signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FlashWindow | A check determines whether the camera is currently within the flash window, i e whether flash lighting can be used - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameActive | A check determines whether the camera is currently capturing a frame - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstActive | A check determines whether the camera is currently doing a frame burst of one or many frames - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstTriggerActive | A check can be performed if the device is currently doing a frame burst of one or many frames - Applies to: ace USB. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstTriggerTransfer | A check can be performed if the device is currently transferring a frame burst of one or many frames - Applies to: ace USB. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameBurstTriggerWait | A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a frame burst trigger - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameTransfer | A check determines whether the camera is currently transferring a frame - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_FrameTriggerWait | A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a frame trigger - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
AcquisitionStatusSelector_LineTriggerWait | A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a line trigger - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for AcquisitionStatusSelector.
enum AutoFunctionAOISelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI1 | Auto function AOI 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI2 | Auto function AOI 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI3 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI4 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI5 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI6 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI7 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionAOISelector_AOI8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for AutoFunctionAOISelector.
enum AutoFunctionProfileEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlicker50Hz | Gain and exposure time are optimized to reduce flickering in an environment where the lighting flickers at a 50-Hz rate (e g , Europe) - Applies to: dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlicker60Hz | Gain and exposure time are optimized to reduce flickering in an environment where the lighting flickers at a 60-Hz rate (e g , North America) - Applies to: dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlickerAuto | Flicker reduction measures are based on automatic power line frequency detection - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_AntiFlickerOff | Flicker reduction is disabled - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_ExposureMinimum | Exposure time is kept as low as possible - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_ExposureMinimumQuick | Exposure time is kept as low as possible and is adjusted quickly - Applies to: GigE. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_GainMinimum | Gain is kept as low as possible - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_GainMinimumQuick | Gain time is kept as low as possible and is adjusted quickly - Applies to: GigE. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeExposureTime | Exposure time is kept as low as possible - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeExposureTimeQuick | Exposure time is kept as low as possible and is adjusted quickly - Applies to: ace USB. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeGain | Gain is kept as low as possible - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_MinimizeGainQuick | Gain is kept as low as possible and is adjusted quickly - Applies to: ace USB. | |
AutoFunctionProfile_Smart | Gain is kept as low as possible and the frame rate is kept as high as possible during automatic adjustments - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for AutoFunctionProfile.
enum AutoFunctionROISelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AutoFunctionROISelector_ROI1 | Auto function ROI 1 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
AutoFunctionROISelector_ROI2 | Auto function ROI 2 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for AutoFunctionROISelector.
enum AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector_Bright | Only the bright end of the tonal range can be adjusted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector_Dark | Only the dark end of the tonal range can be adjusted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector_DarkAndBright | The dark and bright end of the tonal range can be adjusted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector.
enum AutoTonalRangeModeSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
AutoTonalRangeModeSelector_Color | Only color is adjusted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
AutoTonalRangeModeSelector_ColorAndContrast | Color and contrast are adjusted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
AutoTonalRangeModeSelector_Contrast | Only contrast is adjusted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for AutoTonalRangeModeSelector.
enum BLCSerialPortBaudRateEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BLCSerialPortBaudRate_Baud115200 | The baud rate is 115200 Bd - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BLCSerialPortBaudRate.
enum BLCSerialPortParityEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BLCSerialPortParity_Even | The serial communication module uses an even parity bit - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialPortParity_Odd | The serial communication module uses an odd parity bit - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialPortParity_Off | The serial communication module does not use a parity bit - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BLCSerialPortParity.
enum BLCSerialPortSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BLCSerialPortSource_Line3 | The signal source for the serial communication module is set to line 3 - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialPortSource_Line4 | The signal source for the serial communication module is set to line 4 - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialPortSource_Off | The signal source for the serial communication module is disabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BLCSerialPortSource.
enum BLCSerialPortStopBitsEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BLCSerialPortStopBits_StopBits0 | The serial communication module does not use a stop bit - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialPortStopBits_StopBits1 | The serial communication module does uses 1 stop bit - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BLCSerialPortStopBits.
enum BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus_Empty | The receive queue is empty - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus_Filled | The receive queue contains at least one value - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus_Full | The receive queue is full - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus.
enum BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus_Empty | The transmit queue is empty - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus_Filled | The transmit queue contains at least one value - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus_Full | The transmit queue is full - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus.
enum BalanceRatioSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BalanceRatioSelector_Blue | Balance ratio is applied to the blue channel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BalanceRatioSelector_Green | Balance ratio is applied to the green channel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BalanceRatioSelector_Red | Balance ratio is applied to the red channel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for BalanceRatioSelector.
enum BalanceWhiteAutoEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BalanceWhiteAuto_Continuous | White balance is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BalanceWhiteAuto_Off | The Balance White Auto auto function is disabled - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BalanceWhiteAuto_Once | White balance is adjusted automatically to reach the specified target value - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for BalanceWhiteAuto.
enum BandwidthReserveModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BandwidthReserveMode_Manual | The bandwidth reserve can be configured manually - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BandwidthReserveMode_Performance | The bandwidth reserve is set to 5 % - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BandwidthReserveMode_Standard | The bandwidth reserve is set to 10 % - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Valid values for BandwidthReserveMode.
enum BinningHorizontalModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BinningHorizontalMode_Average | The values of the binned pixels are averaged - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BinningHorizontalMode_Sum | The values of the binned pixels are summed - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BinningHorizontalMode.
enum BinningModeHorizontalEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BinningModeHorizontal_Averaging | The values of the binned pixels are averaged - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
BinningModeHorizontal_Summing | The values of the binned pixels are summed - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for BinningModeHorizontal.
enum BinningModeVerticalEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BinningModeVertical_Averaging | The values of the binned pixels are averaged - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
BinningModeVertical_Summing | The values of the binned pixels are summed - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for BinningModeVertical.
enum BinningSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BinningSelector_Region1 | FPGA binning can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BinningSelector_Sensor | Sensor binning can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BinningSelector.
enum BinningVerticalModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BinningVerticalMode_Average | The values of the binned pixels are averaged - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BinningVerticalMode_Sum | The values of the binned pixels are summed - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BinningVerticalMode.
enum BlackLevelSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BlackLevelSelector_All | The black level value is applied to all sensor taps - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BlackLevelSelector_AnalogAll | Selects all analog black level controls for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_Blue | Selects the blue black level control for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_DigitalAll | Selects all digital black level controls for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_Green | Selects the green black level control for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_Red | Selects the red black level control for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_Tap1 | The black level value is applied to sensor tap 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_Tap2 | The black level value is applied to sensor tap 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_Tap3 | The black level value is applied to sensor tap 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
BlackLevelSelector_Tap4 | The black level value is applied to sensor tap 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for BlackLevelSelector.
enum BslAcquisitionBurstModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslAcquisitionBurstMode_HighSpeed | The High Speed burst mode is enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslAcquisitionBurstMode_Standard | The Standard burst mode is enabled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslAcquisitionBurstMode.
enum BslAcquisitionStopModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslAcquisitionStopMode_AbortExposure | Acquisition Stop commands abort exposure - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslAcquisitionStopMode_CompleteExposure | Acquisition Stop commands allow the exposure to be completed - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslAcquisitionStopMode.
enum BslAdaptiveToneMappingModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslAdaptiveToneMappingMode_Auto | Automatic adaptive tone mapping is enabled - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslAdaptiveToneMappingMode_Off | Adaptive tone mapping is disabled - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslAdaptiveToneMappingMode.
enum BslBlackLevelCompensationModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslBlackLevelCompensationMode_Off | Black level compensation is disabled - Applies to: boost CoaXPress. | |
BslBlackLevelCompensationMode_Sensor | Black level compensation is performed by the imaging sensor - Applies to: boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslBlackLevelCompensationMode.
enum BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus_Disabled | Target brightness adjustments are disabled, i e , Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are set to Off - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus_TargetNotReached | Target brightness adjustments are enabled, but the target brightness value has not been reached - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus_TargetReached | Target brightness adjustments are enabled, and the target brightness value has been reached - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus.
enum BslChunkTimestampSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslChunkTimestampSelector_ExposureEnd | The Chunk Timestamp Value parameter indicates when exposure of the current image ended - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslChunkTimestampSelector_ExposureStart | The Chunk Timestamp Value parameter indicates when exposure of the current image started - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslChunkTimestampSelector_FrameStart | The Chunk Timestamp Value parameter indicates when acquisition of the current image started - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslChunkTimestampSelector.
enum BslColorAdjustmentSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Blue | Colors with a predominant blue component can be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Cyan | Colors with a predominant cyan component can be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Green | Colors with a predominant green component can be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Magenta | Colors with a predominant magenta component can be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Red | Colors with a predominant red component can be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslColorAdjustmentSelector_Yellow | Colors with a predominant yellow component can be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslColorAdjustmentSelector.
enum BslColorSpaceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslColorSpace_Off | No additional gamma correction value is applied - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
BslColorSpace_sRgb | The color space is set to sRGB - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslColorSpace.
enum BslColorSpaceModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslColorSpaceMode_RGB | The color space is set to RGB - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BslColorSpaceMode_sRGB | The color space is set to sRGB - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for BslColorSpaceMode.
enum BslContrastModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslContrastMode_Linear | The camera uses a linear function to adjust the contrast - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BslContrastMode_SCurve | The camera uses an S-curve function to adjust the contrast - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for BslContrastMode.
enum BslDefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode_Off | Defect pixel correction is disabled - Applies to: dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode_On | Defect pixel correction is enabled - Applies to: dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode_StaticOnly | Only static defect pixel correction is enabled - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode.
enum BslDemosaicingMethodEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslDemosaicingMethod_AverageGreen | Demosaicing is performed using the Average Green algorithm - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
BslDemosaicingMethod_BaslerPGI | Demosaicing is performed using the Basler PGI algorithm - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslDemosaicingMethod_NearestNeighbor | Demosaicing is performed using the Nearest Neighbor algorithm - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
BslDemosaicingMethod_Unilinear | Demosaicing is performed using the Unilinear algorithm - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslDemosaicingMethod.
enum BslDemosaicingModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslDemosaicingMode_Auto | The demosaicing method is determined automatically - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
BslDemosaicingMode_Manual | The demosaicing method can be set manually - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslDemosaicingMode.
enum BslDualROIRowSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslDualROIRowSelector_Row1 | Row 1 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslDualROIRowSelector_Row2 | Row 2 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslDualROIRowSelector.
enum BslEnableFanEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslEnableFan_Off | The external fan is switched off - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslEnableFan_On | The external fan is switched on - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslEnableFan.
enum BslExposureTimeModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslExposureTimeMode_Short | The exposure time mode is set to Short - Applies to: boost CoaXPress. | |
BslExposureTimeMode_Standard | The exposure time mode is set to Standard - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslExposureTimeMode_UltraShort | The exposure time mode is set to Ultra Short - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslExposureTimeMode.
enum BslFlareRemovalAutoEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslFlareRemovalAuto_Continuous | Automatic flare removal is enabled - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslFlareRemovalAuto_Off | Automatic flare removal is disabled - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslFlareRemovalAuto.
enum BslFlatFieldCorrectionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode_DSNUOnly | Only Dark Signal Non-Uniformity (DSNU) correction is performed - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode_Off | Flat-field correction is disabled - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode_On | Flat-field correction is enabled - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode.
enum BslFocusAutoROIModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslFocusAutoROIMode_Auto | Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslFocusAutoROIMode_Manual | Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslFocusAutoROIMode.
enum BslImageStampEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslImageStamp_Off | Image stamping is disabled - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslImageStamp_On | Image stamping is enabled - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslImageStamp.
enum BslImmediateTriggerModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslImmediateTriggerMode_Off | The Immediate Trigger mode is disabled - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BslImmediateTriggerMode_On | The Immediate Trigger mode is enabled - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for BslImmediateTriggerMode.
enum BslLightControlErrorStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device1 | Light device 1 is experiencing problems - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device2 | Light device 2 is experiencing problems - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device3 | Light device 3 is experiencing problems - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlErrorStatus_Device4 | Light device 4 is experiencing problems - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlErrorStatus_MultipleDevices | Multiple light devices are experiencing problems - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlErrorStatus_NoError | No error was detected - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BslLightControlErrorStatus.
enum BslLightControlErrorSummaryEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device1 | Light device 1 is experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device2 | Light device 2 is experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device3 | Light device 3 is experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlErrorSummary_Device4 | Light device 4 is experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlErrorSummary_MultipleDevices | Multiple light devices are experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlErrorSummary_NoDevice | No light device has been detected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlErrorSummary_NoError | No error was detected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightControlErrorSummary.
enum BslLightControlModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightControlMode_Off | The light control features are disabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlMode_On | The light control features are enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightControlMode.
enum BslLightControlSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightControlSource_Line3 | Line 3 is used to control the light features - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlSource_Line4 | Line 4 is used to control the light features - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlSource_Off | No line is used to control the light features - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BslLightControlSource.
