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Module: Instant Camera / Universal Instant Camera for All Basler Devices

The Universal grab result data.

#include <pylon/BaslerUniversalGrabResultData.h>

Inherits from Pylon::CGrabResultData, Basler_UniversalChunkDataParams::CUniversalChunkDataParams_Params, Basler_UniversalChunkDataParams::CUniversalChunkDataParams_Params_v8_0_0

Public Functions#

bool GrabSucceeded() const
Returns true if an image has been grabbed successfully and false in the case of an error.
String_t GetErrorDescription() const
This method returns a description of the error if GrabSucceeded() returns false due to an error.
uint32_t GetErrorCode() const
This method returns the error code if GrabSucceeded() returns false due to an error.
EPayloadType GetPayloadType() const
Get the current payload type.
EPixelType GetPixelType() const
Get the current pixel type.
uint32_t GetWidth() const
Get the current number of columns.
uint32_t GetHeight() const
Get the current number of rows expressed as number of pixels.
uint32_t GetOffsetX() const
Get the current starting column.
uint32_t GetOffsetY() const
Get the current starting row.
uint32_t GetPaddingX() const
Get the number of extra data at the end of each row in bytes.
uint32_t GetPaddingY() const
Get the number of extra data at the end of the image data in bytes.
void * GetBuffer() const
Get the pointer to the buffer.
size_t GetPayloadSize() const
Get the current payload size in bytes.
size_t GetBufferSize() const
Get the size of the buffer returned by GetBuffer() in bytes.
uint64_t GetBlockID() const
Get the block ID of the grabbed frame (camera device specific).
uint64_t GetTimeStamp() const
Get the camera specific tick count (camera device specific).
bool GetStride(size_t & strideBytes) const
Get the stride in bytes.
size_t GetImageSize() const
Get the size of the image in byte.
intptr_t GetCameraContext() const
Get the context value assigned to the camera object. The context is attached to the result when it is retrieved.
int64_t GetID() const
Get the ID of the grabbed image.
int64_t GetImageNumber() const
Get the number of the image. This number is incremented when an image is retrieved using CInstantCamera::RetrieveResult().
int64_t GetNumberOfSkippedImages() const
Get the number of skipped images before this image.
bool IsChunkDataAvailable() const
Returns true if chunk data is available.
GenApi::INodeMap & GetChunkDataNodeMap() const
Get the reference to the chunk data node map connected to the result.
bool HasCRC() const
Checks if buffer has a CRC attached. This needs not be activated for the device. See the PayloadCRC16 chunk.
bool CheckCRC() const
Checks CRC sum of buffer, returns true if CRC sum is OK.
intptr_t GetBufferContext() const
Get the context value assigned to the buffer. The context is set when CInstamtCamera is using a custom buffer factory.
CPylonDataContainer GetDataContainer() const
Returns the grab result as a CPylonDataContainer.
size_t GetDataComponentCount() const
Returns the number of components contained in the container.
CPylonDataComponent GetDataComponent(size_t index)
Returns a specific component from the container.

Protected Functions#

virtual void Destroy()
virtual void Initialize()