enum BslLightControlStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightControlStatus_Idle | No light device has been detected - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlStatus_Off | The light control mode is disabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlStatus_Ready | The light device is ready for use - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlStatus_Searching | The controller ist searching for light devices connected to your camera - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightControlStatus_Updating | Parameters are being updated - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BslLightControlStatus.
enum BslLightControlTriggerActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightControlTriggerActivation_AnyEdge | The light device is triggered when the source signal falls or rises - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerActivation_FallingEdge | The light device is triggered when the source signal falls - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerActivation_RisingEdge | The light device is triggered when the source signal rises - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightControlTriggerActivation.
enum BslLightControlTriggerSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive | The light device can be triggered by an Acquisition Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Action1 | The light device can be triggered by an Action 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Action2 | The light device can be triggered by an Action 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter1Active | The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter1End | The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter1Start | The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter2Active | The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter2End | The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Counter2Start | The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0 | The light device can be triggered by a CXP Trigger 0 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1 | The light device can be triggered by a CXP Trigger 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_ExposureActive | The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_ExposureStart | The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait | The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_FlashWindow | The light device can be triggered by a Flash Window signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive | The light device can be triggered by a Frame Burst Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait | The light device can be triggered by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait | The light device can be triggered by a Frame Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Line1 | The light device can be triggered by a Line 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Line2 | The light device can be triggered by a Line 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Line3 | The light device can be triggered by a Line 3 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1 | The light device can be triggered by a Periodic Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1 | The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2 | The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3 | The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 3 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer1Active | The light device can be triggered by a Timer 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer1End | The light device can be triggered by a Timer 1 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer2Active | The light device can be triggered by a Timer 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightControlTriggerSource_Timer2End | The light device can be triggered by a Timer 2 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightControlTriggerSource.
enum BslLightDeviceChangeIDEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device1 | The ID of the currently selected light device is changed to Device 1 - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device2 | The ID of the currently selected light device is changed to Device 2 - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device3 | The ID of the currently selected light device is changed to Device 3 - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceChangeID_Device4 | The ID of the currently selected light device is changed to Device 4 - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceChangeID.
enum BslLightDeviceControlModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceControlMode_Current | The light device is controlled by current - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceControlMode_Voltage12V | The light device is controlled by 12 V voltage - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceControlMode_Voltage24V | The light device is controlled by 24 V voltage - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceControlMode.
enum BslLightDeviceErrorStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_CommunicationError | The data transmission between the camera and the light device is disrupted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_ConnectionLost | The connection to a previously connected light device has been lost - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_HardwareError | The light device is experiencing a technical fault - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_LightDeviceError | The light device is experiencing an internal error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_NoError | No error was detected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_NotConnected | The light device is not connected to the camera or has not been enumerated yet - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus_UnsupportedDeviceVersion | The light device is not compatible with the current camera - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceErrorStatus.
enum BslLightDeviceLastErrorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceLastError_Communication | The data transmission between the camera and the light device is disrupted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceLastError_Connection | The connection between the camera and the light device is broken - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceLastError_Hardware | The light device is experiencing a technical fault - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceLastError_InsufficientCurrent | The light controller is unable to supply the requested current - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceLastError_NoError | No error was detected - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
BslLightDeviceLastError_ShortCircuit | There is a short circuit at the Lighting connector of the light controller - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceLastError.
enum BslLightDeviceNewIDEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceNewID_Device1 | The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 1 - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceNewID_Device2 | The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 2 - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceNewID_Device3 | The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 3 - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceNewID_Device4 | The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 4 - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceNewID.
enum BslLightDeviceOperationModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceOperationMode_Off | The currently selected light device is switched off - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceOperationMode_On | The currently selected light device is switched on - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceOperationMode_Strobe | The currently selected light device is set to strobe mode - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceOperationMode.
enum BslLightDeviceSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceSelector_Device1 | Light device 1 can be configured - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceSelector_Device2 | Light device 2 can be configured - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceSelector_Device3 | Light device 3 can be configured - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceSelector_Device4 | Light device 4 can be configured - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceSelector.
enum BslLightDeviceStrobeModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightDeviceStrobeMode_Automatic | The timing of the individual strobe pulses is determined by the Exposure Active signal - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLightDeviceStrobeMode_Manual | The timing of the individual strobe pulses can be specified manually - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslLightDeviceStrobeMode.
enum BslLightSourcePresetEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightSourcePreset_Auto | The color temperature of the light source is determined automatically - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_CoolWhiteFluorescent4250K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with cool white fluorescent light (4250 K) is selected - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Daylight5000K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with daylight of 5000 K is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Daylight6500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with daylight of 6500 K is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Daylight7500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with daylight of 7500 K is selected - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_FactoryLED6000K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with LED light is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Horizon2500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with horizon light (2500 K) is selected - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Led | The light source preset for image acquisitions with LED light is selected - Applies to: dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Manual | The color temperature of the light source is determined manually - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Off | No light source preset is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Tungsten | The light source preset for image acquisitions with tungsten incandescent light is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePreset_Tungsten2800K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with tungsten incandescent light (2800 K) is selected - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslLightSourcePreset.
enum BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector_ColorAdjustment | Adjustment of the Color Adjustment feature can be enabled or disabled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector_ColorTransformation | Adjustment of the Color Transformation feature can be enabled or disabled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector_WhiteBalance | Adjustment of the Balance White feature can be enabled or disabled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector.
enum BslLineConnectionEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslLineConnection_ConnectionOff | No connection signal is set for the currently selected line - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslLineConnection_LightControl | The Light Control signal is set for the currently selected line - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslLineConnection_TwiScl | The TWI SCL signal is set for the currently selected line - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslLineConnection_TwiSda | The TWI SDA signal is set for the currently selected line - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslLineConnection.
enum BslMultipleROIColumnSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column1 | Column 1 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column2 | Column 2 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column3 | Column 3 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column4 | Column 4 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column5 | Column 5 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column6 | Column 6 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column7 | Column 7 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIColumnSelector_Column8 | Column 8 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslMultipleROIColumnSelector.
enum BslMultipleROIRowSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row1 | Row 1 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row10 | Row 10 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row11 | Row 11 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row12 | Row 12 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row13 | Row 13 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row14 | Row 14 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row15 | Row 15 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row16 | Row 16 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row2 | Row 2 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row3 | Row 3 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row4 | Row 4 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row5 | Row 5 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row6 | Row 6 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row7 | Row 7 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row8 | Row 8 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslMultipleROIRowSelector_Row9 | Row 9 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Valid values for BslMultipleROIRowSelector.
enum BslPeriodicSignalActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslPeriodicSignalActivation_AnyEdge | Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslPeriodicSignalActivation_FallingEdge | The periodic signal is synchronized to the falling edge of the source signal - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslPeriodicSignalActivation_LevelHigh | Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslPeriodicSignalActivation_LevelLow | Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslPeriodicSignalActivation_RisingEdge | The periodic signal is synchronized to the rising edge of the source signal - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslPeriodicSignalActivation.
enum BslPeriodicSignalSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslPeriodicSignalSelector_PeriodicSignal1 | Periodic Signal 1 can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslPeriodicSignalSelector.
enum BslPeriodicSignalSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslPeriodicSignalSource_DeviceClock | The camera is synchronized via the device clock - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and dart MIPI. | |
BslPeriodicSignalSource_Line1 | The camera is synchronized via Line 1 - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
BslPeriodicSignalSource_PtpClock | The camera is synchronized via the PTP clock - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslPeriodicSignalSource.
enum BslPtpDelayMechanismEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslPtpDelayMechanism_E2E | The port is configured to use the delay request-response mechanism - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BslPtpDelayMechanism_P2P | The port is configured to use the peer delay mechanism - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Valid values for BslPtpDelayMechanism.
enum BslPtpNetworkModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslPtpNetworkMode_Hybrid | Hybrid network communication is enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BslPtpNetworkMode_Multicast | Multicast network communication is enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BslPtpNetworkMode_Unicast | Unicast network communication is enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Valid values for BslPtpNetworkMode.
enum BslPtpProfileEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslPtpProfile_DelayRequestResponseDefaultProfile | The default PTP profile is set to Delay Request-Response - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
BslPtpProfile_PeerToPeerDefaultProfile | The default PTP profile is set to Peer-to-Peer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Valid values for BslPtpProfile.
enum BslSensorBitDepthEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSensorBitDepth_Bpp10 | The sensor bit depth is set to 10 bits per pixel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslSensorBitDepth_Bpp12 | The sensor bit depth is set to 12 bits per pixel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSensorBitDepth_Bpp8 | The sensor bit depth is set to 8 bits per pixel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslSensorBitDepth.
enum BslSensorBitDepthModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSensorBitDepthMode_Auto | The sensor bit depth mode is set to Auto - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSensorBitDepthMode_Manual | The sensor bit depth mode is set to Manual - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslSensorBitDepthMode.
enum BslSensorStateEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSensorState_Off | The sensor power is switched off - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSensorState_On | The sensor power is switched on - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSensorState_SensorOff | Applies to: boost CoaXPress. | |
BslSensorState_SensorOn | Applies to: boost CoaXPress. | |
BslSensorState_SensorStandby | Applies to: boost CoaXPress. | |
BslSensorState_Standby | The sensor is in standby mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslSensorState.
enum BslSerialBaudRateEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud115200 | A symbol rate of 115200 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud1200 | A symbol rate of 1200 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud19200 | A symbol rate of 19200 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud2400 | A symbol rate of 2400 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud38400 | A symbol rate of 38400 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud4800 | A symbol rate of 4800 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud57600 | A symbol rate of 57600 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialBaudRate_Baud9600 | A symbol rate of 9600 baud is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslSerialBaudRate.
enum BslSerialNumberOfDataBitsEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSerialNumberOfDataBits_Bits7 | Seven data bits per frame are used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialNumberOfDataBits_Bits8 | Eight data bits per frame are used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslSerialNumberOfDataBits.
enum BslSerialNumberOfStopBitsEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSerialNumberOfStopBits_Bits1 | One stop bit is used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialNumberOfStopBits_Bits2 | Two stop bits are used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslSerialNumberOfStopBits.
enum BslSerialParityEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSerialParity_Even | An even parity check is performed - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialParity_None | No parity check is performed - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialParity_Odd | An odd parity check is performed - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslSerialParity.
enum BslSerialRxSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslSerialRxSource_Line1 | The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 1 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialRxSource_Line2 | The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 2 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialRxSource_Line3 | The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 3 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialRxSource_Off | Rx input is muted - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslSerialRxSource_SerialTx | The source of the Rx serial input is set to Serial Tx - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslSerialRxSource.
enum BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileEmpty | The defect pixel correction file has no entries - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileNotFound | The defect pixel correction file can't be found - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileOk | The defect pixel correction file is valid - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_FileStatusUnknown | The status of the defect pixel correction file is unknown - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidClustering | An invalid cluster has been found - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidFileEntry | At least one entry in the defect pixel correction file has an invalid size - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidHeader | The defect pixel correction file header is invalid - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidSize | The defect pixel correction file size is invalid - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus_InvalidSorting | The sorting of entries in the defect pixel correction file is invalid - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus.
enum BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode_Factory | Static defect pixel correction is based on the defect pixels stored in the factory correction file - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode_Off | Static defect pixel correction is disabled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode_User | Static defect pixel correction is based on the defect pixels stored in the user correction file - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode.
enum BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode_Off | Static defect pixel correction test mode is disabled - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode_On | Static defect pixel correction test mode is enabled - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode.
enum BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X0 | Entry X0 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X1 | Entry X1 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X2 | Entry X2 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X3 | Entry X3 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X4 | Entry X4 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X5 | Entry X5 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X6 | Entry X6 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector_X7 | Entry X7 can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector.
enum BslTemperatureStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslTemperatureStatus_Critical | The temperature is close to or at the allowed maximum Provide cooling - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslTemperatureStatus_Error | The temperature is above the allowed maximum Provide cooling immediately - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
BslTemperatureStatus_Ok | The temperature is within the normal operating temperature range - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for BslTemperatureStatus.
enum BslTransferBitDepthEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslTransferBitDepth_Bpp10 | The transfer bit depth is set to 10 bits per pixel - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslTransferBitDepth_Bpp12 | The transfer bit depth is set to 12 bits per pixel - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslTransferBitDepth_Bpp8 | The transfer bit depth is set to 8 bits per pixel - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslTransferBitDepth.
enum BslTransferBitDepthModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslTransferBitDepthMode_Auto | The transfer bit depth mode is set to Auto - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
BslTransferBitDepthMode_Manual | The transfer bit depth mode is set to Manual - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for BslTransferBitDepthMode.
enum BslTwiBitrateEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate100kbps | The bit rate is set to 100000 bits per second - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate10kbps | The bit rate is set to 10000 bits per second - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate200kbps | The bit rate is set to 200000 bits per second - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate20kbps | The bit rate is set to 20000 bits per second - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate400kbps | The bit rate is set to 400000 bits per second - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiBitrate_Bitrate50kbps | The bit rate is set to 50000 bits per second - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslTwiBitrate.
enum BslTwiTransferStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslTwiTransferStatus_NakAddress | The last transfer failed because a NAK was received when sending the address - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiTransferStatus_NakData | The last transfer failed because a NAK was received when sending data - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiTransferStatus_Pending | A transfer is pending - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslTwiTransferStatus_Success | The last transfer was successful - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslTwiTransferStatus.
enum BslUSBPowerSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslUSBPowerSource_Aux | Power is supplied via the I/O connector - Applies to: ace 2 USB and dart USB. | |
BslUSBPowerSource_Bus | Power is supplied via the bus - Applies to: ace 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for BslUSBPowerSource.
enum BslUSBSpeedModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslUSBSpeedMode_FullSpeed | The USB port is operating at Full Speed - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BslUSBSpeedMode_HighSpeed | The USB port is operating at High Speed - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BslUSBSpeedMode_LowSpeed | The USB port is operating at Low Speed - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
BslUSBSpeedMode_SuperSpeed | The USB port is operating at SuperSpeed - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for BslUSBSpeedMode.
enum BslVignettingCorrectionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
BslVignettingCorrectionMode_Off | The vignetting correction is disabled - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and dart MIPI. | |
BslVignettingCorrectionMode_On | The vignetting correction is enabled - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and dart MIPI. |
Valid values for BslVignettingCorrectionMode.
enum CameraOperationModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CameraOperationMode_LongExposure | The camera operation mode is set to Long Exposure - Applies to: ace USB. | |
CameraOperationMode_Standard | The camera operation mode is set to Standard - Applies to: ace USB. |
Valid values for CameraOperationMode.
enum ChunkCounterSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ChunkCounterSelector_Counter1 | Chunk data can be retrieved from counter 1 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkCounterSelector_Counter2 | Chunk data can be retrieved from counter 2 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for ChunkCounterSelector.
enum ChunkGainSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ChunkGainSelector_All | Chunk data can be retrieved from all gain channels - Applies to: ace USB. |
Valid values for ChunkGainSelector.
enum ChunkPixelFormatEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ChunkPixelFormat_BGR10Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the BGR 10 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BGR12Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the BGR 12 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BGR8 | The pixel format is set to BGR 8 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BGR8Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the BGR 8 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BGRA8Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the BGRA 8 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG10 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer BG 10 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG10p | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer BG 10p format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG12 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer BG 12 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG12Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer BG 12 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG16 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer BG 16 format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerBG8 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer BG 8 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB10 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GB 10 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB10p | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GB 10p format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB12 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GB 12 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB12Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GB 12 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB16 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GB 16 format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGB8 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GB 8 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR10 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GR 10 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR10p | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GR 10p format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR12 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GR 12 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR12Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GR 12 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR16 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GR 16 format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerGR8 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer GR 8 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG10 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer RG 10 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG10p | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer RG 10p format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG12 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer RG 12 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG12Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer RG 12 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG16 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer RG 16 format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_BayerRG8 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Bayer RG 8 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono10 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 10 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono10Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 10 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono10p | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 10p format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono12 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 12 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono12Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 12 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono12p | The pixel format is set to Mono 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono16 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 16 format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono8 | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 8 format - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_Mono8Signed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the Mono 8 Signed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 10 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10Planar | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 10 Planar format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10V1Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 10V1 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB10V2Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 10V2 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB12Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 12 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB12Planar | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 12 Planar format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB12V1Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in RGB 12 V1 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB16Planar | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 16 Planar format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB8 | The pixel format is set to RGB 8 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB8Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 8 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGB8Planar | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGB 8 Planar format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_RGBA8Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the RGBA 8 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_YCbCr422_8 | The pixel format is set to YCbCr 422 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_YUV411Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the YUV 411 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_YUV422Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the YUV 422 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_YUV422_8 | The pixel format is set to YUV 4:2:2 8 bit packed - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_YUV422_YUYV_Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the YUV 422 (YUYV) Packed format - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkPixelFormat_YUV444Packed | The pixel data in the acquired image is in the YUV 444 Packed format - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for ChunkPixelFormat.
enum ChunkSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ChunkSelector_AutoBrightnessStatus | The Auto Brightness Status chunk can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_BrightPixel | Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_CounterValue | The Counter Value chunk can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_DynamicRangeMax | The Dynamic Range Max chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_DynamicRangeMin | The Dynamic Range Min chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_ExposureTime | The Exposure Time chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_FrameID | The Frame ID chunk can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_FrameTriggerCounter | The Frame Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_FrameTriggerIgnoredCounter | The Frame Trigger Ignored Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_Framecounter | The Frame Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_FramesPerTriggerCounter | The Frames Per Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_Gain | The Gain chunk can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_GainAll | The Gain All chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_Height | The Height chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_Image | The Image chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ChunkSelector_InputStatusAtLineTrigger | The Input Status At Line Trigger chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_LineStatusAll | The Line Status All chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_LineTriggerCounter | The Line Trigger Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_LineTriggerEndToEndCounter | The Line Trigger End To End Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_LineTriggerIgnoredCounter | The Line Trigger Ignored Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_OffsetX | The X Offset chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_OffsetY | The Y Offset chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_PayloadCRC16 | The CRC Checksum chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_PixelFormat | The Pixel Format chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_SequenceSetIndex | The Sequence Set Index chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_SequencerSetActive | The Sequencer Set Active chunk can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB. | |
ChunkSelector_ShaftEncoderCounter | The Shaft Encoder Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_Stride | The Stride chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_Timestamp | The Timestamp chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
ChunkSelector_Triggerinputcounter | The Trigger Input Counter chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_VirtLineStatusAll | Selects the virtual line status all chunk for enabling - Applies to: GigE. | |
ChunkSelector_Width | The Width chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for ChunkSelector.
enum ClConfigurationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ClConfiguration_Base | The Base configuration is selected - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClConfiguration_Deca | The Deca configuration is selected - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClConfiguration_DualBase | The DualBase configuration is selected - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClConfiguration_Full | The Full configuration is selected - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClConfiguration_Medium | The Medium configuration is selected - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for ClConfiguration.
enum ClPixelClockEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock20 | The pixel clock speed is set to 20 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock32_5 | The pixel clock speed is set to 32 5 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock40 | The pixel clock speed is set to 40 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock48 | The pixel clock speed is set to 48 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock65 | The pixel clock speed is set to 65 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock82 | The pixel clock speed is set to 82 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock82_5 | The pixel clock speed is set to 82 5 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock83 | The pixel clock speed is set to 83 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClPixelClock_PixelClock83_5 | The pixel clock speed is set to 83 5 MHz - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for ClPixelClock.
enum ClSerialPortBaudRateEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud115200 | The baud rate is set to 115200 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud19200 | The baud rate is set to 19200 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud230400 | The baud rate is set to 230400 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud38400 | The baud rate is set to 38400 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud460800 | The baud rate is set to 460800 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud57600 | The baud rate is set to 57600 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud921600 | The baud rate is set to 921600 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClSerialPortBaudRate_Baud9600 | The baud rate is set to 9600 baud - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for ClSerialPortBaudRate.
enum ClTapGeometryEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with one tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X10 | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with ten taps - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X10_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with ten taps and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X2 | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with two taps - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X2_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with two taps and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X3 | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with three taps - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X3_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with three taps and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X4 | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with four taps - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X4_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with four taps and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X6 | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with six taps - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X6_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with six taps and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X8 | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with eight taps - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X8_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with eight taps and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with one tap and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
ClTapGeometry_Geometry1X_2YE | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with one tap and 2 zones in vertical direction with 1 tap with end extraction - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for ClTapGeometry.
enum ClTimeSlotsEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ClTimeSlots_TimeSlots1 | The time slot is set to one time slot - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for ClTimeSlots.
enum ColorAdjustmentSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ColorAdjustmentSelector_Blue | Colors with a predominant blue component can be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ColorAdjustmentSelector_Cyan | Colors with a predominant cyan component can be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ColorAdjustmentSelector_Green | Colors with a predominant green component can be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ColorAdjustmentSelector_Magenta | Colors with a predominant magenta component can be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ColorAdjustmentSelector_Red | Colors with a predominant red component can be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ColorAdjustmentSelector_Yellow | Colors with a predominant yellow component can be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ColorAdjustmentSelector.
enum ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector_AOI1 | Selects Color Overexposure Compensation AOI 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector.
enum ColorSpaceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ColorSpace_RGB | The color space is set to RGB - Applies to: ace USB. | |
ColorSpace_sRGB | The color space is set to sRGB - Applies to: ace USB. |
Valid values for ColorSpace.
enum ColorTransformationSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ColorTransformationSelector_RGBtoRGB | Color transformation from RGB to RGB will be performed - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationSelector_RGBtoYUV | Color transformation from RGB to YUV will be performed - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ColorTransformationSelector_YUVtoRGB | Color transformation from YUV to RGB will be performed - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ColorTransformationSelector.
enum ColorTransformationValueSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain00 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 0 and column 0 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain01 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 0 and column 1 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain02 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 0 and column 2 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain10 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 1 and column 0 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain11 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 1 and column 1 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain12 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 1 and column 2 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain20 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 2 and column 0 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain21 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 2 and column 1 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Gain22 | The desired color transformation value can be entered at the position row 2 and column 2 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Offset0 | The desired color transformation value can be entered in row 0 of the offset matrix - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Offset1 | The desired color transformation value can be entered in row 1 of the offset matrix - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
ColorTransformationValueSelector_Offset2 | The desired color transformation value can be entered in row 2 of the offset matrix - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for ColorTransformationValueSelector.
enum ComponentSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ComponentSelector_Confidence | The acquisition of confidence map of the acquired image is controlled - Applies to: blaze. | |
ComponentSelector_Intensity | The acquisition of intensity (monochrome or color) of the visible reflected light is controlled - Applies to: blaze. | |
ComponentSelector_Range | The acquisition of range (distance) data is controlled - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for ComponentSelector.
enum CounterEventActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterEventActivation_AnyEdge | Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventActivation_FallingEdge | Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventActivation_LevelHigh | Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventActivation_LevelLow | Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventActivation_RisingEdge | Trigger on the rising edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CounterEventActivation.
enum CounterEventSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterEventSource_AcquisitionActive | The selected counter counts the number of Acquisition Active signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_AcquisitionEnd | Counts the number of Acquisition End - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_AcquisitionStart | Counts the number of Acquisition Start - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_AcquisitionTrigger | Counts the number of Acquisition Trigger - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_Action1 | The selected counter counts the number of action commands received for action signal 1 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_Action2 | The selected counter counts the number of action commands received for action signal 2 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_Counter1Active | The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 Active signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Counter1End | The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 End signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Counter1Start | The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 Start signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Counter2Active | The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 Active signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Counter2End | The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 End signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Counter2Start | The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 Start signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Counter3End | The selected counter counts the number of counter 3 end events - Applies to: ace USB. | |
CounterEventSource_CxpTrigger0 | The selected counter counts the number of CXP Trigger 0 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_CxpTrigger1 | The selected counter counts the number of CXP Trigger 1 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_ExposureActive | The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Active signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_ExposureEnd | Counts the number of Exposure End - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_ExposureStart | The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Start signals - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_ExposureTriggerWait | The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Trigger Wait signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_FlashWindow | The selected counter counts the number of Flash Window signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
CounterEventSource_FrameBurstActive | The selected counter counts the number of Frame Burst Active signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait | The selected counter counts the number of Frame Burst Trigger Wait signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_FrameEnd | Counts the number of Frame End - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_FrameStart | The selected counter counts the number of Frame Start events - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
CounterEventSource_FrameTrigger | The selected counter counts the number of Frame Trigger events - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
CounterEventSource_FrameTriggerWait | The selected counter counts the number of Frame Trigger Wait signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Line1 | The selected counter counts the number of Line 1 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Line2 | The selected counter counts the number of Line 2 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Line3 | The selected counter counts the number of Line 3 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Line4 | The selected counter counts the number of Line 4 signals - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
CounterEventSource_LineEnd | Counts the number of Line End - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_LineStart | Counts the number of Line Start - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_LineTrigger | The selected counter counts the number of Line Trigger events - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_Off | The selected counter is disabled - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_PeriodicSignal1 | The selected counter counts the number of Periodic Signal 1 signals - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterEventSource_SoftwareSignal1 | The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 1 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_SoftwareSignal2 | The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 2 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_SoftwareSignal3 | The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 3 signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Timer1Active | The selected counter counts the number of Timer 1 Active signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Timer1End | The selected counter counts the number of Timer 1 End signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Timer2Active | The selected counter counts the number of Timer 2 Active signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterEventSource_Timer2End | The selected counter counts the number of Timer 2 End signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CounterEventSource.