Public Attributes#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatusEnums > & BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus
Indicates the status of the target brightness adjustments performed by the Exposure Auto and Gain Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslChunkTimestampSelectorEnums > & BslChunkTimestampSelector
Sets which information should be included in the Chunk Timestamp Value chunk - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & BslChunkTimestampValue
Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkCounterSelectorEnums > & ChunkCounterSelector
Sets which counter to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkCounterValue
Value of the selected chunk counter - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkDynamicRangeMax
Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkDynamicRangeMin
Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IFloatEx & ChunkExposureTime
Exposure time used to acquire the image - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFrameID
Unique identifier of the current frame - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFrameTriggerCounter
Value of the Frame Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFrameTriggerIgnoredCounter
Value of the Frame Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFramecounter
Value of the Frame counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFramesPerTriggerCounter
Value of the Frames per Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IFloatEx & ChunkGain
Gain used during image acquisition - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkGainAll
Gain All value of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkGainSelectorEnums > & ChunkGainSelector
Sets which gain channel to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkHeight
AOI height of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerBitsPerLine
Number of bits per line used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerIndex
Index number used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerValue
Value indicating the status of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineStatusAll
Bit field that indicates the status of all of the camera's input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineTriggerCounter
Value of the Line Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineTriggerEndToEndCounter
Value of the Line Trigger End to End counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineTriggerIgnoredCounter
Value of the Line Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkOffsetX
X offset of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkOffsetY
Y offset of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkPayloadCRC16
CRC checksum of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax
Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin
Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkPixelFormatEnums > & ChunkPixelFormat
Indicates the pixel format of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkSequenceSetIndex
Sequence set index number related to the acquired image - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkSequencerSetActive
Index of the active sequencer set - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkShaftEncoderCounter
Value of the Shaft Encoder counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkStride
Number of bytes of data between the beginning of one line in the acquired image and the beginning of the next line in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkTimestamp
Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE and ace USB.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkTriggerinputcounter
Value of the Trigger Input counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkVirtLineStatusAll
Status of all of the camera's virtual input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.
Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkWidth
Width of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Additional inherited members#

Friends inherited from Pylon::CGrabResultData

class CInstantCamera
Internal use only. The grab result data class should only be created by the instant camera class.

Public Functions Documentation#

function GrabSucceeded#

bool GrabSucceeded() const

Returns true if an image has been grabbed successfully and false in the case of an error.

function GetErrorDescription#

String_t GetErrorDescription() const

This method returns a description of the error if GrabSucceeded() returns false due to an error.

function GetErrorCode#

uint32_t GetErrorCode() const

This method returns the error code if GrabSucceeded() returns false due to an error.

function GetPayloadType#

EPayloadType GetPayloadType() const

Get the current payload type.

function GetPixelType#

EPixelType GetPixelType() const

Get the current pixel type.

function GetWidth#

uint32_t GetWidth() const

Get the current number of columns.

function GetHeight#

uint32_t GetHeight() const

Get the current number of rows expressed as number of pixels.

function GetOffsetX#

uint32_t GetOffsetX() const

Get the current starting column.

function GetOffsetY#

uint32_t GetOffsetY() const

Get the current starting row.

function GetPaddingX#

uint32_t GetPaddingX() const

Get the number of extra data at the end of each row in bytes.

function GetPaddingY#

uint32_t GetPaddingY() const

Get the number of extra data at the end of the image data in bytes.

function GetBuffer#

void * GetBuffer() const

Get the pointer to the buffer.

If the chunk data feature is activated for the device, chunk data is appended to the image data. When writing past the image section while performing image processing, the chunk data will be corrupted.

function GetPayloadSize#

size_t GetPayloadSize() const

Get the current payload size in bytes.

function GetBufferSize#

size_t GetBufferSize() const

Get the size of the buffer returned by GetBuffer() in bytes.

function GetBlockID#

uint64_t GetBlockID() const

Get the block ID of the grabbed frame (camera device specific).

Attention: A block ID with the value UINT64_MAX indicates that the block ID is invalid and must not be used.

GigE Camera Devices

If the Extended ID mode is disabled (default), the sequence number starts with 1 and wraps at 65535. If the Extended ID mode is enabled, the sequence number starts with 1 and uses the full 64-bit unsigned integer value range.

USB Camera Devices

The sequence number starts with 0 and uses the full 64 Bit range.

A value of 0 indicates that this feature is not supported by the camera. You can configure the Extended ID mode by setting the GevGVSPExtendedIDMode or the BslGevGVSPExtendedIDMode parameter, if available. The Instant Camera class and the pylon GigE stream grabber provide additional parameters for controlling the Extended ID mode.

function GetTimeStamp#

uint64_t GetTimeStamp() const

Get the camera specific tick count (camera device specific).