enum CounterResetActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterResetActivation_AnyEdge | Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetActivation_FallingEdge | Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetActivation_LevelHigh | Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetActivation_LevelLow | Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetActivation_RisingEdge | The counter is reset on the rising edge of the signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CounterResetActivation.
enum CounterResetSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterResetSource_AcquisitionActive | The selected counter can be reset by an Acquisition Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Action1 | The selected counter can be reset by an action command that is defined by action signal 1 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_Action2 | The selected counter can be reset by an action command that is defined by action signal 2 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_CC1 | The selected counter can be reset by a CC1 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_CC2 | The selected counter can be reset by a CC2 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_CC3 | The selected counter can be reset by a CC3 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_CC4 | The selected counter can be reset by a CC4 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter1Active | The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter1End | The selected counter can be reset by a Counter End 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter1Start | The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 1 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter2Active | The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter2End | The selected counter can be reset by a Counter End 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter2Start | The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 2 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter3End | The selected counter can be reset by a counter end 3 signal - Applies to: ace USB. | |
CounterResetSource_Counter4End | The selected counter can be reset by a counter end 4 signal - Applies to: ace USB. | |
CounterResetSource_CxpTrigger0 | The selected counter can be reset by a CXP Trigger 0 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_CxpTrigger1 | The selected counter can be reset by a CXP Trigger 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_ExposureActive | The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_ExposureStart | The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_ExposureTriggerWait | The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_FlashWindow | The selected counter can be reset by a Flash Window signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
CounterResetSource_FrameBurstActive | The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Burst Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait | The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_FrameTriggerWait | The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Line1 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 1 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Line2 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 2 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Line3 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 3 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Line4 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 4 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
CounterResetSource_Line5 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 5 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_Line6 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 6 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_Line7 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 7 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_Line8 | The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 8 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_Off | The counter reset is disabled - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_PeriodicSignal1 | The selected counter can be reset by a Periodic Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_Software | The selected counter can be reset by a software command - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
CounterResetSource_SoftwareSignal1 | The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_SoftwareSignal2 | The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_SoftwareSignal3 | The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 3 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Timer1Active | The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Timer1End | The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 1 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Timer2Active | The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_Timer2End | The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 2 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterResetSource_VInput1 | Selects Virtual Input 1 as the source for counter reset - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_VInput2 | Selects Virtual Input 2 as the source for counter reset - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_VInput3 | Selects Virtual Input 3 as the source for counter reset - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_VInput4 | Selects Virtual Input 4 as the source for counter reset - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterResetSource_VInputDecActive | Selects Virtual Input Decoder Active as the source for counter reset - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for CounterResetSource.
enum CounterSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterSelector_Counter1 | Counter 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterSelector_Counter2 | Counter 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterSelector_Counter3 | Counter 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
CounterSelector_Counter4 | Selects counter 4 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for CounterSelector.
enum CounterStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterStatus_CounterActive | The counter is waiting to be increased by the selected event source or is currently counting - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterStatus_CounterCompleted | The counter has reached its maximum value defined by the Counter Duration parameter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterStatus_CounterTriggerWait | The counter is waiting to be started - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CounterStatus.
enum CounterTriggerActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterTriggerActivation_AnyEdge | Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerActivation_FallingEdge | Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerActivation_LevelHigh | Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerActivation_LevelLow | Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerActivation_RisingEdge | Trigger on the rising edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CounterTriggerActivation.
enum CounterTriggerSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CounterTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive | The selected counter can be started by an Acquisition Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Action1 | The selected counter can be started by an action command that is defined by action signal 1 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Action2 | The selected counter can be started by an action command that is defined by action signal 2 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Counter1Active | The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Counter1End | The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Counter1Start | The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Counter2Active | The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Counter2End | The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Counter2Start | The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0 | The selected counter can be started by a CXP Trigger 0 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1 | The selected counter can be started by a CXP Trigger 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_ExposureActive | The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_ExposureStart | The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait | The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_FlashWindow | The selected counter can be started by a Flash Window signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
CounterTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive | The selected counter can be started by a Frame Burst Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait | The selected counter can be started by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait | The selected counter can be started by a Frame Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Line1 | The selected counter can be started by a Line 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Line2 | The selected counter can be started by a Line 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Line3 | The selected counter can be started by a Line 3 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Line4 | The selected counter can be started by a Line 4 signal - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Off | The selected counter is disabled and can't be started - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1 | The selected counter can be started by a Periodic Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
CounterTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1 | The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2 | The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3 | The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 3 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Timer1Active | The selected counter can be started by a Timer 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Timer1End | The selected counter can be started by a Timer 1 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Timer2Active | The selected counter can be started by a Timer 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
CounterTriggerSource_Timer2End | The selected counter can be started by a Timer 2 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CounterTriggerSource.
enum CxpConnectionTestModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CxpConnectionTestMode_Mode1 | Test mode is enabled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpConnectionTestMode_Off | Test mode is disabled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CxpConnectionTestMode.
enum CxpErrorCounterSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CxpErrorCounterSelector_ConnectionLockLoss | The Connection Lock Loss error counter can be read or reset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpErrorCounterSelector_ControlPacketCrc | The Control Packet CRC error counter can be read or reset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpErrorCounterSelector_DuplicatedCharactersUncorrected | The Duplicated Characters Uncorrected error counter can be read or reset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CxpErrorCounterSelector.
enum CxpErrorCounterStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CxpErrorCounterStatus_CounterActive | The counter is actively counting errors - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CxpErrorCounterStatus.
enum CxpLinkConfigurationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CxpLinkConfiguration_Auto | The link configuration is set to automatic discovery - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP10_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP10_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP12_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP12_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP12_X4 | The link configuration is set to 4 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP2_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2 5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP2_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP3_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3 125 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP3_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3 125 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP5_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP5_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP6_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP6_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfiguration_CXP6_X4 | The link configuration is set to 4 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for CxpLinkConfiguration.
enum CxpLinkConfigurationPreferredEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_Auto | The link configuration is set to automatic discovery - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP10_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP10_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP12_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP12_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP12_X4 | The link configuration is set to 4 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP2_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2 5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP2_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP3_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3 125 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP3_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3 125 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP5_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP5_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP6_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP6_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred_CXP6_X4 | The link configuration is set to 4 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred.
enum CxpLinkConfigurationStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_Auto | The link configuration is set to automatic discovery - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP10_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP10_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP12_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP12_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP2_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2 5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP2_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2 5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP3_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3 125 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP3_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3 125 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP5_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP5_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP6_X1 | The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpLinkConfigurationStatus_CXP6_X2 | The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6 25 Gbps) - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CxpLinkConfigurationStatus.
enum CxpSendReceiveSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CxpSendReceiveSelector_Receive | The receive features can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
CxpSendReceiveSelector_Send | The send features can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for CxpSendReceiveSelector.
enum DefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DefectPixelCorrectionMode_Off | Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. | |
DefectPixelCorrectionMode_On | Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. | |
DefectPixelCorrectionMode_StaticOnly | Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for DefectPixelCorrectionMode.
enum DemosaicingModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DemosaicingMode_BaslerPGI | Demosaicing is performed using the Basler PGI algorithm - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
DemosaicingMode_Simple | Demosaicing is performed using a simple demosaicing algorithm - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for DemosaicingMode.
enum DeviceCharacterSetEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceCharacterSet_UTF8 | The strings of the device's bootstrap registers use the UTF-8 character set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for DeviceCharacterSet.
enum DeviceIndicatorModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceIndicatorMode_Active | The status LED of the camera is turned on - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceIndicatorMode_ErrorStatus | The camera's status LED is inactive unless an error occurs - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceIndicatorMode_Inactive | The status LED of the camera is turned off - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for DeviceIndicatorMode.
enum DeviceLinkThroughputLimitModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode_Off | The Device Link Throughput Limit parameter is disabled - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode_On | The Device Link Throughput Limit parameter is enabled - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode.
enum DeviceRegistersEndiannessEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceRegistersEndianness_Big | The endianness of the device's registers is big-endian - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceRegistersEndianness_Little | The endianness of the device's registers is little-endian - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for DeviceRegistersEndianness.
enum DeviceScanTypeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceScanType_Areascan | The camera has an area scan sensor - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceScanType_Areascan3D | Device outputs 2D range image - Applies to: blaze. | |
DeviceScanType_Linescan | The camera has a line scan sensor - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceScanType_Linescan3D | Device outputs 1D range image - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for DeviceScanType.
enum DeviceTLTypeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceTLType_CoaXPress | The device provides a CoaXPress transport layer - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceTLType_Custom | The device provides a custom transport layer - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
DeviceTLType_GigEVision | The device provides a GigE Vision transport layer - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceTLType_USB3Vision | The device provides a USB3 Vision transport layer - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for DeviceTLType.
enum DeviceTapGeometryEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceTapGeometry_Geometry_1X_1Y | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with one tap and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceTapGeometry_Geometry_1X_2YE | The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with one tap and 2 zones in vertical direction with 1 tap with end extraction - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Valid values for DeviceTapGeometry.
enum DeviceTemperatureSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_CPU | Temperature of the device's CPU - Applies to: blaze. | |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_Camera | The temperature is measured on the camera housing - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_Coreboard | The temperature is measured on the core board - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB. | |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_FpgaCore | The temperature is measured on the FPGA board - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_Framegrabberboard | The temperature is measured on the frame grabber board - Applies to: ace USB. | |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_Illumination | Temperature of the device's illumination board - Applies to: blaze. | |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_Sensor | The temperature is measured on the image sensor - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
DeviceTemperatureSelector_Sensorboard | The temperature is measured on the sensor board - Applies to: ace USB and blaze. |
Valid values for DeviceTemperatureSelector.
enum DeviceTypeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
DeviceType_Peripheral | Controllable device (with no data stream handling) - Applies to: blaze. | |
DeviceType_Receiver | Data stream receiver device - Applies to: blaze. | |
DeviceType_Transceiver | Data stream receiver and transmitter device - Applies to: blaze. | |
DeviceType_Transmitter | Data stream transmitter device - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for DeviceType.
enum EventNotificationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
EventNotification_GenICamEvent | Event notifications are enabled and the notification type is set to GenICam - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventNotification_Off | Event notifications are disabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventNotification_On | Event notifications are enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventNotification_Once | Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for EventNotification.
enum EventSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
EventSelector_AcquisitionStart | Event notifications for the Acquisition Start event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_AcquisitionStartOvertrigger | Event notifications for the Acquisition Start Overtrigger event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_AcquisitionStartWait | Event notifications for the Acquisition Start Wait event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_AcquisitionWait | Event notifications for the Acquisition Wait event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_ActionLate | Event notifications for the Action Late event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
EventSelector_CriticalTemperature | Event notifications for the Critical Temperature event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
EventSelector_EventOverrun | Event notifications for the Event Overrun event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_ExposureEnd | Event notifications for the Exposure End event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameBufferOverrun | Event notifications for the Frame Buffer Overrun event can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameBurstStart | Event notifications for the Frame Burst Start event can be enabled - Applies to: ace USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameBurstStartOvertrigger | Event notifications for the Frame Burst Start Overtrigger event can be enabled - Applies to: ace USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameBurstStartWait | Event notifications for the Frame Burst Start Wait event can be enabled - Applies to: ace USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameStart | Event notifications for the Frame Start event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameStartOvertrigger | Event notifications for the Frame Start Overtrigger event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameStartWait | Event notifications for the Frame Start Wait event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameTimeout | Event notifications for the Frame Timeout event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_FrameTriggerMissed | Event notifications for the Frame Trigger Missed event can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventSelector_FrameWait | Event notifications for the Frame Wait event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_Line1RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_Line2RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_Line3RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_Line4RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_LineStartOvertrigger | Event notifications for the Line Start Overtrigger event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_OverTemperature | Event notifications for the Over Temperature event can be enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
EventSelector_Overrun | Event notifications for the Overrun event can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventSelector_TemperatureStatusChanged | Event notifications for the Temperature Status Changed event can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventSelector_Test | Event notifications for the Test event can be enabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventSelector_VirtualLine1RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_VirtualLine2RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_VirtualLine3RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. | |
EventSelector_VirtualLine4RisingEdge | Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for EventSelector.
enum EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus_Critical | The temperature status changed to Critical - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus_Error | The temperature status changed to Error - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus_Ok | The temperature status changed to Ok - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus.
enum ExpertFeatureAccessSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature1 | Expert Feature 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature10 | Expert Feature 10 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature11 | Expert feature 11 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature1_Legacy | Expert Feature 1 (Legacy) can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature2 | Expert Feature 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature3 | Expert Feature 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature4 | Expert Feature 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature5 | Expert Feature 5 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature6 | Expert Feature 6 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature7 | Expert Feature 7 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature8 | Expert Feature 8 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ExpertFeatureAccessSelector_ExpertFeature9 | Expert Feature 9 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ExpertFeatureAccessSelector.
enum ExposureAutoEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ExposureAuto_Continuous | The exposure time is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
ExposureAuto_Off | Automatic exposure time adjustment is disabled - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
ExposureAuto_Once | The exposure time is adjusted automatically to reach the specified target value - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for ExposureAuto.
enum ExposureModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ExposureMode_Off | Sets the exposure mode to off - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ExposureMode_Timed | The exposure mode is set to Timed - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
ExposureMode_TriggerControlled | The exposure mode is set to Trigger Controlled - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
ExposureMode_TriggerWidth | The exposure mode is set to Trigger Width - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for ExposureMode.
enum ExposureOverlapTimeModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ExposureOverlapTimeMode_Automatic | The camera automatically uses the optimum overlap time for each acquisition - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ExposureOverlapTimeMode_Manual | The user can manually set the overlap time for each acquisition - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ExposureOverlapTimeMode.
enum ExposureTimeModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ExposureTimeMode_Standard | The exposure time mode is set to Standard - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ExposureTimeMode_UltraShort | The exposure time mode is set to Ultra Short - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ExposureTimeMode.
enum ExposureTimeSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ExposureTimeSelector_Common | The Exposure Time parameter value applies to all components - Applies to: ace 2 CXP. |
Valid values for ExposureTimeSelector.
enum FeatureSetEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FeatureSet_Basic | The basic feature set is made available - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FeatureSet_Full | The full feature set is made available - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for FeatureSet.
enum FieldOutputModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FieldOutputMode_ConcatenatedNewFields | Sets the mode to output a frame consisting of field 0 in the upper half and field 1 in the lower half of the frame - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FieldOutputMode_DeinterlacedNewFields | Sets the mode to output a frame generated by deinterlacing field 0 and field 1 using the deinterlacer selected by feature Deinterlacer - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FieldOutputMode_Field0 | Sets the mode to only output field 0 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FieldOutputMode_Field0First | Sets the mode to only output field 0 and field 1 in single frames Starting with field 0 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FieldOutputMode_Field1 | Sets the mode to only output field 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for FieldOutputMode.
enum FileOpenModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FileOpenMode_Read | Files are opened in read-only mode - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileOpenMode_Write | Files are opened in write-only mode - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for FileOpenMode.
enum FileOperationSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FileOperationSelector_Close | The currently selected file can be closed - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileOperationSelector_Open | The currently selected file can be opened - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileOperationSelector_Read | The currently selected file can be read - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileOperationSelector_Write | The currently selected file can be written to - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for FileOperationSelector.
enum FileOperationStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FileOperationStatus_Failure | The file operation has failed - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileOperationStatus_Success | The file operation was successful - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for FileOperationStatus.
enum FileSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FileSelector_BootUpdate | The Boot Firmware Update file is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileSelector_BootUpdatePackage | The Boot Firmware Update Package file is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileSelector_ExpertFeature7File | The Expert Feature 7 File file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_FactoryDefectPixelCorrection | The factory defect pixel correction file is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
FileSelector_FirmwareUpdate | The Firmware Update file is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileSelector_FirmwareUpdatePackage | The Firmware Update Package file is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileSelector_None | No file is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileSelector_UserData | The User Data file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
FileSelector_UserDefectPixelCorrection | The user defect pixel correction file is selected - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
FileSelector_UserGainShading1 | The User Gain Shading 1 file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_UserGainShading2 | The User Gain Shading 2 file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_UserOffsetShading1 | The User Offset Shading 1 file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_UserOffsetShading2 | The User Offset Shading 2 file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_UserSet1 | The User Set 1 file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_UserSet2 | The User Set 2 file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_UserSet3 | The User Set 3 file is selected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
FileSelector_VignettingCorrection | The Vignetting Correction file is selected - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for FileSelector.
enum FocusAutoEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FocusAuto_Continuous | The autofocus is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
FocusAuto_Off | Automatic autofocus adjustment is disabled - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
FocusAuto_Once | The autofocus is adjusted automatically once while images are being acquired - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for FocusAuto.
enum FocusStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FocusStatus_Busy | The focus controller is executing a command - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
FocusStatus_Ready | The focus controller is ready to use - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for FocusStatus.
enum FrequencyConverterInputSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC1 | CC1 is selected as the source signal for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC2 | CC2 is selected as the source signal for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC3 | CC3 is selected as the source signal for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_CC4 | CC4 is selected as the source signal for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line1 | Line 1 is selected as the input source for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line2 | Line 2 is selected as the input source for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line3 | Line 3 is selected as the input source for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line4 | Line 4 is selected as the input source for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line5 | Selects line 5 as the input source - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line6 | Selects line 6 as the input source - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line7 | Selects line 7 as the input source - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_Line8 | Selects line 8 as the input source - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterInputSource_ShaftEncoderModuleOut | The output of the shaft encoder module is selected as the input source for the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for FrequencyConverterInputSource.
enum FrequencyConverterSignalAlignmentEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment_FallingEdge | For the falling edge of each received signal, a falling edge of a generated signal is provided - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment_RisingEdge | For the rising edge of each received signal, a rising edge of a generated signal is provided - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment.
enum GainAutoEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GainAuto_Continuous | The gain is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
GainAuto_Off | Automatic gain adjustment is disabled - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
GainAuto_Once | The gain is adjusted automatically to reach the specifed target value - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for GainAuto.
enum GainSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GainSelector_All | Changes to the gain will be applied universally - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
GainSelector_AnalogAll | Changes to the gain will be applied to all analog gain parameters - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
GainSelector_Blue | Selects the blue gain control for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
GainSelector_DigitalAll | Changes to the gain will be applied to all digital gain parameters - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
GainSelector_Green | Selects the green gain control for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
GainSelector_Red | Selects the red gain control for adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
GainSelector_Tap1 | Changes to the gain will be applied to tap 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
GainSelector_Tap2 | Changes to the gain will be applied to tap 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
GainSelector_Tap3 | Changes to the gain will be applied to tap 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
GainSelector_Tap4 | Changes to the gain will be applied to tap 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for GainSelector.
enum GammaSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GammaSelector_User | The gamma curve can be configured by the user - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
GammaSelector_sRGB | The gamma curve is set to a fixed sRGB curve - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for GammaSelector.
enum GenDCStreamingModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GenDCStreamingMode_Automatic | The device will automatically choose in which format it streams its data - Applies to: blaze. | |
GenDCStreamingMode_Off | The device will only stream data in its native format - Applies to: blaze. | |
GenDCStreamingMode_On | The device will stream all its data in the generic GenDC format - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for GenDCStreamingMode.
enum GenDCStreamingStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GenDCStreamingStatus_Off | The device will only stream data in its native format - Applies to: blaze. | |
GenDCStreamingStatus_On | The device will stream all its data in the generic GenDC format - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for GenDCStreamingStatus.
enum GevCCPEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GevCCP_Control | The control channel privilege is set to Control - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevCCP_Exclusive | The control channel privilege is set to Exclusive - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevCCP_ExclusiveControl | The control channel privilege is set to Exclusive Control - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for GevCCP.
enum GevGVSPExtendedIDModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GevGVSPExtendedIDMode_Off | The Extended ID mode is switched off - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
GevGVSPExtendedIDMode_On | The Extended ID mode is switched on - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Valid values for GevGVSPExtendedIDMode.
enum GevIEEE1588StatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GevIEEE1588Status_Disabled | The port is in the Disabled state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Faulty | The port is in the Faulty state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Initializing | The port is in the Initializing state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Listening | The port is in the Listening state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Master | The port is in the Master state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Passive | The port is in the Passive state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_PreMaster | The port is in the PreMaster state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Slave | The port is in the Slave state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Uncalibrated | The port is in the Uncalibrated state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588Status_Undefined | The port is in an undefined state - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for GevIEEE1588Status.
enum GevIEEE1588StatusLatchedEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Disabled | The port is in the Disabled state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Faulty | The port is in the Faulty state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Initializing | The port is in the Initializing state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Listening | The port is in the Listening state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Master | The port is in the Master state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Passive | The port is in the Passive state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_PreMaster | The port is in the PreMaster state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Slave | The port is in the Slave state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Uncalibrated | The port is in the Uncalibrated state - Applies to: GigE. | |
GevIEEE1588StatusLatched_Undefined | The port is in an undefined state - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for GevIEEE1588StatusLatched.
enum GevInterfaceSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GevInterfaceSelector_NetworkInterface0 | Network interface 0 can be configured - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for GevInterfaceSelector.
enum GevStreamChannelSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
GevStreamChannelSelector_StreamChannel0 | Stream channel 0 can be configured - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for GevStreamChannelSelector.
enum ImageCompressionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ImageCompressionMode_BaslerCompressionBeyond | Images are compressed using the Compression Beyond feature - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
ImageCompressionMode_Off | Image compression is disabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Valid values for ImageCompressionMode.
enum ImageCompressionRateOptionEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ImageCompressionRateOption_FixRatio | The camera compresses acquired images If lossless compression can't be achieved, image quality is reduced - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. | |
ImageCompressionRateOption_Lossless | The camera uses lossless compression - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Valid values for ImageCompressionRateOption.
enum ImageFileModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ImageFileMode_Off | Sets the mode to off - Applies to: CamEmu. | |
ImageFileMode_On | Sets the mode to on - Applies to: CamEmu. |
Valid values for ImageFileMode.
enum IntensityCalculationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
IntensityCalculation_Method1 | Method 1 is used to calculate the intensity image - Applies to: blaze. | |
IntensityCalculation_Method2 | Method 2 is used to calculate the intensity image - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for IntensityCalculation.
enum InterlacedIntegrationModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
InterlacedIntegrationMode_FieldIntegration | Sets the integration mode to field integration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
InterlacedIntegrationMode_FrameIntegration | Sets the integration mode to frame integration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for InterlacedIntegrationMode.
enum LUTSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LUTSelector_Luminance | The luminance lookup table can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP and ace USB. |
Valid values for LUTSelector.
enum LastErrorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LastError_Illumination | Indicates a problem with the VCSELs - Applies to: blaze. | |
LastError_InsufficientTriggerWidth | The trigger width was too short - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LastError_InvalidParameter | A parameter was set to an invalid value - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LastError_NoError | No error was detected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and blaze. | |
LastError_OverTemperature | An over temperature state has been detected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and blaze. | |
LastError_Overtrigger | The camera was overtriggered - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LastError_PowerFailure | The power supply is not sufficient - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LastError_UserDefPixFailure | An error was detected while loading user defect pixel data - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LastError_Userset | An error was detected while loading a user set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for LastError.
enum LegacyBinningVerticalEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LegacyBinningVertical_Off | Vertical binning is disabled - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LegacyBinningVertical_Two_Rows | Vertical binning is set to 2 rows - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for LegacyBinningVertical.
enum LightSourcePresetEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LightSourcePreset_Daylight5000K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with daylight of 5000 K is selected - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
LightSourcePreset_Daylight6500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with daylight of 6500 K is selected - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
LightSourcePreset_MicroscopeLED4500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with microscope LED illumination of 4500 K is set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
LightSourcePreset_MicroscopeLED5500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with microscope LED illumination of 5500 K is set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
LightSourcePreset_MicroscopeLED6000K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with microscope LED illumination of 6000 K is set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
LightSourcePreset_Off | No light source preset is selected - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
LightSourcePreset_Tungsten2800K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with tungsten incandescent light (2800 K) is selected - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for LightSourcePreset.
enum LightSourceSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LightSourceSelector_Custom | The color transformation matrix can be customized - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_Daylight | The color transformation matrix is optimized for image acquisitions with daylight of 5000 K - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_Daylight6500K | The color transformation matrix is optimized for image acquisitions with daylight of 6500 K - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_LightSource0 | The color transformation matrix is optimized for image acquisitions with a custom light source 0 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_LightSource1 | The color transformation matrix is optimized for image acquisitions with a custom light source 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_MicroscopeLED4500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with microscope LED illumination of 4500 K is set - Applies to: GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_MicroscopeLED5500K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with microscope LED illumination of 5500 K is set - Applies to: GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_MicroscopeLED6000K | The light source preset for image acquisitions with microscope LED illumination of 6000 K is set - Applies to: GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_Off | No color transformation for a specific light source is performed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LightSourceSelector_Tungsten | The color transformation matrix is optimized for image acquisition with tungsten incandescent light (3100 K) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for LightSourceSelector.
enum LineFormatEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LineFormat_LVDS | The line is currently accepting or sending LVDS level signals - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
LineFormat_LVTTL | The line is currently accepting or sending LVTTL level signals - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineFormat_NoConnect | The line is not connected - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
LineFormat_OpenDrain | The output of the line is "open drain"/"open collector" - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineFormat_OptoCoupled | The line is opto-coupled - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineFormat_RS422 | The line is currently accepting or sending RS-422 level signals - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineFormat_TTL | The line is currently accepting or sending TTL level signals - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
LineFormat_TriState | The line is currently in tri-state mode (not driven) - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for LineFormat.
enum LineLogicEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LineLogic_Negative | The line logic of the currently selected line is negative - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
LineLogic_Positive | The line logic of the currently selected line is positive - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for LineLogic.