This describes when the image exposure was started. Cameras that do not support this feature return zero. If supported, this can be used to determine which image AOIs were acquired simultaneously.

function GetStride#

bool GetStride(
    size_t & strideBytes
) const

Get the stride in bytes.

function GetImageSize#

size_t GetImageSize() const

Get the size of the image in byte.

function GetCameraContext#

intptr_t GetCameraContext() const

Get the context value assigned to the camera object. The context is attached to the result when it is retrieved.

function GetID#

int64_t GetID() const

Get the ID of the grabbed image.

Always returns a number larger than 0. The counting starts with 1 and is never reset during the lifetime of the Instant Camera object.

function GetImageNumber#

int64_t GetImageNumber() const

Get the number of the image. This number is incremented when an image is retrieved using CInstantCamera::RetrieveResult().

Always returns a number larger than 0. The counting starts with 1 and is reset with every call to CInstantCamera::StartGrabbing().

function GetNumberOfSkippedImages#

int64_t GetNumberOfSkippedImages() const

Get the number of skipped images before this image.

This value can be larger than 0 if EGrabStrategy_LatestImageOnly grab strategy or GrabStrategy_LatestImages grab strategy is used. Always returns a number larger than or equal 0. This number does not include the number of images lost in case of a buffer underrun in the driver.

function IsChunkDataAvailable#

bool IsChunkDataAvailable() const

Returns true if chunk data is available.

This is the case if the chunk mode is enabled for the camera device. The parameter CInstantCamera::ChunkNodeMapsEnable of the used Instant Camera object is set to true (default setting). Chunk data node maps are supported by the Transport Layer of the camera device.

function GetChunkDataNodeMap#

GenApi::INodeMap & GetChunkDataNodeMap() const

Get the reference to the chunk data node map connected to the result.

An empty node map is returned when the device does not support this feature or when chunks are disabled.

function HasCRC#

bool HasCRC() const

Checks if buffer has a CRC attached. This needs not be activated for the device. See the PayloadCRC16 chunk.

function CheckCRC#

bool CheckCRC() const

Checks CRC sum of buffer, returns true if CRC sum is OK.

function GetBufferContext#

intptr_t GetBufferContext() const

Get the context value assigned to the buffer. The context is set when CInstamtCamera is using a custom buffer factory.

function GetDataContainer#

CPylonDataContainer GetDataContainer() const

Returns the grab result as a CPylonDataContainer.

function GetDataComponentCount#

size_t GetDataComponentCount() const

Returns the number of components contained in the container.

Return: Returns the number of components contained in the container.

Error Safety:

Does not throw C++ exceptions.

Thread Safety:

This class is not thread-safe. If you access the same instance from multiple threads, you must make sure to synchronize the access accordingly.

You can use the return value to iterate over the existing components by calling Pylon::CPylonDataContainer::GetDataComponent().

function GetDataComponent#

CPylonDataComponent GetDataComponent(
    size_t index

Returns a specific component from the container.


  • index Index of the component to return. The index must be less than the value returned by Pylon::CPylonDataContainer::GetComponentCount().

Return: Returns the component specified by the index parameter.

Error Safety:

Throws an exception if the index parameter is out of range. Can throw exceptions in low-memory conditions.

Thread Safety:

This class is not thread-safe. If you access the same instance from multiple threads, you must make sure to synchronize the access accordingly.

Protected Functions Documentation#

function Destroy#

inline virtual void Destroy()

Reimplements: Pylon::CGrabResultData::Destroy

function Initialize#

inline virtual void Initialize()

Reimplements: Pylon::CGrabResultData::Initialize

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatusEnums > & BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus;

Indicates the status of the target brightness adjustments performed by the Exposure Auto and Gain Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Expert

variable BslChunkTimestampSelector#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslChunkTimestampSelectorEnums > & BslChunkTimestampSelector;

Sets which information should be included in the Chunk Timestamp Value chunk - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslChunkTimestampValue

variable BslChunkTimestampValue#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & BslChunkTimestampValue;

Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslChunkTimestampSelector

variable ChunkCounterSelector#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkCounterSelectorEnums > & ChunkCounterSelector;

Sets which counter to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkCounterValue

variable ChunkCounterValue#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkCounterValue;

Value of the selected chunk counter - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkCounterSelector

variable ChunkDynamicRangeMax#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkDynamicRangeMax;

Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkDynamicRangeMin#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkDynamicRangeMin;

Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkExposureTime#

Pylon::IFloatEx & ChunkExposureTime;

Exposure time used to acquire the image - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkFrameID#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFrameID;

Unique identifier of the current frame - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Unique identifier of the current frame. The frame ID starts at 0 and keeps incrementing by 1 for each exposed image until the camera is powered off. The maximum value is 2^48.

Visibility: Expert

variable ChunkFrameTriggerCounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFrameTriggerCounter;

Value of the Frame Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkFrameTriggerIgnoredCounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFrameTriggerIgnoredCounter;

Value of the Frame Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkFramecounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFramecounter;

Value of the Frame counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkFramesPerTriggerCounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkFramesPerTriggerCounter;

Value of the Frames per Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkGain#

Pylon::IFloatEx & ChunkGain;

Gain used during image acquisition - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkGainSelector

variable ChunkGainAll#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkGainAll;

Gain All value of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkGainSelector#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkGainSelectorEnums > & ChunkGainSelector;

Sets which gain channel to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace USB.

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkGain

variable ChunkHeight#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkHeight;

AOI height of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerBitsPerLine#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerBitsPerLine;

Number of bits per line used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerIndex#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerIndex;

Index number used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter - Applies to: GigE.

Index number used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter. The index number can be used to get the state of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired. For example, if you want to know the state of the camera's input lines when line 30 was acquired, set the index to 30, then retrieve the value of Status Index parameter.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerValue#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerValue;

Value indicating the status of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Value indicating the status of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired. The information is stored in a 4-bit value (bit 0 = input line 1 state, bit 1 = input line 2 state etc.). For more information, see the Status Index parameter documentation.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkLineStatusAll#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineStatusAll;

Bit field that indicates the status of all of the camera's input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkLineTriggerCounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineTriggerCounter;

Value of the Line Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkLineTriggerEndToEndCounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineTriggerEndToEndCounter;

Value of the Line Trigger End to End counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkLineTriggerIgnoredCounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkLineTriggerIgnoredCounter;

Value of the Line Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkOffsetX#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkOffsetX;

X offset of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkOffsetY#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkOffsetY;

Y offset of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkPayloadCRC16#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkPayloadCRC16;

CRC checksum of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB.

CRC checksum of the acquired image. The checksum is calculated using all of the image data and all of the appended chunks except for the checksum itself.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax;

Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Expert

variable ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin;

Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Expert

variable ChunkPixelFormat#

Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkPixelFormatEnums > & ChunkPixelFormat;

Indicates the pixel format of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkSequenceSetIndex#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkSequenceSetIndex;

Sequence set index number related to the acquired image - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkSequencerSetActive#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkSequencerSetActive;

Index of the active sequencer set - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkShaftEncoderCounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkShaftEncoderCounter;

Value of the Shaft Encoder counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkStride#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkStride;

Number of bytes of data between the beginning of one line in the acquired image and the beginning of the next line in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkTimestamp#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkTimestamp;

Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE and ace USB.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkTriggerinputcounter#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkTriggerinputcounter;

Value of the Trigger Input counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkVirtLineStatusAll#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkVirtLineStatusAll;

Status of all of the camera's virtual input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE.

Visibility: Beginner

variable ChunkWidth#

Pylon::IIntegerEx & ChunkWidth;

Width of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE.

Visibility: Beginner