enum LineModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LineMode_InOut | The selected physical line can be used to input and output an electrical signal - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineMode_Input | The selected physical line can be used to input an electrical signal - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineMode_Output | The selected physical line can be used to output an electrical signal - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for LineMode.
enum LineSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LineSelector_CC1 | CC1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_CC2 | CC2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_CC3 | CC3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_CC4 | CC4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_ClSpare | The CL Spare line can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_In1 | Selects input line 1 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_In2 | Selects input line 2 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_In3 | Selects input line 3 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_In4 | Selects input line 4 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_Line1 | Line 1 can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSelector_Line2 | Line 2 can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSelector_Line3 | Line 3 can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSelector_Line4 | Line 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
LineSelector_Line5 | Selects line 5 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_Line6 | Selects line 6 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_Line7 | Selects line 7 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_Line8 | Selects line 8 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
LineSelector_Out1 | Output Line 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSelector_Out2 | Output Line 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSelector_Out3 | Output Line 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSelector_Out4 | Output Line 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for LineSelector.
enum LineSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
LineSource_AcquisitionActive | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Active - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_AcquisitionTriggerReady | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Trigger Ready - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_AcquisitionTriggerWait | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Trigger Wait - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_BslLightControl | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Light Control - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
LineSource_Counter1Active | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 1 Active - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_Counter2Active | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 2 Active - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_ExposureActive | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Active - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_ExposureTriggerWait | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Trigger Wait - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_FlashWindow | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Flash Window - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
LineSource_FrameBurstActive | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Active - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Trigger Wait - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_FrameCycle | The signal for the currently selected line is rising with Frame Trigger Wait and falling with Exposure Active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_FrameTriggerWait | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Trigger Wait - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_FrequencyConverter | The signal for the currently selected line is associated with the output of the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_LineTriggerWait | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Line Trigger Wait - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_Off | No source signal is set for the currently selected line - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_PatternGenerator1 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_PatternGenerator2 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_PatternGenerator3 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_PatternGenerator4 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_SerialTx | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Serial Tx - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_ShaftEncoderModuleOut | The signal for the currently selected line is associated with the output of the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_SyncUserOutput | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_SyncUserOutput0 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 0 - Applies to: GigE. | |
LineSource_SyncUserOutput1 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 1 - Applies to: GigE. | |
LineSource_SyncUserOutput2 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 2 - Applies to: GigE. | |
LineSource_SyncUserOutput3 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 3 - Applies to: GigE. | |
LineSource_Timer1Active | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 1 Active - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_Timer2Active | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 2 Active - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_Timer3Active | Sets the source signal for the selected output line to timer 3 active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_Timer4Active | Sets the source signal for the selected output line to timer 4 active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_TimerActive | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer Active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_TriggerReady | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Trigger Ready - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_UserOutput | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
LineSource_UserOutput0 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 0 - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
LineSource_UserOutput1 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 1 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_UserOutput2 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 2 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_UserOutput3 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 3 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
LineSource_UserOutput4 | The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 4 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for LineSource.
enum OperatingModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
OperatingMode_LongRange | The operating mode is set to Long Range - Applies to: blaze. | |
OperatingMode_ShortRange | The operating mode is set to Short Range - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for OperatingMode.
enum OpticControllerSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
OpticControllerSelector_OpticController1 | Selects Optic Controller 1 - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Valid values for OpticControllerSelector.
enum OverlapModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
OverlapMode_Off | Overlapping image acquisition is disabled - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. | |
OverlapMode_On | Overlapping image acquisition is enabled - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for OverlapMode.
enum ParameterSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ParameterSelector_AutoTargetValue | The factory limits of the Auto Target Value parameter can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ParameterSelector_BlackLevel | The factory limits of the Black Level parameter can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ParameterSelector_Brightness | The factory limits of the Brightness parameter can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ParameterSelector_ExposureOverhead | The factory limits of the Exposure Overhead parameter can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ParameterSelector_ExposureOverlapMax | The factory limits of the Exposure Overlap Time Max parameter can be removed - Applies to: GigE. | |
ParameterSelector_ExposureTime | The factory limits of the Exposure Time parameter can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ParameterSelector_Framerate | The factory limits of the Framerate parameter can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ParameterSelector_Gain | The factory limits of the Gain parameter can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ParameterSelector.
enum PgiModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PgiMode_Off | Basler PGI image optimizations are disabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
PgiMode_On | Basler PGI image optimizations are enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for PgiMode.
enum PixelCodingEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PixelCoding_BGR16 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_BGR8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_BGRA8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_BayerBG10p | Sets the pixel format to Bayer BG 10p - Applies to: GigE. | |
PixelCoding_BayerGB10p | Sets the pixel format to Bayer GB 10p - Applies to: GigE. | |
PixelCoding_BayerGR10p | Sets the pixel format to Bayer GR 10p - Applies to: GigE. | |
PixelCoding_BayerRG10p | Sets the pixel format to Bayer RG 10p - Applies to: GigE. | |
PixelCoding_Mono10Packed | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_Mono12Packed | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_Mono16 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_Mono8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_Mono8Signed | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_RGB10V1Packed | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_RGB10V2Packed | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_RGB16 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_RGB16Planar | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_RGB8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_RGB8Planar | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_RGBA8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_Raw16 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_Raw8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_YUV411 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_YUV422 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelCoding_YUV444 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for PixelCoding.
enum PixelColorFilterEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PixelColorFilter_BayerBG | The Bayer filter has a BG/GR alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelColorFilter_BayerGB | The Bayer filter has a GB/RG alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelColorFilter_BayerGR | The Bayer filter has a GR/BG alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelColorFilter_BayerRG | The Bayer filter has an RG/GB alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelColorFilter_Bayer_BG | The Bayer filter has a BG/GR alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelColorFilter_Bayer_GB | The Bayer filter has a GB/RG alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelColorFilter_Bayer_GR | The Bayer filter has a GR/BG alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelColorFilter_Bayer_RG | The Bayer filter has an RG/GB alignment to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelColorFilter_None | The camera doesn't have a Bayer filter - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for PixelColorFilter.
enum PixelFormatEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PixelFormat_BGR10Packed | The pixel format is set to BGR 10 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BGR12Packed | The pixel format is set to BGR 12 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BGR8 | The pixel format is set to BGR 8 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BGR8Packed | The pixel format is set to BGR 8 Packed - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BGRA8Packed | The pixel format is set to BGRA 8 Packed - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BayerBG10 | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 10 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerBG10p | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 10p - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerBG12 | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 12 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerBG12Packed | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 12 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BayerBG12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerBG16 | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 16 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and dart MIPI. | |
PixelFormat_BayerBG8 | The pixel format is set to Bayer BG 8 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGB10 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 10 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGB10p | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 10p - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGB12 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 12 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGB12Packed | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 12 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGB12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGB16 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 16 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and dart MIPI. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGB8 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GB 8 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGR10 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 10 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGR10p | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 10p - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGR12 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 12 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGR12Packed | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 12 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGR12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGR16 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 16 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and dart MIPI. | |
PixelFormat_BayerGR8 | The pixel format is set to Bayer GR 8 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerRG10 | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 10 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerRG10p | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 10p - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerRG12 | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 12 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerRG12Packed | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 12 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_BayerRG12p | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_BayerRG16 | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 16 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and dart MIPI. | |
PixelFormat_BayerRG8 | The pixel format is set to Bayer RG 8 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_Confidence16 | Confidence 16-bit - Applies to: blaze. | |
PixelFormat_Confidence8 | Confidence 8-bit - Applies to: blaze. | |
PixelFormat_Coord3D_ABC32f | 3D coordinate A-B-C 32-bit floating point - Applies to: blaze | |
PixelFormat_Coord3D_C16 | 3D coordinate C 16-bit - Applies to: blaze | |
PixelFormat_Mono10 | The pixel format is set to Mono 10 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
PixelFormat_Mono10Packed | Sets the pixel format to Mono 10 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_Mono10p | The pixel format is set to Mono 10p - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_Mono12 | The pixel format is set to Mono 12 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
PixelFormat_Mono12Packed | The pixel format is set to Mono 12 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_Mono12p | The pixel format is set to Mono 12p - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_Mono16 | The pixel format is set to Mono 16 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, blaze and dart MIPI. | |
PixelFormat_Mono8 | The pixel format is set to Mono 8 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
PixelFormat_Mono8Signed | Sets the pixel format to Mono 8 Signed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB10Packed | The pixel format is set to RGB 10 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB10Planar | The pixel format is set to RGB 10 Planar - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB10V1Packed | The pixel format is set to RGB 10V1 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB10V2Packed | The pixel format is set to RGB 10V2 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB12Packed | The pixel format is set to RGB 12 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB12Planar | The pixel format is set to RGB 12 Planar - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB12V1Packed | The pixel format is set to RGB 12 V1 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB16Packed | Sets the pixel format to RGB 16 Packed - Applies to: CamEmu. | |
PixelFormat_RGB16Planar | The pixel format is set to RGB 16 Planar - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB8 | The pixel format is set to RGB 8 - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_RGB8Packed | The pixel format is set to RGB 8 Packed - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGB8Planar | The pixel format is set to RGB 8 Planar - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_RGBA8Packed | The pixel format is set to RGBA 8 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_YCbCr420_8_YY_CbCr_Semiplanar | The pixel format is set to YCbCr 4:2:0 8-bit YY/CbCr Semiplanar - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
PixelFormat_YCbCr422_8 | The pixel format is set to YCbCr 422 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
PixelFormat_YUV411Packed | Sets the pixel format to YUV 411 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_YUV422Packed | The pixel format is set to YUV 422 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_YUV422_8 | The pixel format is set to YUV 4:2:2 8 bit packed - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. | |
PixelFormat_YUV422_8_UYVY | The pixel format is set to YUV 4:2:2 8-bit (UYVY) - Applies to: dart MIPI. | |
PixelFormat_YUV422_YUYV_Packed | The pixel format is set to YUV 422 (YUYV) Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelFormat_YUV444Packed | Sets the pixel format to YUV 444 Packed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for PixelFormat.
enum PixelSizeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PixelSize_Bpp1 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 1 bit per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
PixelSize_Bpp10 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 10 bits per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
PixelSize_Bpp12 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 12 bits per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
PixelSize_Bpp14 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 14 bits per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelSize_Bpp16 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 16 bits per pixel - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
PixelSize_Bpp2 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 2 bits per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
PixelSize_Bpp24 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 24 bits per pixel - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
PixelSize_Bpp32 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 32 bits per pixel - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelSize_Bpp36 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 36 bits per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelSize_Bpp4 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 4 bits per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
PixelSize_Bpp48 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 48 bits per pixel - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelSize_Bpp64 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 64 bits per pixel - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
PixelSize_Bpp8 | The pixel depth in the acquired images is 8 bits per pixel - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for PixelSize.
enum PtpClockAccuracyEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PtpClockAccuracy_GreaterThan10s | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is greater than 10 seconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Unknown | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is unknown - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within100ms | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 100 milliseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within100ns | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 100 nanoseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within100us | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 100 microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within10ms | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 10 milliseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within10s | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 10 seconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within10us | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 10 microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within1ms | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 1 millisecond - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within1s | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 1 second - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within1us | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 1 microsecond - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within250ms | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 250 milliseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within250ns | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 250 nanoseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within250us | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 250 microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within25ms | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 25 milliseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within25ns | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 25 nanoseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within25us | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 25 microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within2p5ms | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 2 5 milliseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpClockAccuracy_Within2p5us | The expected accuracy of the PTP device clock is within 2 5 microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Valid values for PtpClockAccuracy.
enum PtpServoStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PtpServoStatus_Locked | The clock servo is locked - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
PtpServoStatus_Unknown | The status of the clock servo is unknown - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Valid values for PtpServoStatus.
enum PtpStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PtpStatus_Disabled | The port is in the Disabled state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_Faulty | The port is in the Faulty state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_Initializing | The port is in the Initializing state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_Listening | The port is in the Listening state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_Master | The port is in the Master state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_Passive | The port is in the Passive state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_PreMaster | The port is in the PreMaster state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_Slave | The port is in the Slave state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. | |
PtpStatus_Uncalibrated | The port is in the Uncalibrated state - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and blaze. |
Valid values for PtpStatus.
enum ROIZoneModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ROIZoneMode_Off | The currently selected ROI zone is disabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneMode_On | The currently selected ROI zone is enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ROIZoneMode.
enum ROIZoneSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone0 | ROI zone 0 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone1 | ROI zone 1 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone2 | ROI zone 2 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone3 | ROI zone 3 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone4 | ROI zone 4 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone5 | ROI zone 5 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone6 | ROI zone 6 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
ROIZoneSelector_Zone7 | ROI zone 7 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ROIZoneSelector.
enum RemoveParameterLimitSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
RemoveParameterLimitSelector_AutoTargetValue | The factory limits of the AutoTargetValue parameter can be removed - Applies to: ace USB. | |
RemoveParameterLimitSelector_BlackLevel | The factory limits of the BlackLevel parameter can be removed - Applies to: ace USB. | |
RemoveParameterLimitSelector_ExposureOverhead | The factory limits of the ExposureOverhead parameter can be removed - Applies to: ace USB. | |
RemoveParameterLimitSelector_ExposureTime | The factory limits of the Exposure Time parameter can be removed - Applies to: ace USB. | |
RemoveParameterLimitSelector_Gain | The factory limits of the Gain parameter can be removed - Applies to: ace USB. |
Valid values for RemoveParameterLimitSelector.
enum Scan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
Scan3dCoordinateSelector_CoordinateA | The first (X or Theta) coordinate - Applies to: blaze. | |
Scan3dCoordinateSelector_CoordinateB | The second (Y or Phi) coordinate - Applies to: blaze. | |
Scan3dCoordinateSelector_CoordinateC | The third (Z or Rho) coordinate - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for Scan3dCoordinateSelector.
enum Scan3dCoordinateSystemEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
Scan3dCoordinateSystem_Cartesian | Default value - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for Scan3dCoordinateSystem.
enum Scan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference_Anchor | Default value - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference.
enum Scan3dDistanceUnitEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
Scan3dDistanceUnit_DeviceSpecific | Distance values are in device-specific units - Applies to: blaze. | |
Scan3dDistanceUnit_Millimeter | Distance values are in millimeter units (default) - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for Scan3dDistanceUnit.
enum Scan3dOutputModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
Scan3dOutputMode_CalibratedABC_Grid | 3 Coordinates in grid organization - Applies to: blaze | |
Scan3dOutputMode_CalibratedC | Calibrated 2 5D Depth map - Applies to: blaze. | |
Scan3dOutputMode_UncalibratedC | Uncalibrated 2 5D Depth map - Applies to: blaze. |
Valid values for Scan3dOutputMode.
enum SensorBitDepthEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SensorBitDepth_BitDepth10 | The sensor delivers 10-bit pixels - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SensorBitDepth_BitDepth12 | The sensor delivers 12-bit pixels - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SensorBitDepth_BitDepth14 | The sensor delivers 14-bit pixels - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SensorBitDepth_BitDepth16 | The sensor delivers 16-bit pixels - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SensorBitDepth_BitDepth8 | The sensor delivers 8-bit pixels - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for SensorBitDepth.
enum SensorDigitizationTapsEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SensorDigitizationTaps_Four | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SensorDigitizationTaps_One | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SensorDigitizationTaps_Three | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SensorDigitizationTaps_Two | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for SensorDigitizationTaps.
enum SensorReadoutModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SensorReadoutMode_Fast | The camera operates in fast readout mode - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
SensorReadoutMode_Normal | The camera operates in normal readout mode - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for SensorReadoutMode.
enum SensorShutterModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SensorShutterMode_Global | The shutter opens and closes at the same time for all pixels - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and pulse USB. | |
SensorShutterMode_GlobalReset | The shutter opens at the same time for all rows but closes in a sequential manner - Applies to: dart USB. | |
SensorShutterMode_Rolling | The shutter opens and closes sequentially for groups of rows - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Valid values for SensorShutterMode.
enum SequenceAddressBitSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit0 | Bit 0 of the sequence set address can be controlled using an input line - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit1 | Bit 1 of the sequence set address can be controlled using an input line - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit2 | Bit 2 of the sequence set address can be controlled using an input line - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSelector_Bit3 | Bit 3 of the sequence set address can be controlled using an input line - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for SequenceAddressBitSelector.
enum SequenceAddressBitSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequenceAddressBitSource_CC1 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using the CC1 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_CC2 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using the CC2 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_CC3 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using the CC3 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_CC4 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using the CC4 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line1 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line2 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line3 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line4 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line5 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 5 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line6 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 6 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line7 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 7 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_Line8 | The selected bit of the sequence set address can be set using Line 8 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput1 | Selects Virtual Input 1 as the source for the selected bit of the sequence set address - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput2 | Selects Virtual Input 2 as the source for the selected bit of the sequence set address - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput3 | Selects Virtual Input 3 as the source for the selected bit of the sequence set address - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_VInput4 | Selects Virtual Input 4 as the source for the selected bit of the sequence set address - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAddressBitSource_VInputDecActive | Selects Virtual Input Decoder Active as the source for the selected bit of the sequence set address - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for SequenceAddressBitSource.
enum SequenceAdvanceModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequenceAdvanceMode_Auto | The Auto sequence advance mode is selected - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAdvanceMode_Controlled | The Controlled sequence advance mode is selected - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceAdvanceMode_FreeSelection | The Free Selection sequence advance mode is selected - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for SequenceAdvanceMode.
enum SequenceConfigurationModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequenceConfigurationMode_Off | The sequencer can't be configured - Applies to: GigE. | |
SequenceConfigurationMode_On | The sequencer can be configured - Applies to: GigE. |
Valid values for SequenceConfigurationMode.
enum SequenceControlSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequenceControlSelector_Advance | The sequence set advance can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSelector_Restart | The sequence set restart can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for SequenceControlSelector.
enum SequenceControlSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequenceControlSource_AlwaysActive | Sequence set advance is automatic The sequence repeat starts with sequence set index number 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_CC1 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using the CC1 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_CC2 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using the CC2 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_CC3 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using the CC3 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_CC4 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using the CC4 signal - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Disabled | Sequence set advance will be controlled using the Async Advance command - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line1 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line2 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line3 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line4 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line5 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 5 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line6 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 6 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line7 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 7 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_Line8 | Sequence restart or sequence set advance are controlled using Line 8 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_VInput1 | The source for sequence restart or sequence set advance is Virtual Input 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_VInput2 | The source for sequence restart or sequence set advance is Virtual Input 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_VInput3 | The source for sequence restart or sequence set advance is Virtual Input 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_VInput4 | The source for sequence restart or sequence set advance is Virtual Input 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SequenceControlSource_VInputDecActive | The source for sequence restart or sequence set advance is Virtual Input Decoder Active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for SequenceControlSource.
enum SequencerConfigurationModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequencerConfigurationMode_Off | The sequencer can't be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerConfigurationMode_On | The sequencer can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for SequencerConfigurationMode.
enum SequencerModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequencerMode_Off | The sequencer can't be used for image acquisition - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerMode_On | The sequencer can be used for image acquisition - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for SequencerMode.
enum SequencerTriggerActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequencerTriggerActivation_AnyEdge | The sequencer advances when the source signal falls or rises - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerActivation_FallingEdge | The sequencer advances when the source signal falls - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerActivation_LevelHigh | The sequencer advances when the source signal is high - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerActivation_LevelLow | The sequencer advances when the source signal is low - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerActivation_RisingEdge | The sequencer advances when the source signal rises - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for SequencerTriggerActivation.
enum SequencerTriggerSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SequencerTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive | Acquisition Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Action1 | Action 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Action2 | Action 2 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Counter1Active | Counter 1 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Counter1End | Counter 1 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Counter1Start | Counter 1 Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Counter2Active | Counter 2 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Counter2End | Counter 2 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Counter2Start | Counter 2 Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Counter3End | Counter 3 End is selected as the trigger source for sequencer set advance - Applies to: ace USB. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0 | CXP Trigger 0 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1 | CXP Trigger 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_ExposureActive | Exposure Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_ExposureStart | Exposure Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait | Exposure Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_FlashWindow | Flash Window signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive | Frame Burst Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait | Frame Burst Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_FrameEnd | Frame End is selected as the trigger source for sequencer set advance - Applies to: ace USB. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_FrameStart | Frame Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait | Frame Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Line1 | Line 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Line2 | Line 2 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Line3 | Line 3 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Line4 | Line 4 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Off | The sequencer can't be triggered - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1 | Periodic Signal 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1 | Software Signal 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2 | Software Signal 2 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3 | Software Signal 3 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Timer1Active | Timer 1 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Timer1End | Timer 1 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Timer2Active | Timer 2 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. | |
SequencerTriggerSource_Timer2End | Timer 2 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Valid values for SequencerTriggerSource.
enum ShadingSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShadingSelector_GainShading | Gain Shading correction is selected - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingSelector_OffsetShading | Offset Shading correction is selected - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShadingSelector.
enum ShadingSetCreateEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShadingSetCreate_Off | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingSetCreate_Once | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShadingSetCreate.
enum ShadingSetDefaultSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShadingSetDefaultSelector_DefaultShadingSet | The default shading set is selected as the bootup shading set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingSetDefaultSelector_UserShadingSet1 | User Shading Set 1 is selected as the bootup shading set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingSetDefaultSelector_UserShadingSet2 | User Shading Set 2 is selected as the bootup shading set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShadingSetDefaultSelector.
enum ShadingSetSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShadingSetSelector_DefaultShadingSet | The default shading set can be loaded using the Activate command - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingSetSelector_UserShadingSet1 | User Shading Set 1 can be loaded using the Activate command - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingSetSelector_UserShadingSet2 | User Shading Set 2 can be loaded using the Activate command - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShadingSetSelector.
enum ShadingStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShadingStatus_ActivateError | The selected shading set could not be loaded - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingStatus_CreateError | A problem occurred while creating a shading set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingStatus_NoError | The last operation related to shading correction was successful - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShadingStatus_StartupSetError | A problem with the startup shading set occurred - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShadingStatus.
enum ShaftEncoderModuleCounterModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMode_FollowDirection | The tick counter increases for forward ticks and decreases for reverse ticks - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMode_IgnoreDirection | The tick counter increases for forward ticks and for reverse ticks - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMode.
enum ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelector_PhaseA | Phase A of the shaft encoder is selected as input for the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelector_PhaseB | Phase B of the shaft encoder is selected as input for the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelector.
enum ShaftEncoderModuleLineSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC1 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to CC1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC2 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to CC2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC3 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to CC3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_CC4 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to CC4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line1 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to input line 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line2 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to input line 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line3 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to input line 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line4 | The source signal for the shaft encoder module is set to input line 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line5 | Selects input line 5 as signal source for the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line6 | Selects input line 6 as signal source for the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line7 | Selects input line 7 as signal source for the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource_Line8 | Selects input line 8 as signal source for the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource.
enum ShaftEncoderModuleModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShaftEncoderModuleMode_AnyDirection | The shaft encoder module outputs trigger signals for forward and reverse ticks, provided the reverse counter is neither increasing nor decreasing - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
ShaftEncoderModuleMode_ForwardOnly | The shaft encoder module outputs trigger signals for forward ticks only, provided the reverse counter is neither increasing nor decreasing - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for ShaftEncoderModuleMode.
enum ShutterModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ShutterMode_Global | The shutter opens and closes at the same time for all pixels - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ShutterMode_GlobalResetRelease | The shutter opens at the same time for all rows but closes in a sequential manner - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
ShutterMode_Rolling | The shutter opens and closes sequentially for groups of rows - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for ShutterMode.
enum SoftwareSignalSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal1 | Software signal 1 can be executed - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal2 | Software signal 2 can be executed - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal3 | Software signal 3 can be executed - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
SoftwareSignalSelector_SoftwareSignal4 | Software signal 4 can be controlled - Applies to: ace USB. |
Valid values for SoftwareSignalSelector.
enum SyncUserOutputSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput0 | User-settable synchronous output signal 0 can be configured - Applies to: GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput1 | User-settable synchronous output signal 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput2 | User-settable synchronous output signal 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput3 | User-settable synchronous output signal 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput4 | User-settable synchronous output signal 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput5 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal 5 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput6 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal 6 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput7 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal 7 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutput8 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal 8 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC1 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal CC1 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC2 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal CC2 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC3 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal CC3 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputCC4 | Selects user settable synchronous output signal CC4 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputClSpare | User-settable synchronous output signal CL Spare can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine1 | User-settable synchronous output signal Line 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine2 | User-settable synchronous output signal Line 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine3 | User-settable synchronous output signal Line 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
SyncUserOutputSelector_SyncUserOutputLine4 | User-settable synchronous output signal Line 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for SyncUserOutputSelector.
enum TemperatureSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TemperatureSelector_Case | The temperature is measured on the case - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TemperatureSelector_Coreboard | The temperature is measured on the core board - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TemperatureSelector_Framegrabberboard | The temperature is measured on the frame grabber board - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TemperatureSelector_Sensorboard | The temperature is measured on the sensor board - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TemperatureSelector.
enum TemperatureStateEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TemperatureState_Critical | The temperature is close to or at the allowed maximum Provide cooling - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB and blaze. | |
TemperatureState_Error | The temperature is above the allowed maximum Provide cooling immediately - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB and blaze. | |
TemperatureState_Ok | The temperature is within the normal operating temperature range - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB and blaze. |
Valid values for TemperatureState.
enum TestImageSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TestImageSelector_Black | Sets the camera to generate and transmit black test images - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_ColorBar | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a color bar pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_DeviceSpecific | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a camera specific pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_FixedDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit fixed diagonal gray gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_FrameCounter | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a frame counter pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_GreyHorizontalRamp | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a fixed horizontal gray gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_GreyHorizontalRampMoving | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving horizontal gray gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_GreyVerticalRamp | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a fixed vertical gray gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_GreyVerticalRampMoving | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving vertical gray gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_HorzontalLineMoving | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving horizontal line pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalColorGradient | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving diagonal color gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_12Bit | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a 12 bit moving diagonal gray gradient feature test pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_8Bit | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit moving diagonal gray gradient feature test pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradient_12Bit | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a 12 bit moving diagonal gray gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_MovingDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit moving diagonal gray gradient pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_Off | The camera doesn't display a test image - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
TestImageSelector_Testimage1 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 1 pattern - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
TestImageSelector_Testimage2 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 2 pattern - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
TestImageSelector_Testimage3 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 3 pattern - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
TestImageSelector_Testimage4 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 4 pattern - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
TestImageSelector_Testimage5 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 5 pattern - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
TestImageSelector_Testimage6 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 6 pattern - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
TestImageSelector_Testimage7 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 7 pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_VerticalLineMoving | Sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving vertical line pattern - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TestImageSelector_White | Sets the camera to generate and transmit white test images - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TestImageSelector.
enum TestPatternEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TestPattern_Black | The camera generates a black test pattern - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TestPattern_ColorDiagonalSawtooth8 | The camera generates a test image with a color diagonal sawtooth pattern - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. | |
TestPattern_GreyDiagonalSawtooth8 | The camera generates a test image with a gray diagonal sawtooth pattern - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. | |
TestPattern_Off | No test pattern is generated - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TestPattern_Testimage1 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 1 pattern - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TestPattern_Testimage2 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 2 pattern - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TestPattern_Testimage3 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 3 pattern - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TestPattern_Testimage6 | The camera generates a test image with the test image 6 pattern - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
TestPattern_White | The camera generates a white test pattern - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for TestPattern.
enum TimerSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TimerSelector_Timer1 | Timer 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerSelector_Timer2 | Timer 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerSelector_Timer3 | Timer 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSelector_Timer4 | Timer 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TimerSelector.
enum TimerSequenceEntrySelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry1 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry10 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry11 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry12 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry13 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry14 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry15 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry16 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry2 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry3 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry4 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry5 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry6 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry7 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry8 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceEntrySelector_Entry9 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TimerSequenceEntrySelector.
enum TimerSequenceTimerSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer1 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer2 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer3 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TimerSequenceTimerSelector_Timer4 | Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TimerSequenceTimerSelector.
enum TimerStatusEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TimerStatus_TimerActive | The timer has been started - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerStatus_TimerIdle | The timer is idle - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerStatus_TimerTriggerWait | The timer is waiting to be started - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for TimerStatus.
enum TimerTriggerActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TimerTriggerActivation_AnyEdge | Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerActivation_FallingEdge | The timer will start at a falling edge signal change - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerActivation_LevelHigh | Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerActivation_LevelLow | Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerActivation_RisingEdge | The timer will start at a rising edge signal change - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for TimerTriggerActivation.
enum TimerTriggerSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TimerTriggerSource_AcquisitionActive | The selected timer can be started by an Acquisition Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Action1 | The selected timer can be started by an action signal that is defined by action signal 1 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Action2 | The selected timer can be started by an action signal that is defined by action signal 2 - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Counter1Active | The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Counter1End | The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Counter1Start | The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Counter2Active | The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Counter2End | The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Counter2Start | The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 Start signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger0 | The selected timer can be started by a CXP Trigger 0 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_CxpTrigger1 | The selected timer can be started by a CXP Trigger 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_ExposureActive | The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_ExposureStart | The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Start signal - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_ExposureTriggerWait | The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_FlashWindow | The selected timer can be started by a Flash Window signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. | |
TimerTriggerSource_FlashWindowStart | Starts with the reception of the flash window start - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
TimerTriggerSource_FrameBurstActive | The selected timer can be started by a Frame Burst Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_FrameBurstTriggerWait | The selected timer can be started by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_FrameTriggerWait | The selected timer can be started by a Frame Trigger Wait signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Line1 | The selected timer can be started by a Line 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Line2 | The selected timer can be started by a Line 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Line3 | The selected timer can be started by a Line 3 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Line4 | The selected timer can be started by a Line 4 signal - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Off | The selected timer is disabled and can't be started - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1 | The selected timer can be started by a Periodic Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. | |
TimerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1 | The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 1 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2 | The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 2 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3 | The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 3 signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Timer1Active | The selected timer can be started by a Timer 1 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Timer1End | The selected timer can be started by a Timer 1 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Timer2Active | The selected timer can be started by a Timer 2 Active signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TimerTriggerSource_Timer2End | The selected timer can be started by a Timer 2 End signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for TimerTriggerSource.
enum TonalRangeAutoEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TonalRangeAuto_Off | Automatic tonal range adjustment is disabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
TonalRangeAuto_Once | Automatic tonal range adjustment is enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for TonalRangeAuto.
enum TonalRangeEnableEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TonalRangeEnable_Off | Tonal range adjustment is disabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
TonalRangeEnable_On | Tonal range adjustment is enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for TonalRangeEnable.
enum TonalRangeSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TonalRangeSelector_Blue | Only the blue pixel values are used for tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
TonalRangeSelector_Green | Only the green pixel values are used for tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
TonalRangeSelector_Red | Only the red pixel values are used for tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
TonalRangeSelector_Sum | The summed RGB pixel values are used for tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for TonalRangeSelector.
enum TriggerActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TriggerActivation_AnyEdge | The selected trigger is activated by the falling or rising edge of the source signal - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerActivation_FallingEdge | The selected trigger is activated by the falling edge of the source signal - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerActivation_LevelHigh | The selected trigger is activated when the source signal is high - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerActivation_LevelLow | The selected trigger is activated when the source signal is low - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerActivation_RisingEdge | The selected trigger is activated by the rising edge of the source signal - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for TriggerActivation.
enum TriggerControlImplementationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TriggerControlImplementation_Legacy | The image acquisition control mode is set to Legacy - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerControlImplementation_Standard | The image acquisition control mode is set to Standard - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TriggerControlImplementation.
enum TriggerDelaySourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TriggerDelaySource_LineTrigger | The trigger delay is expressed as a number of line triggers - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerDelaySource_Time_us | The trigger delay is expressed as a time interval in microseconds - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TriggerDelaySource.
enum TriggerModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TriggerMode_Off | The currently selected trigger is turned off - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerMode_On | The currently selected trigger is turned on - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for TriggerMode.
enum TriggerSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TriggerSelector_AcquisitionActive | Selects the acquisition active trigger for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSelector_AcquisitionEnd | Selects the acquisition end trigger for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart | The Acquisition Start trigger can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSelector_ExposureActive | The Exposure Active trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_ExposureEnd | The Exposure End trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_ExposureStart | The Exposure Start trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_FrameActive | The Frame Active trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_FrameBurstActive | The Frame Burst Active trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_FrameBurstEnd | The Frame Burst End trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_FrameBurstStart | The Frame Burst Start trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_FrameEnd | The Frame End trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_FrameStart | The Frame Start trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSelector_LineStart | The Line Start trigger can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TriggerSelector.
enum TriggerSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TriggerSource_Action1 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to action command signal 1 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Action2 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to action command signal 2 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace 2 GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Action3 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to action command signal 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Action4 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to action command signal 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_CC1 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to CC1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_CC2 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to CC2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_CC3 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to CC3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_CC4 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to CC4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_CXPTrigger0 | The CXP Trigger 0 trigger can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. | |
TriggerSource_Counter1Active | The Counter 1 Active trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Counter1End | The Counter 1 End trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Counter1Start | The Counter 1 Start trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Counter2Active | The Counter 2 Active trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Counter2End | The Counter 2 End trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Counter2Start | The Counter 2 Start trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_CxpTrigger0 | The CXP Trigger 0 trigger can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_CxpTrigger1 | The CXP Trigger 1 trigger can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_FrequencyConverter | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to the frequency converter module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Line1 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 1 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Line2 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 2 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Line3 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 3 - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Line4 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 4 - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
TriggerSource_Line5 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 5 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Line6 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 6 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Line7 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 7 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Line8 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 8 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_PeriodicSignal1 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Periodic Signal 1 - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 GigE and dart MIPI. | |
TriggerSource_ShaftEncoderModuleOut | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Software | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software triggering - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_SoftwareSignal1 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 1 - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_SoftwareSignal2 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 2 - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_SoftwareSignal3 | The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 3 - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Timer1Active | The Timer 1 Active trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Timer1End | The Timer 1 End trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Timer1Start | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to timer 1 start - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_Timer2Active | The Timer 2 Active trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_Timer2End | The Timer 2 End trigger can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
TriggerSource_UserOutput1 | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to user output 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_UserOutput2 | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to user output 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_VInput1 | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 1 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_VInput2 | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 2 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_VInput3 | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 3 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_VInput4 | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 4 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
TriggerSource_VInputDecActive | Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input Decoder Active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for TriggerSource.
enum UserDefinedValueSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UserDefinedValueSelector_Value1 | The user-defined value 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
UserDefinedValueSelector_Value2 | The user-defined value 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
UserDefinedValueSelector_Value3 | The user-defined value 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
UserDefinedValueSelector_Value4 | The user-defined value 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
UserDefinedValueSelector_Value5 | The user-defined value 5 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Valid values for UserDefinedValueSelector.
enum UserOutputSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput0 | The user-settable output signal 0 can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput1 | The user-settable output signal 1 can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput2 | The user-settable output signal 2 can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput3 | The user-settable output signal 3 can be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput4 | The user-settable output signal 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, dart 2 USB and dart USB. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput5 | Selects user settable output signal 5 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput6 | Selects user settable output signal 6 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput7 | Selects user settable output signal 7 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutput8 | Selects user settable output signal 8 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC1 | Selects user settable output signal CC1 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC2 | Selects user settable output signal CC2 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC3 | Selects user settable output signal CC3 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputCC4 | Selects user settable output signal CC4 for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputClSpare | The user-settable output signal CL Spare can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine1 | User-settable output signal Line 1 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine2 | User-settable output signal Line 2 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine3 | User-settable output signal Line 3 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. | |
UserOutputSelector_UserOutputLine4 | User-settable output signal Line 4 can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Valid values for UserOutputSelector.
enum UserSetDefaultEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UserSetDefault_AutoFunctions | The Auto Functions factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
UserSetDefault_Color | The factory set enabling color adjustments is set as the startup set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
UserSetDefault_ColorRaw | The Color Raw factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
UserSetDefault_Default | The Default User Set factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserSetDefault_HighGain | The High Gain factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
UserSetDefault_LightMicroscopy | The Light Microscopy factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace USB. | |
UserSetDefault_UserSet1 | User set 1 is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserSetDefault_UserSet2 | User set 2 is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserSetDefault_UserSet3 | User set 3 is set as the default startup set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for UserSetDefault.
enum UserSetDefaultSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UserSetDefaultSelector_AutoFunctions | The Auto Functions factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_Color | The Color factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_ColorRaw | The Color Raw factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_Custom0 | Custom 0 factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_Custom1 | Custom 1 factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_Default | The Default User Set factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_HighGain | The High Gain factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_LightMicroscopy | The Light Microscopy factory set is set as the default startup set - Applies to: GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_UserSet1 | User set 1 is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_UserSet2 | User set 2 is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetDefaultSelector_UserSet3 | User set 3 is set as the default startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for UserSetDefaultSelector.
enum UserSetSelectorEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UserSetSelector_AutoFunctions | The Auto Functions factory set can be loaded - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
UserSetSelector_Color | The Color factory set can be loaded - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
UserSetSelector_ColorRaw | The Color Raw factory set can be loaded - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
UserSetSelector_Custom0 | The Custom 0 factory set can be loaded - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetSelector_Custom1 | The Custom 1 factory set can be loaded - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
UserSetSelector_Default | The Default User Set factory set can be loaded - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserSetSelector_HighGain | The High Gain factory set can be loaded - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. | |
UserSetSelector_LightMicroscopy | The Light Microscopy factory set can be loaded - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
UserSetSelector_UserSet1 | User set 1 can be saved, loaded, or configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserSetSelector_UserSet2 | User set 2 can be saved, loaded, or configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. | |
UserSetSelector_UserSet3 | User set 3 can be saved, loaded, or configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Valid values for UserSetSelector.
enum VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
VInpSignalReadoutActivation_FallingEdge | Sets the type of signal change necessary to start the signal evaluation - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalReadoutActivation_RisingEdge | Sets the type of signal change necessary to start the signal evaluation - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for VInpSignalReadoutActivation.
enum VInpSignalSourceEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
VInpSignalSource_CC1 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_CC2 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_CC3 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_CC4 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line1 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line2 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line3 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line4 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line5 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line6 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line7 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. | |
VInpSignalSource_Line8 | TODO - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Valid values for VInpSignalSource.
enum VignettingCorrectionModeEnums#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
VignettingCorrectionMode_Off | The vignetting correction is disabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. | |
VignettingCorrectionMode_On | The vignetting correction is enabled - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Valid values for VignettingCorrectionMode.